Sunday, July 1, 2007

Fox News Pro Wrestling Story

Fox News presented yet another segment about the WWE and pro wrestlers dying young entitled "Wrestling with Drugs - Is Illegal drug abuse rampant in the world of pro wrestling?". The piece aired at the tail end of the 10AM EST show and reporter Uma Pemmaraju conducted the mediation/interviews.

Richard "Richie Rich" Jones from a pro wrestling radio show and Jon Stewart, a former professional wrestler appeared to talk about the steroid and drug abuse issues in pro wrestling. Stewart said the guys in the wrestling industry will not change what they are doing if they are getting alot of money. Stewart discussed how he isn't looking for TV time but wants wrestlers to go to addiction specialists to get rid of this "sickness". Uma asked Richie about how the public is just learning how so many wrestlers have died from steroid use or drug abuse. Richie discussed that wrestlers have unique roles as entertainers and have to do things to appear "beyond human" and extraordinary. Stewart said as a part time wrestling promoter he's not blaming Vince McMahon or WWE, but that Vince is the largest promoter in the business and needs more accountability and tougher steroids and drug testing. Stewart suggested going back to more character driven wrestling like the 50's, 60's and 70's had and not focusing so much on bulk and muscle.

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