WWE RAW Recap 2.19.07
RAW kicked off with a recap of the challenged Donald Trump issued to Vince McMahon for Wrestlemania 23. Vince strutted down to the ring, with a barber pole set up in the ring. Vince said after his representative beats Trump's, Vince will walk over to Donald Trump and beat him silly, then bring him to the chair and shave his head. Vince said Trump would beg not to have his hair cut. Vince discussed Britney Spears having a bald head now. Vince said Trump should see this and realize he is gonna look grotesque. Vince showed digitized pictures of Trump on the Titantron with a Mr. T haircut, a flat top, dreadlocks, and a Hulk Hogan haircut as well as bald. Vince said Trump will announce his representative for Wrestlemania next week. Vince announced his choice to represent him at Wrestlemania, as Umaga and Alejandro Estrada came down the ramp and into the ring. Vince looked eye to eye with Umaga with an evil grin. Vince then said Umaga will be a champion, an Intercontinental champion, because he will face Jeff Hardy, now.
Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga - Intercontinental Championship Match - Hardy baited Umaga out of the ring early, then dropkicked him threw the ropes and tried to leap over the top ropes. Umaga caught Hardy out of the air and went to ram Hardy into the steel post, but Hardy escaped and pushed Umaga into it. Hardy then went for a jump off the barrier near the audience, but Umaga able to punch Hardy in the stomach and take control of the match. Umaga toyed with Hardy in ring kicking and jabbing the fallen wrestler on the mat. Hardy tried to mount a comeback but Umaga clotheslined him keeping him down. Hardy tried to get this feet but was clotheslined down again. Hardy down in center of ring, Umaga went for a headbutt off the corner ropes, but Hardy moved out of the way. Jeff able to get to his feet and dodge a running Umaga. Jeff hit the Whisper in the Wind on Umaga but the pinfall failed. Umaga able to reverse a Hardy move and backslam him to the mat. Umaga drug Hardy to corner of ring and sat him up. Umaga then ran at Hardy full speed, snapping Hardy's head back. Umaga then brought Hardy to center of ring and jabbed a thumb to his throat. Hardy out cold in the center of thr ring, Umaga scored a pinfall victory and is the new Intercontinental Champion!
Mick Foley promo for "The Hardcore Diaries", a new book criticizing the WWE and pointing out behind the scenes info which fans may not be aware of. Foley mentioned DX, the Divas, Candice Michelle and Stephanie McMahon amongst topics in his new book. Foley's book, "The Hardcore Diaries" is available March 6, 2007. Order your copy of The Hardcore Diaries
Ric Flair & Carlito vs. Cade & Murdoch - Flair and Carlito tagging up after last weeks battle with each other. Flair in early and tagged in Carlito to go to work. Carlito taken advantage of by a double team by the tag duo of Cade and Murdoch. Murdoch kept Carlito down on the mat with submissions holds to the neck/head. Murdoch slammed Carlito in the corner then went to jump on from corner ropes. Carliot stuck his leg up and caught Murdoch with his foot. Carlito able to tag in Flair, Flair gave a series of "WOOO!" chops to Murdoch, then threw him to the ropes. Cade ran in to intervene but Flair knocked him out. Flair then chopped Murdochs leg, bringing him down and went for a figure four. Cade got up on corner ropes and went to jump down on Flair, but Flair saw him and chopped him at the stomach. Carlito ran in ring and clotheslined Cade out of the ring. Flair in ring with Murdoch gave him a low blow from behind. Flair tagged in Carlito who did his finisher back-breaker on Murdoch, then scored the pin. Flair and Carlito with the victory.
Todd Grisham with an interview with the tag champs, John Cena and Shawn Michaels. HBK said until Wrestlemania he has just 1 goal, to make sure nothing happens to John Cena. Michaels said now there's something they need to get out of the way. Michaels pulled out a copy of the new DX DVD and told the fans to pickup their copy tomorrow from WWE.com. Cena said he knows the DVD is a hard sale, but he would sell it like this. Cena pulled out a copy of "The Marine" and gave a riveting sales pitch. Michaels told him that was good, but his DVD has this guy. Big Dick Johnson came walking out in a thong and began dancing near Cena. Cena started to gag and then HBK superkicked Johnson down.
Edge and Orton shown in the lockerroom watching Cena and HBK, and commenting on how dumb it was. Orton said tonight he'll take care of Cena in their match later. Edge said right now he's focused on the "Money in the Bank" qualifying match coming up next with RVD. Edge left the locker room for his match.
"Money in the Bank" Qualifying Match - RVD vs Edge - RVD and Edge squared off to get the opportunity to compete in Wrestlemania's "Money in the Bank" Match. RVD with a flurry of hardcore moves on Edge, including slamming down Edge on the barrier outside the ring, then jumping onto Edge from the apron. In the process, RVD cut himself. Back in ring, Edge able to get a swinging neckbreaker on RVD, bringing both man to the mat. Edge back to his feet, as fans chanting RVD. Edge with another neckbreaker on RVD. Edge with a sleeper style move on RVD seated center of the ring. Van Dam able to kick out of the move, and started to gain momentum. RVD threw Edge to the corner then a kick to Edge and both men fell to the mat. Back and forth punches exchanged by RVD and Edge. Edge with a strong kick to Edge's face as Edge came off the ropes. Van Dam went for the Rolling Thunder, but Edge able to stand up and powerslam RVD down mid air, injuring Van Dam's back. Edge put RVD on corner ropes and climbed up to try to suplex RVD down. RVD shoved Edge off leaving Edge hanging on the ropes painfully. RVD able to knock Edge out of the ring but got hit in the process. RVD then jumped over top ropes onto Edge outside ring. RVD brought Edge back in ring and went for a splash off corner ropes, but Edge able to dropkick RVD in the stomach. RVD able to escape several attempted moves by Edge, and attempted a split legged moonsault to grab a pinfall. A 2 count and the men continued to battle. RVD with a Frog Splash attempt off the corner ropes. Just then Randy Orton ran down the ramp to the ring and distracted RVD. RVD jumped from the ropes and kicked Orton down, leaving RVD down in the ring looking out at Orton. Edge able to hit the Spear on RVD as RVD turned his attention back. Edge picks up the pinfall victory and will be part of the "Money in the Bank" match at Wrestlemania. One of the more entertaining matches on RAW in 2007 so far.
Melina vs Mickie James - Women's Championship - Melina attempting to win the title again vs. Mickie James. Early on Mickie James knocked Melina to the side apron, then dropkicked her out and off the apron. As Melina stood up, Mickie James went to run for another dropkick. Melina caught Mickie's legs then dragged her out onto the floor outside the ring. Back in the ring the two girls ended up down on the mat punching each other and rolling on top of each other back and forth. Mickie and Melina threw each other by the hair several times around the ring. Melina threw Mickie to the ropes ,but Mickie ducked a clothesline then jumped on Melina. Both girls to their feet, Melina threw Mickie to the corner and ran at her. Mickie jumped up and got on Melina's shoulders. Mickie up on Melina in the corner about to perform a move, but Melina slammed Mickie James down. Melina then with a reverse pin on Mickie James to score the victory. Melina is the new Women's Champ!
Todd Grisham attempted to get a comment from Mickie backstage regarding her loss. Maria and Candice trying to console Mickie. Mickie told Todd she didnt want to talk about it. Todd attempted to get comment but Mickie hauled off and slapped Todd hard on the face. Todd holding his face as cameras cut to Highlanders in the ring awaiting their opponent.
The Highlanders vs. The Great Khali - Handicapped Match - Highlanders tried to isolate Khali in a corner and chop/punch him. Khali then threw Robbie out of the ring with one arm. Rorie up on the corner ropes to try to jump down at Khali, but Khali with a chop to Rorie and he fell outside the ring. Robbie alone in the ring now with Khali, stood up as Khali delivered a kick to the face. Khali picked up Robby and slammed him down hard. Khali stood with 1 foot on Robby to score the 3 count victory.
Coach backstage talking to Kenny about Wrestlemania. All of a sudden, Kenny was startled and exited with a scared look. Coach turned to see The Great Khali standing behind him. Khali shouted something to coach. Coach asked if he said "you want better competition" and Khali yelled "YES!". Coach nodded as Khali turned and left. Ron Simmons then came up to Coach and looked out where Khali had left. Simmons with his trademark "DAMN!", as he and Coach stood looking on.
Melina backstage interviewing. Holding her new belt. Johnny Nitro came up and congratulated Melina. Nitro said the limo's ready and he's going to get the Cristal ready. Nitro kissed Melina and left. Melina said there's a lot of excitement now and its all for her. Melina told the interview she doesn't see why they had to air footage of Ashley before her interview. Melina said she has been begged to pose nude for Playboy, but doesn't think the fans to deserve to see her like that. Melina continued to talk about how she deserves the spotlight.
A piece was shown about Mr. Perfect, Curt Hennig, the latest inductee to the WWE Hall of Fame, along with Dusty Rhodes.
Randy Orton vs. John Cena - Main Event - In a non-title matchup, Orton squared off against WWE champ John Cena. Early on Cena with a reverse tossing Orton to the corner and then suplexing him to the center of the ring. Orton able to give a thumb to the eye of Cena and gain advantage over his opponent. Cena able to get a slam and elbow drop on Orton, and attempted cover. Orton kicked out after 2. Cena stood Orton up and threw him to the corner. Cena ran at him, but Orton moved away. Orton then turned and clotheslined Cena down. Orton with the pin, but Cena kicked out after 2. Both men ran at each other in the ring and double clotheslined. Cena thrown to the ropes, hanging on the ropes. Orton outside the ring grabbed a steel chair and approached Cena with it. The ref ran out of the ring to intervene as RAW went to commercial break.
Back from commercials, Orton had Cena in the ring in a headlock. During commercial, Orton managed to throw Cena into the steel steps outside the ring then get him back into the ring. Orton continued to dominate his fallen opponent. Orton DDT'd Cena face first off the ropes into the mat. Orton tried a pin but shockingly only got a 2 count. Orton started to stomp on Cena as he lay on the ground. Orton kicked Cena in the legs, chest, stomach etc. Orton with a knee drop on Cena, then another attempted pin. Cena kicked out again. Orton with a reverse chinlock on Cena trying to weaken Cena who was on his feet. Cena trying to escape the hold. Cena trying to grab the ropes or lift Orton to no avail. Cena fell to the mat with Orton still holding the chinlock on him. JR noted that Orton has outwrestled Cena most of this contest, but is most likely due to Cena being tired out after last night's big match at No Way Out. Cena able to escape the hold by Orton and staggering around as Orton punched at him. Finally Cena gained momentum and withstood Orton's punches. Cena began to clothesline Orton several times, then did the 5 Knuckle Shuffle on him. Cena attempted the F-U, but Orton put a hand to Cena's face eyes causing Cena to let go of him from his shoulders. Orton attempted a flying move off the top ropes on top of Cena. Orton with a rollup pin, but Cena rolled up Orton. Orton kicked out and able to knock Cena down. Orton prepared for an RKO as Cena lay on the mat. As Cena got to his feet, Orton went for the RKO, but Cena able to push RKO away and down. Cena lifted Orton up for the F-U. As Cena held Orton up on his shoulders Edge ran down to the ring. Cena dropped Orton as Edge ran at Cena and speared him down. Edge retrieved two chairs from outside the ring and prepared the Con-Chairto. Just then HBK ran down the ramp and was able to get in the ring and fight off both of RKO. Michaels grabbed the chair from Edge and smashed it down on Edge and Orton. HBK holding the chair over the fallen RKO as Cena was able to see that Michaels had saved and defended him. Next week HBK and Cena will face off against Edge and Orton and defend the tag titles!
Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga - Intercontinental Championship Match - Hardy baited Umaga out of the ring early, then dropkicked him threw the ropes and tried to leap over the top ropes. Umaga caught Hardy out of the air and went to ram Hardy into the steel post, but Hardy escaped and pushed Umaga into it. Hardy then went for a jump off the barrier near the audience, but Umaga able to punch Hardy in the stomach and take control of the match. Umaga toyed with Hardy in ring kicking and jabbing the fallen wrestler on the mat. Hardy tried to mount a comeback but Umaga clotheslined him keeping him down. Hardy tried to get this feet but was clotheslined down again. Hardy down in center of ring, Umaga went for a headbutt off the corner ropes, but Hardy moved out of the way. Jeff able to get to his feet and dodge a running Umaga. Jeff hit the Whisper in the Wind on Umaga but the pinfall failed. Umaga able to reverse a Hardy move and backslam him to the mat. Umaga drug Hardy to corner of ring and sat him up. Umaga then ran at Hardy full speed, snapping Hardy's head back. Umaga then brought Hardy to center of ring and jabbed a thumb to his throat. Hardy out cold in the center of thr ring, Umaga scored a pinfall victory and is the new Intercontinental Champion!
Mick Foley promo for "The Hardcore Diaries", a new book criticizing the WWE and pointing out behind the scenes info which fans may not be aware of. Foley mentioned DX, the Divas, Candice Michelle and Stephanie McMahon amongst topics in his new book. Foley's book, "The Hardcore Diaries" is available March 6, 2007. Order your copy of The Hardcore Diaries
Ric Flair & Carlito vs. Cade & Murdoch - Flair and Carlito tagging up after last weeks battle with each other. Flair in early and tagged in Carlito to go to work. Carlito taken advantage of by a double team by the tag duo of Cade and Murdoch. Murdoch kept Carlito down on the mat with submissions holds to the neck/head. Murdoch slammed Carlito in the corner then went to jump on from corner ropes. Carliot stuck his leg up and caught Murdoch with his foot. Carlito able to tag in Flair, Flair gave a series of "WOOO!" chops to Murdoch, then threw him to the ropes. Cade ran in to intervene but Flair knocked him out. Flair then chopped Murdochs leg, bringing him down and went for a figure four. Cade got up on corner ropes and went to jump down on Flair, but Flair saw him and chopped him at the stomach. Carlito ran in ring and clotheslined Cade out of the ring. Flair in ring with Murdoch gave him a low blow from behind. Flair tagged in Carlito who did his finisher back-breaker on Murdoch, then scored the pin. Flair and Carlito with the victory.
Todd Grisham with an interview with the tag champs, John Cena and Shawn Michaels. HBK said until Wrestlemania he has just 1 goal, to make sure nothing happens to John Cena. Michaels said now there's something they need to get out of the way. Michaels pulled out a copy of the new DX DVD and told the fans to pickup their copy tomorrow from WWE.com. Cena said he knows the DVD is a hard sale, but he would sell it like this. Cena pulled out a copy of "The Marine" and gave a riveting sales pitch. Michaels told him that was good, but his DVD has this guy. Big Dick Johnson came walking out in a thong and began dancing near Cena. Cena started to gag and then HBK superkicked Johnson down.
Edge and Orton shown in the lockerroom watching Cena and HBK, and commenting on how dumb it was. Orton said tonight he'll take care of Cena in their match later. Edge said right now he's focused on the "Money in the Bank" qualifying match coming up next with RVD. Edge left the locker room for his match.
"Money in the Bank" Qualifying Match - RVD vs Edge - RVD and Edge squared off to get the opportunity to compete in Wrestlemania's "Money in the Bank" Match. RVD with a flurry of hardcore moves on Edge, including slamming down Edge on the barrier outside the ring, then jumping onto Edge from the apron. In the process, RVD cut himself. Back in ring, Edge able to get a swinging neckbreaker on RVD, bringing both man to the mat. Edge back to his feet, as fans chanting RVD. Edge with another neckbreaker on RVD. Edge with a sleeper style move on RVD seated center of the ring. Van Dam able to kick out of the move, and started to gain momentum. RVD threw Edge to the corner then a kick to Edge and both men fell to the mat. Back and forth punches exchanged by RVD and Edge. Edge with a strong kick to Edge's face as Edge came off the ropes. Van Dam went for the Rolling Thunder, but Edge able to stand up and powerslam RVD down mid air, injuring Van Dam's back. Edge put RVD on corner ropes and climbed up to try to suplex RVD down. RVD shoved Edge off leaving Edge hanging on the ropes painfully. RVD able to knock Edge out of the ring but got hit in the process. RVD then jumped over top ropes onto Edge outside ring. RVD brought Edge back in ring and went for a splash off corner ropes, but Edge able to dropkick RVD in the stomach. RVD able to escape several attempted moves by Edge, and attempted a split legged moonsault to grab a pinfall. A 2 count and the men continued to battle. RVD with a Frog Splash attempt off the corner ropes. Just then Randy Orton ran down the ramp to the ring and distracted RVD. RVD jumped from the ropes and kicked Orton down, leaving RVD down in the ring looking out at Orton. Edge able to hit the Spear on RVD as RVD turned his attention back. Edge picks up the pinfall victory and will be part of the "Money in the Bank" match at Wrestlemania. One of the more entertaining matches on RAW in 2007 so far.
Melina vs Mickie James - Women's Championship - Melina attempting to win the title again vs. Mickie James. Early on Mickie James knocked Melina to the side apron, then dropkicked her out and off the apron. As Melina stood up, Mickie James went to run for another dropkick. Melina caught Mickie's legs then dragged her out onto the floor outside the ring. Back in the ring the two girls ended up down on the mat punching each other and rolling on top of each other back and forth. Mickie and Melina threw each other by the hair several times around the ring. Melina threw Mickie to the ropes ,but Mickie ducked a clothesline then jumped on Melina. Both girls to their feet, Melina threw Mickie to the corner and ran at her. Mickie jumped up and got on Melina's shoulders. Mickie up on Melina in the corner about to perform a move, but Melina slammed Mickie James down. Melina then with a reverse pin on Mickie James to score the victory. Melina is the new Women's Champ!
Todd Grisham attempted to get a comment from Mickie backstage regarding her loss. Maria and Candice trying to console Mickie. Mickie told Todd she didnt want to talk about it. Todd attempted to get comment but Mickie hauled off and slapped Todd hard on the face. Todd holding his face as cameras cut to Highlanders in the ring awaiting their opponent.
The Highlanders vs. The Great Khali - Handicapped Match - Highlanders tried to isolate Khali in a corner and chop/punch him. Khali then threw Robbie out of the ring with one arm. Rorie up on the corner ropes to try to jump down at Khali, but Khali with a chop to Rorie and he fell outside the ring. Robbie alone in the ring now with Khali, stood up as Khali delivered a kick to the face. Khali picked up Robby and slammed him down hard. Khali stood with 1 foot on Robby to score the 3 count victory.
Coach backstage talking to Kenny about Wrestlemania. All of a sudden, Kenny was startled and exited with a scared look. Coach turned to see The Great Khali standing behind him. Khali shouted something to coach. Coach asked if he said "you want better competition" and Khali yelled "YES!". Coach nodded as Khali turned and left. Ron Simmons then came up to Coach and looked out where Khali had left. Simmons with his trademark "DAMN!", as he and Coach stood looking on.
Melina backstage interviewing. Holding her new belt. Johnny Nitro came up and congratulated Melina. Nitro said the limo's ready and he's going to get the Cristal ready. Nitro kissed Melina and left. Melina said there's a lot of excitement now and its all for her. Melina told the interview she doesn't see why they had to air footage of Ashley before her interview. Melina said she has been begged to pose nude for Playboy, but doesn't think the fans to deserve to see her like that. Melina continued to talk about how she deserves the spotlight.
A piece was shown about Mr. Perfect, Curt Hennig, the latest inductee to the WWE Hall of Fame, along with Dusty Rhodes.
Randy Orton vs. John Cena - Main Event - In a non-title matchup, Orton squared off against WWE champ John Cena. Early on Cena with a reverse tossing Orton to the corner and then suplexing him to the center of the ring. Orton able to give a thumb to the eye of Cena and gain advantage over his opponent. Cena able to get a slam and elbow drop on Orton, and attempted cover. Orton kicked out after 2. Cena stood Orton up and threw him to the corner. Cena ran at him, but Orton moved away. Orton then turned and clotheslined Cena down. Orton with the pin, but Cena kicked out after 2. Both men ran at each other in the ring and double clotheslined. Cena thrown to the ropes, hanging on the ropes. Orton outside the ring grabbed a steel chair and approached Cena with it. The ref ran out of the ring to intervene as RAW went to commercial break.
Back from commercials, Orton had Cena in the ring in a headlock. During commercial, Orton managed to throw Cena into the steel steps outside the ring then get him back into the ring. Orton continued to dominate his fallen opponent. Orton DDT'd Cena face first off the ropes into the mat. Orton tried a pin but shockingly only got a 2 count. Orton started to stomp on Cena as he lay on the ground. Orton kicked Cena in the legs, chest, stomach etc. Orton with a knee drop on Cena, then another attempted pin. Cena kicked out again. Orton with a reverse chinlock on Cena trying to weaken Cena who was on his feet. Cena trying to escape the hold. Cena trying to grab the ropes or lift Orton to no avail. Cena fell to the mat with Orton still holding the chinlock on him. JR noted that Orton has outwrestled Cena most of this contest, but is most likely due to Cena being tired out after last night's big match at No Way Out. Cena able to escape the hold by Orton and staggering around as Orton punched at him. Finally Cena gained momentum and withstood Orton's punches. Cena began to clothesline Orton several times, then did the 5 Knuckle Shuffle on him. Cena attempted the F-U, but Orton put a hand to Cena's face eyes causing Cena to let go of him from his shoulders. Orton attempted a flying move off the top ropes on top of Cena. Orton with a rollup pin, but Cena rolled up Orton. Orton kicked out and able to knock Cena down. Orton prepared for an RKO as Cena lay on the mat. As Cena got to his feet, Orton went for the RKO, but Cena able to push RKO away and down. Cena lifted Orton up for the F-U. As Cena held Orton up on his shoulders Edge ran down to the ring. Cena dropped Orton as Edge ran at Cena and speared him down. Edge retrieved two chairs from outside the ring and prepared the Con-Chairto. Just then HBK ran down the ramp and was able to get in the ring and fight off both of RKO. Michaels grabbed the chair from Edge and smashed it down on Edge and Orton. HBK holding the chair over the fallen RKO as Cena was able to see that Michaels had saved and defended him. Next week HBK and Cena will face off against Edge and Orton and defend the tag titles!
Labels: Possible Spoilers, RAW Recap
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