Saturday, August 11, 2007

Wrestling War: Hulk vs. Vince?

Hulk Hogan is vowing to beat Vince McMahon again. However, this time he plans to do so by providing his own wrestling show, rings and superstars. In a recent The Sun UK interview, the Hulkster discusses why the WWE is not a doing as well these days. Hulk also discusses how he plans to form his own wrestling company which he believes can dethrone WWE. In the interview Hogan discusses his last conversation with Vince, John Cena as "the new Hogan", WWE events, a possible matches against Cena or Stone Cold and more..

Here's an excerpt from The Sun UK:

"People are going to be very excited when they hear your plans to start your own wrestling promotion. Can you tell us any more?

If I can do what I want to do in the next few months then this will be bigger than anything ever done before in wrestling.

You've seen WrestleMania, the nWo, UFC, steel cages, PPV - but this is something completely different again.

Someone else gave me the idea and I said go ahead go and do this crazy thing.

It is something I would have never dreamed of. It would be like inventing an engine that runs on air that kind of an idea

Wrestling needs to be about the art form again. It needs to be about painting a picture and having a really good match.

Whether the guy can dropkick off the top of the cage or, like me, his boots never leave the ground - it's about understanding what this business is about.

The best wrestlers, whether it's a Hulk Hogan or a Rey Mysterio, are the ones who have psychology and can understand this business.

Do you think anyone can challenge the WWE's dominance of wrestling?


If you look at the numbers when I was in WCW, we used to beat them every week.

We had three times the audience of Vince. He was facing bankruptcy.

Then AOL merged with Time Warner and said we do not want wrestling on our stations, and that was the end of WCW.

Right now, Vince's stuff has been compromised.

With all respect to TNA, the WWE is the only option people really have - but it is not at the level of the quality of programming that Vince usually puts out.

What don't you like about the WWE product at the moment?

Well, I never said I didn't like it.

Sorry, what do you think it lacks then?

It lacks stars, it lacks consistency, it lacks quality story lines and it lacks anybody that understands the art form.

Everybody's out there wrestling like a robot."

It will be interesting to see if Hogan can get this going. He definitely has the name and star power to do it and possibly can pull together a good group of former and current wrestlers to participate in and promote this. Time will tell if Hogan can once again defeat Mr. McMahon, this time controlling the ring, ref and matches himself.

Read the full Sun UK interview with Hulk Hogan here.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol Hes defently Right Im with Hogan Make sure You Bring back Hall and Xpac wwe has one superstar left That puts on a show lol thats Edge all those big for nothings and cenas shoulda lost that belt along time ago Tna is getting better tho got some action lol Cage Aj and Angle eny ways Good luck With that.......... |R| u s t y

August 16, 2007 at 5:34 AM  

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