Monday, July 27, 2009

Thoughts on Night of Champions 2009

The 2009 Night of Champions Pay-Per-View, produced 3 new champions, one of which is completely over with the WWE Universe crowds. Mickie James won the WWE Divas Championship, Christian is the new ECW Champion and in the biggest moment of the night, Jeff Hardy defeated CM Punk for the World Heavyweight title.

There's been rumors that Jeff Hardy will possibly leave WWE in a month or so. If that's the case, the title switch may have been to give him reason to stay around. It also may have been to allow Punk to defeat him again so he can have a third title reign. Nonetheless, many fans are ecstatic to see Hardy carrying the belt, but how long will it last for?

I don't want to cast a dark cloud on Hardy's win; but the Night of Champions event gave WWE the opportunity to really push some new stars, but they chose not to. They may feel Summerslam is a bigger buy for Pay-Per-Views and therefore are saving the title wins for that event. Two titles I definitely felt should have changed over are the Intercontinental Title and United States Title. Dolph Ziggler seems to have received a great push since arriving to Smackdown, yet WWE dropped the ball at NOC, by having him lose to Mysterio. A title win would have propelled him to the top heels of the show. He still is up there, but the loss was quite surprising. Many analysts were calling for this title win, yet WWE decided against it. Again, maybe we'll see him emerge as IC champ at Summerslam.

The United States Title is another one that could have really jumpstarted a guy's career. Two guys who would have benefited most are The Miz and Jack Swagger. Let's face it, Raw has a shortage of top heels. The Miz had seen what seemed like a push with his feud with John Cena. He even was part of a PPV match against him. According to reports, Miz also received the most cheers of anyone in that 6 Pack challenge. So having him win would make sense. Having Swagger win would also make sense, as he's fresh to Raw and could really make a name for himself on Monday nights. However, Kofi retained. Don't get me wrong, Kofi's entertaining, skilled and has fan support, but WWE needs to make the right moves to keep things fresh sometimes. Push some new guys to the top and take the risk rather than playing it safe.

The Big Show being announced as Jericho's partner was also a strange surprise move. The surprise wasn't all that great, and again WWE could have really propelled another young superstar by making Jericho, the talent scout, choose some newcomer to shock everyone. Dolph Ziggler, Zack Ryder, even Ricky Ortiz or Jesse aka "Jeezy". Not that any of these guys are particularly stand-outs, but they each have heel potential and maybe Jericho could help them improve on that. This was one of the big moments people were waiting to see on the PPV, and again WWE just went with the tried and true, inserting the Big Show or veteran star.

Christian beating Dreamer for the ECW title isn't a big surprise, but was necessary. I'm guessing he'll go on to feud with Vladimir Kozlov and Ezekiel Jackson now. Maybe Dreamer will call for his retirement now? Also, the WWE Triple Threat had one of those "two guys win at once" type finishes. However in this one, the ref didn't even call for the bell to say both men won. I believe Kane and Undertaker had a similar situation at a PPV when both men pinned Stone Cold. The next night, one of them was proclaimed winner on Raw. Maybe guest host Shaquille O'Neal will make some big match tonight with HHH and Cena fighting for the title, or the right to go for it at Summerslam?

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