Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Swanton Tragedy? - NY Boy Jumps to Death

In a tragic news story, a 9-year-old boy jumped off his Brooklyn apartment roof and fell to his death on this past Tuesday. A friend of the child believes the boy may have been trying to immitate a WWE wrestling move, specifically the Swanton Bomb that Jeff Hardy does when he flips off the top of the ring corner. The 9-year-old boy, Damori Miles was found dead Tuesday night with the pieces of a homemade parachute still around him. Here's more on this story from NY Daily News:

Shakar, Damori's best friend, said his pal was imitating his favorite PlayStation2 game, "WWE SmackDown vs Raw."

"He tried to do a swan dive like Jeff Harding does in 'SmackDown.' That was his favorite game. He played it all the time," Shakar said.

"That was what he was trying to do. If I would have seen him up there, I would have told him not to do it."

The roof door was open Wednesday morning, and the alarm that should have gone off was broken, neighbors said.

"I was sitting inside and I heard a thump. I looked out my window and saw the boy on the ground. He was on his back and his clothes were ripped off," said Chiquita Jones, 25.

"The door to the roof should have been locked. Damori didn't have to die."

Damori's mother told detectives she went to the store and returned to find her son on the ground, police sources said.

The tragedy prompted Murrel to rethink whether her kids can play the wrestling games.

Some are blaming the Smackdown vs. Raw video game from Playstation 2, while others might blame WWE, and some blame the child's mother for allowing this incident to occur while she went to the store. You could once again target parents in this instance who allow their children to watch WWE or play the violent video games. It's always tough to blame media products such as music, movies, tv shows and video games for the actions people choose to take. There's been previous news reports blaming the game Grand Theft Auto for violent rampages and driving maneuvers, but ultimately it's the individual who chooses to commit the crime, or in this instance take a tragic jump. According to the news report on this story, there was a roof door that was unlocked that usually has a working alarm go off when the door is opened. In this case, the door alarm was broke and unlocked and the young boy was allowed to walk up to the roof and attempt the fatal stunt. Read the full story here at NY Daily News.

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