Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy 40th Birthday Triple H!

WWE Superstar Triple H's 40th birthday is today, July 27th, 2009. HHH (real name: Paul Levesque) has been entertaining crowds since back in the mid 90's after starting out with WCW. Levesque got his start with WWE way back in April 1995 as the "Connecticut Blueblood Hunter Hearst Helmsley". His original gimmick some him as a sort of snobby upper-class wrestler, cutting promos about proper manners and etiquette. Hunter had an early push which included a feud with Duke "The Dumpster" Droese, and a Wrestlemania XII loss to Ultimate Warrior. Hunter was at one time escorted to the ring by Sable and took out his frustration on her for the loss, prompting Marc Mero to come out and save her. HHH and Mero feuded afterwards.

It's no secret that Triple H aka "The Game" is a storied wrestler who has won multiple championships during his career. He first won the Intercontinental Title in 1996 with Mr. Perfect as his manager. He eventually enlisted the services of two different bodyguards; first Mr. Hughes, and then well-known diva, Chyna. In 97, HHH won King of the Ring, and aligned himself with Shawn Michaels, Chyna and Rick Rude to form the first ever version of D-Generation X.

In 1999, Triple H won his first WWF Championship, the night after Summerslam, when he defeated Mankind on Monday Night Raw. While he may have lost his title match at 2009 Night of Champions PPV, The Game's been the champion a combined 13 times (WWE 8 & World Heavyweight 5) since then and has been involved in feuds with the likes of The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Mankind. More recently, HHH has been in fights with Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy and John Cena. He's famous for his finisher, The Pedigree, as well as his ring entrance which has him spitting up a misty spray of water as he gets onto the apron to get in the ring.

HHH is also married to Stephanie McMahon aka "the boss' daughter". The WWE power couple has two daughters, Aurora Rose and Murphy Claire Levesque. The Game's been on The Drew Carey Show, Bernie Mac Show, The Weakest Link, MAD TV and SNL. Stephanie and Hunter also appeared in an episode of Punk'd, with Stephanie in on a wedding day practical joke played on HHH.

Wishing Triple H a happy 40th birthday...perhaps Shaq will throw him a proper bash in the ring for Raw?

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