Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Post-Raw Cake Attack on HHH!

Last night Triple H was the victim of an attack after Raw went off the air. A pretty cool video surfaced today on TMZ.com which shows just what happened after Raw ended night. Since it was Triple H's 40th birthday, the WWE Superstars and fans led by Vince McMahon sang Happy Birthday to Triple H who came back down to the ring. On his way to the ring, Arn Anderson tried to splash water in HHH's face. The scene shifted later as the ring was surrounded by wrestlers on the apron, almost lumberjack style. Positioned around the ropes were the likes of Miz, Jack Swagger, and even Big Show. Two divas, including Gail Kim presented a cake to HHH in the ring and after he was done speaking tried to smash it in his face. Superstars around the ring had cake as well and an all out food fight ensued, with wrestlers throwing cake at the Game. Big Show even got in on the fun. There's also a surprise appearance from an injured wrestler too...

Check out the hilarious video here on TMZ.com!

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