Friday, August 3, 2007

The Jeff Hardy Situation

The Jeff Hardy story, which is unclear still to this point, seems to have alot of WWE fans in a frenzy. As of a few days ago it was unclear whether Jeff has been given time to let injuries heal (from his match with Mr. Kennedy) or if Jeff was suspended. Some people have gone as far as to tell me "get your facts straight" and "wait until we hear it from WWE". First off, as I mentioned at the start here, the situation is still unclear. I present info in these blogs. Blogs are never a total source of truth, this is not the New York Times or a newspaper. Let's also be honest, the WWE doesn't tell us everything, which is why they are having to turn over information due to a US Congress request. I don't think they would publicize any internal problem with a wrestler, because in their interest, it doesn't look good.

So let's not get carried away saying the WWE tells us everything. The WWE tells us about fake suspensions and not real ones. WWE pretended to give Ashley a suspension to cover up her taking time off from WWE to do Survivor. The WWE does not always report every real life story either. If so, someone remind me if and when Vince McMahon appeared anywhere and said "my limo explosion and death were faked". He did not. We've all seen Vince alive and kicking on Raw and other places since then. The WWE presents mainly storylines and its site is part of that. does not tell us all of the latest news, other than interviews with wrestlers, a surgery update, what Kelly Kelly has in her closet, or a tour of John Cena's cars. They don't report on real life arguments or grumblings behind the scenes. And I highly doubt they would report "hey this wrestler is using drugs and was suspended". That may change after Congress gets finished, but who knows.

Now let's look at the two varying reports:

This is what reported as of Tuesday July 31:

This is an update from Jeff himself that I posted on forum.

Jeff sustained neck and back injuries from his fall on last weeks RAW (7/23/07). They (WWE) are giving him time off to heal.

Credit: Tamran, &

posted by Tamran @ 8:44 PM

This is what reports, I'm not calling it fact, I'm presenting what they reported:

According to PWInsider, "The official reasoning for Jeff Hardy's 30-day suspension is being presented as "a lack of maturity". Whatever he did that was "immature" is not known yet at this moment."

A columnist at has gone as far as to speculate the "WWE drug police" caught Jeff abusing painkillers. Part of the WWE's drug policy does involve a suspension if you fail a drug test once or twice. Again, this is 1 site's report and I'm not calling it a concrete fact. I present you information and you can evaluate it how you choose.

I do not know the validity of's report. It is entirely possible they are wrong. I also do not believe WWE would inform us "Jeff Hardy was suspended" and do believe the WWE tells us when wrestlers are really injured. (Examples: Lashley, Triple H, Rey Mysterio, Edge...) The only suspensions WWE informs us of are fake ones. They do however inform us if a wrestler is fired for real. doesn't report on their site if Randy Orton and another guy got into a squabble back in the lockerroom. And squabbles like this do happen in sports locker rooms. Let's be serious and realize rumors are rumors and not to take WWE so serious.

To clear it up, at the moment either Jeff is taking time off for an injury or he was suspended by WWE. Right now it's all speculation. If he were in fact injured, I believe would have told us this by now. They have told us all about what is going on with Bobby Lashley getting evaluated and needing surgery. We will continue to see what develops, but getting angry over one site's report is a bit too much.

I also understand Jeff Hardy is a fan favorite and the intention here is not to defame his character, because he is a talented professional wrestler.

I welcome comments/opposing opinions as always. Comments containing vulgarity will not be published.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The WWE doesn't always tell us what's going on unless it effects the main eventers. Stevie Richards sat at home for over ten months from 2005 to 2006 and nothing was ever explained, so let's get off of Jeff Hardy's back

August 3, 2007 at 10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You indeed said that the situation was still unclear. So to those who advised that you get your facts, get your own facts straight first. I assume these were somewhat young fans who only remember and see what they want to.

Please keep doing the outstanding job that you have been doing. You are definitely a reputable source of professional werestling. Which is far more than I can say for the WWE's propoganda reports.

August 3, 2007 at 10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you have to defend yourself about what you post in the blogs. In my opinion, you always post where you get your information and credit that source. I think if someone is pissed off by what you post then need to get over it and get pissed off at the source you got it from.

As far as Jeff, if he is injuried I wish him well and hope he gets better soon. So we all can enjoy his talent again. If he got suspended for "pain killer abuse" then I'm sorry but that is the price for abusing. This many be rude to some yet many children look up to these wresters. Children need to realize that if break the rules there are consequences even if you are famous.

No matter what Jeff's situation is I hope that it gets solved soon so he can come back.

August 3, 2007 at 11:10 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

HERE HERE! I couldn't have said it better myself! I'm a huge Jeff Hardy fan but I hate it when fans get over zealous because of SPECULATION. You hear that? Nothings fact yet. Calm down. This guy's just doin his job. Just like all the other blogs. I'm sure we're gonna hear that Jeff threw a Fisher-Price, Little People's toy at Mr. Kennedy. Are you gonna believe it? That's up to you. But don't kill the messenger...

August 3, 2007 at 11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually Mr. McMahon did admit his limo explosion and his death was fake. He did it on the Raw after the real-life deaths of Chris, Nancy, and Daniel Benoit.

August 3, 2007 at 2:43 PM  
Blogger MC said...

Thanks to those who gave their comments of support. Everyone is entitled to opinions too, and I realize that when a favorite wrestler may have been suspended it causes his fans to have disbelief over a rumor. And again, I have nothing against Jeff Hardy and think he's a talented wrestler. I'm interested to see how this story develops like everyone else.

Steven, you're right to an extent. Vince gave a brief sentence like "tonight was supposed to be a tribute to my character Mr. McMahon's presumed death". But that was it. There was no post on about it or anything else to tell fans it was fake. In fact, they reported alot more on the fake story (memorials, FBI investigations, and the McMahon's issuing press statements about the death) when you compare it to that brief sentence he made.

August 3, 2007 at 5:27 PM  

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