Monday, June 25, 2007

Vengeance Thoughts

Now that Vengeance has ended some fans may feel jipped, with just 1 title really changing over and 1 vacant title being decided. There wasn't anything too shocking or groundbreaking here. The biggest surprises and disappointments of the night probably came from the same match.

Biggest shocker: Johnny Nitro ends up taking Chris Benoit's spot and beats CM Punk for ECW title. Nobody saw this coming, maybe not even Benoit, Punk or Nitro. Still a surprising move here. Benoit was said to have a family emergency forcing him to be unable to attend the Pay Per View. Now Johnny Nitro is the new champion of ECW. A big question here, why would this match not have been turned into a Triple Threat with CM Punk, Cor Von and Burke? After all, those were 3 of the top 4 contenders as of this past week, and Nitro just moved over and beat a no name..Most likely Nitro was best prepared for this and they had limited time to set up a three way match.

Biggest disappointment: I can see why fans would be upset if they payed for a ticket or Pay Per View and didn't get to see Benoit possibly win the title (seems like he would have if he had been there, since CM Punk did not win). Also many wrestling sites and blogs (mine included) said this should be the best match of the card. A family emergency definitely takes priority though so that is completely understandable from Benoit. The other disappointment might be that the only title seen changing hands was the Women's, while on a "Night of Champions" everyone kept their title. Congrats to Candice Michelle but you gotta ask if paying the price for the Pay Per View just to see the Candice victory and Nitro surprise win was worth it?

The fact Batista doesn't get any shots at the title is a bit strange too. He seems to have the crowd support and fans on his side, which makes you wonder what is in store for him next. Feuding with Khali and Henry doesn't seem like enough for a star like Batista on Smackdown. Let's hope he wins a Royal Rumble or Money in the Bank match soon to go for the gold again.

Meanwhile, Cena continues to be built up as a legend by WWE. I'm sure this pleases many fans and absolutely disgusts others, but Cena is the face of WWE right now and sells tickets and merchandise..Question is who will be the one to finally take his title, Lashley, HHH or Mr. Kennedy?

Stay tuned for Monday Night Raw at a special start time of 8PM EST on USA for more..

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