Friday, September 21, 2007

4 Ways to Build a Stronger WWE

The WWE has been struggling for several months now and it's been in need of serious repair as wrestlers get injured, fired, suspended or quit the WWE. The majority of these things seem to relate to the WWE's problem with its Wellness Policy and accusations by the media and former wrestlers over rampant drug use. As the WWE loses performers, it really needs to start to repair and heal its product.

Here are 4 ways in which it can do so:

1) Combine the rosters into 1 show/brand

This one has seemed to make sense for a while and starts to make more sense as the WWE suspends, fires and loses more of its wrestlers. Just keeping up with the 5 hours of wrestling (sometimes 6 or more if there's a PPV) through the week can be tough. In combining the rosters of Raw, Smackdown and ECW, you get all of the talent together to use, can improve the tag team division(s) and withstand the losses of any wrestlers who quit or get suspended. While the drafts and trades are always interesting to watch, combining the rosters will only make WWE stronger.

2) Have just one tag team title for WWE

The WWE tag team divisions have been rather weak lately. When you look at Raw it is basically Cade & Murdoch, Kendrick and London and then World's Greatest Team. After that it is whichever singles wrestlers might form an alliance. On Smackdown you have Deuce & Domino, MVP and Matt Hardy (who won't be a tag team forever), Major Brothers and then Jesse & Festus (who haven't really been in the ring for Smackdown). Combining it to have just one title, you could make the tag division look stronger. If the 3 brands don't merge, then at least it makes for better Pay Per View matches between all the teams going for the 1 tag title.

3) Inject the rosters with some fresh new talent

There's been news and rumors of signings and wrestler comebacks. Some new wrestlers should be worked into the mix beyond Cody Rhodes and Jesse and Festus. The WWE creative team should be able to do a lot more with gimmicks and characters, it just needs to start introducing them, rather then stretching the available rosters thin. As mentioned before the returns of guys like Bobby Lashley, Shawn Michaels and even Chris Jericho will also go a long way to keep fans cheering and entertained. The returns of HHH, Mysterio and Undertaker have already lent credibility to this concept.

4) Reshape and polish the Wellness Program/Policy

This one will most likely happen after WWE has faced Congress, or right before. WWE wants to cooperate with the US Government, because that is the last thing a company needs, the government on its case. WWE is a business that wants to stay in business, so it will take all the appropriate measures. This will not only make the WWE more respected by its fans, but also silence the critics. The Rock had an interesting comment in a recent interview saying that any wrestler who is discovered to have been using drugs should immediately be kicked out of WWE. Rock also said that wrestlers should focus on selling their face, rather than muscles. In other words, craft the character to entertain the fans rather than relying on looking like a superhuman. Expect to see WWE's Wellness Policy re-shaped within the next few weeks or months.

The WWE isn't in any danger of folding right now, as it still manages to pack fans into arenas for the shows. It still sells Pay Per Views and merchandise and gets decent TV ratings. Scandals and controversies will always come and go for major companies. At this time which has seemed dark for WWE, it's only going to help build a bigger, better and stronger brand than before if WWE learns from the issues and finds ways to rebuild.

What other things would you do to help make the WWE stronger?

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