Wednesday, November 12, 2008 Interviews Randy Orton has a recent interview with WWE Raw Superstar, Randy Orton, on the heels of the recent release of Smackdown vs. Raw 2009. Orton himself is a video game addict, and spent much of his recovery time playing video games. In the Gamedaily interview, Orton reveals some of his favorites, how he spent his recovery time off, and which video game system helped his physical therapy most.

Here's a brief excerpt from Orton's interview where he discusses WWE wrestlers and theme music:

How much input do wrestlers have with their theme music?
I wish we could pick our theme music. For the longest time, I had the Burning My Light or whatever the entrance music was that started with "Hey, nothing you can say," and I hated that shit for all four years. I hated it from the first day I heard it. They even tried to tweak it a bit and I still hated it. I told Vince and Kevin Dunn, the producer, that I hated my music, so they said they'd get me something new, but it was four years. Finally, I gave them a CD and said that I wanted this music, so they bought the song and they played it for two weeks until Vince said it didn't fit my character. The following week, CM Punk debuted and they gave him my music.

Read the full interview here.

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