Thursday, August 23, 2007

Chyna on Nancy Grace Show

Nancy Grace's show on CNN Headline Prime (8/23/07) discussed the latest on the pro wrestling world's early wrestler deaths. The Chris Benoit situation and then the 3 more wrestler deaths that have occurred since, were all highlighted. Grace mentioned the drug/steroid problems many wrestlers have had in addition to US Congress asking for WWE to hand over relevant information. Featured guests for the show were former WWE diva wrestler, Joanie "Chyna" Laurer. Dave Meltzer of and Brian Alvarez of figure four online appeared as well as Chris Cruz (former WWE announcer).

Three wrestlers were shown on screen who have died since Benoit, Sherri Martel, Kronus and Brian Crush Adams. Grace said when you look at the number of wrestlers, baseball players and NFL players who have died from these drug problems it is a serious red flag. Nancy's show also played a replay of Vince McMahon talking to Coach about the Congressional investigation of WWE saying they might as well get "Barney Fife". Grace said she didn't think Vince McMahon should be poking fun at Congress doing this investigation.

Chyna said she knew Benoit well and had a similar training background. She said she knows something must be done but isn't sure what and is glad she's not the judge here. Chyna said she became involved in wrestling because she always wanted to be a movie star, was hanging out at gyms and was into athletics at a young age. Chyna said she saw her sister watching wrestling on TV one day and said "I can do that", then began to watch live shows and network with various people to get herself into the organization.

Dave Meltzer from said that WWE will most likely be turning over all its drug testing records and that other pro wrestling promotions were asked for records which probably don't exist. Meltzer spoke about wrestler Konan's recent kidney transplant where he was having trouble in the hospital and had to go on an "anti-rejection" drug.

Brian Alvarez (Figure 4 online) said WWE has sent a response to Congress that they will provide information about Dr. Black and the WWE Wellness Policy. Basically WWE has agreed to give over all info and documentation requested and directed Congress to talk to Dr. Black regarding any questions they have. Alvarez also mentioned that Vince McMahon held a meeting with everyone not long after Chris Benoit's death telling them to "Just Say No" to drugs and get off anything they might be on.

Chris Cruz a former WWE announcer who worked for Vince McMahon also appeared. He said Vince McMahon wants his wrestlers to look huge and cut and it causes pressures. Cruz asked where the Screen Actor's Guild was to take a look at this. Cruz said a union is needed sorely for pro wrestling to regulate policies and issues.

Former wrestler Mark Mero appeared saying 1 million kids between 6th grade and 12th grade are using anabolic steroids. This is part of why Congress is looking into this, to prevent young children from using steroids as well. Mark Mero discussed using education and awareness in schools to enlighten kids on the dangers of steroid use.

Chyna said she had a total of zero drug tests while she was a part of the WWF/WWE and never used steroids to get bigger while part of the WWE. Chyna also said drugs were very prevalent everywhere you would turn while she was a part of wrestling, for dealing with pain, bulking up and recreational uses. Chyna said by age 35 most of her friends were dying from using steroids but that she salutes Mark Mero for what he is doing to try to bring awareness to these issues in wrestling. Chyna spoke about Owen Hart's death as well, where Owen was nervous prior to doing the stunt where he was suspended above the ring. Chyna said that WWE divas aren't using steroids.

Grace said WWE must answer Capitol Hill's requests for information so that Congressional Hearings can begin. The WWE's deadline is 5pm tomorrow night to hand over their info. Congress will have 2 subcommittee meetings on the issues.

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