Monday, July 27, 2009

Raw Recap 07.27.09

Raw Recap from Washington, DC:

Lillian Garcia introduced WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler who was already in the ring. Lawler introduced Raw's guest host for the night, 15-time NBA All Star Shaquille O'Neal. Shaq came out from backstage, walking down the ramp. On the way down, he ripped up a Kobe Bryant poster a fan was holding near the ramp.

Shaq joked that his new teammate Lebron James said to say hello and the Washington crowd booed it. Shaq also announced tonight's 5 Man Beat the Clock Challenge to determine Randy Orton's WWE Title opponent for Summerslam. Shaq announced the 5 competitors as well: Triple H, MVP, Jack Swagger, Mark Henry and John Cena. As Shaq started to hype up the crowd, Chris Jericho's pyro exploded and Jericho came down to the ring in a business suit.

In the ring, Jericho tried to stand up to Shaq, but ended up looking up a few feet to his face. Jericho said when he heard the most dominant man in the NBA was hosting Raw, he assumed it was Kobe Bryant. Shaq interrupted Jericho's speech, called him "Christina", and kissed him on the forehead. Jericho angrily carried on talking up his accolades in the WWE, and said he expects to be catered to by everyone in the company, including the hosts. Jericho said if Shaq keeps talking down to him, they're going to have problems. Shaq shoved Jericho a bit asking what he was going to do. Jericho then introduced his new tag team partner, The Big Show.

Show arrived to the ring also in a suit, and walked up to Shaq. The two came eye to eye in the ring. Show told Shaq he's got a better chance of hitting two straight free throws, than intimidating him. Shaq told Show about his new show "Shaq Vs." where he challenges some of the world's best athletes. Shaq challenged Show right there for a match. Show said he knows Shaq's plan, to get Show to hurt him and then have NBA breathing down his neck. Since Show and Jericho refused to fight Shaq, he said he hired two wrestlers who would fight them instead. Cryme Tyme came out from backstage, down to the ring. Shaq stood side by side with Cryme Tyme, and Show/Jericho backed down then left the ring. Shaq then announced he'd be the special guest enforcer for that tag match.

Mark Henry vs. Carlito
Beat the Clock Challenge Match #1

Carlito jumped outside the ring and also ducked under the ropes early to run the clock some. Carlito rolled to the outside and walked up the ramp, with mark Henry going out to retrieve him. As Henry tried to get back in the ring, Carlito dropkicked him, then tried to jump over the ropes onto him. Henry caught Carlito in the air, then tossed him back into the ring. As the clock hit 2:45, Carlito had gained offensive advantage using his elbow off the ropes. The match crossed into the 3 minute mark with Henry hitting a running splash into the corner on Carlito. Henry delivered a huge boot, and tried for a pin at 3:35 with Carlito escaping it. Henry glanced at the clock, then went for a sit splash, but Carlito moved out of the way.

Carlito rolled under the ropes to the apron, then yanked Henry's neck against the ropes. Carlito hit a dropkick off the top rope then tried for a pin with Henry kicking out. The clock passed 5 minutes. Carlito tried a sleeper hold near 6 minutes, with Henry backing him into the corner. Carlito went for a Backstabber, but he couldn't bring Henry down. Carlito hit a neckbreaker then went off the ropes, but Henry grabbed him to hit the World's Strongest Slam. Henry's time to beat was 6:49.

Winner: Henry wins via pinfall over Carlito in 6:49 for the Beat the Clock Challenge.

Backstage, the new Divas Champion Mickie James was shown walking side by side with Gail Kim and Kelly Kelly. Lawler announced they'd be in a 6 divas tag match next.

WWE Rewind showed footage from Night of Champions match between Mickie James and Maryse. Mickie James escaped Maryse's DDT attempt, to give her own DDT to Maryse. Mickie became the new Divas Champion with the win.

Some of the Washington Redskins were shown in the front row clowning around.

Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim & Mickie James vs. Alicia Fox, Rosa Mendes & Beth Phoenix

Early on, Beth Phoenix really took it to Gail Kim, dominating her as she punched away at her on the mat. Alicia Fox came in next to continue the onslaught. Alicia hit a vicious backbreaker on Gail before slamming her head into the mat several times. Rosa came in next for a bit more damage, before tagging in Alicia again. Gail was able to use her legs to toss Alicia Fox away, then tagged in Mickie James. Mickie came in on fire, hammering away at Alicia, then knocking Beth and Rosa off the apron. Mickie went for the DDT with Alicia shoving her into the corner. Mickie hit a flying headscissors and then jumped on Alicia. Gail Kim made a blind tag to get involved in the match, then jumped off the corner to take down Gail for the winning pin. Kelly ran in to clothesline Rosa as she tried to break things up.

Winners: Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim & Mickie James win via pinfall overAlicia Fox, Rosa Mendes & Beth Phoenix

Michael Cole interviewed Shaquille O'Neal backstage asking what else was in store for tonight. Just then, Hornswoggle came in and Shaq pretended to reprimand him for bursting in, then hugged the little guy. Shaq offered an energy drink to Horney, then said he really doesn't need one. There was a lowered basketball hoop set up for Hornswoggle to try to dunk on. Hornswoggle ran around with a ball then went for a dunk, but the ball bounced off the rim, and Hornswoggle fell on his back. Shaq gave him the energy drink. Michael Cole said "Oh my..that was Shaq-a-licious!" and put out his fist for Shaq. Shaq pointed out Cole with a weird look and walked off.

MVP vs. Chris Masters
Beat the Clock Challenge Match #2

MVP would have to beat the time of 6:49 to have the top time for the challenge. The Masterpiece Chris Masters made his return to WWE & Raw for the match. MVP and Masters battled back and forth, with the clock running down from 6:49. MVP missed on his running boot in the corner and Masters went for his Masterlock hold. MVP kicked away from the corner to escape it. MVP had a vicious clothesline and tried for two pinfalls with Masters grabbing the ropes to break it. Masters pulled MVP forward to throw him out of the ring, then followed him outside.

Outside the ring MVP seemed to regain control as he punched Masters. MVP went to get back into the ring, but Masters pulled him down from the apron, and eventually applied the Masterlock on him outside. The ref counted both men out, causing MVP to be out of the challenge. Mark Henry's 6:49 time still remains the time to beat with Swagger, Cena and Triple H remaining.

Winner: The match ended in a double countout, removing MVP from the Beat the Clock Challenge.

Kofi Kingston vs. The Brian Kendrick

Before the bell, Kendrick got on a mic and started jawing at Jerry Lawler for beating him last week. Kendrick said as soon as he's done beating up Kofi he's going to come beat up Lawler. The ref tried to get Kendrick's attention to start the match, but Kendrick yelled at him that he was talking. The ref called for the bell, and as Kendrick kept yelling at Lawler, Kingston hit a very quick roundhouse kick to pin Kendrick.

Winner: Kofi Kingston wins via pinfall over The Brian Kendrick.

Triple H was shown walking backstage on his way out for the Beat the Clock challenge match. All of a sudden, Ted Dibiase came running from behind him and clubbed HHH in the leg taking him down. HHH struggled to stand back up as Raw went to commercial.

An ad for Summerslam was shown for Sunday August 23rd from Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA. The theme song for this year's PPV is by Aerosmith.

Triple H vs. Cody Rhodes
Beat the Clock Challenge Match #3

Slideshow pics from last night's match for the WWE Title were shown. Both HHH and Cena had their submission holds on Orton as he tapped. The ref didn't know who to declare winner so the match kept going. Legacy came in to break things up, and no DQ was called. John Cena grabbed Rhodes for the Attitude Adjustment but Orton was able to deliver the RKO to defeat Cena.

HHH seemed to hobble his way down the ramp due to the earlier attack by Dibiase. Rhodes went right for the leg as the match kicked off but HHH shoved him away. HHH was able to use various takedowns with a headlock locked in on Rhodes. At one point, Rhodes caught HHH in the corner putting his leg up on the ropes and attacking it. Rhodes slid to the outside to smash HHH's leg against the ringpost several times, then came back in to continue the attack. Rhodes continued to use this strategy to keep HHH down as the clock kept moving down from 3:30.

Rhodes went for a doublehanded ax chop off the corner, but HHH kicked him in the gut. HHH had a Pedigree ready under 2 minutes, but Rhodes escaped and clipped him in the leg. Rhodes put on a Figure Four leglock as the clock continued to move down. Triple H reversed it and tried to make Rhodes tap, but the pain was too much for HHH's hurt leg. Rhodes went for another Figure Four, with HHH kicking him into the corner. HHH came back with a clothesline with under a minute left. HHH hit a spinebuster at 36 seconds, then signaled for the Pedigree. All of a sudden, Ted Dibiase appeared on the apron to taunt HHH. The clock kept ticking down as HHH looked at Dibiase and wanted to hit him. Finally, HHH grabbed Rhodes and threw him into Dibiase. HHH got the Pedigree with 3 seconds to go, but couldn't capture the pin before ;00.

Winner: Triple H failed to pin Cody Rhodes in under 6:49 and is eliminated from Beat the Clock challenge.

Backstage, Shaq and Santino Marella were playing Scrabble, when Cryme Tyme came in. Shaq got up and reminded them he'll be guest ref so everything will be in order for their tag match later. Shaq and Cryme Tyme started up a "Money, Money - Yea Yea!" chant and Santino came bobbing over to do a mini-rap song where he mentioned Dikembe Mutombo and Angelina Jolie's baby. Shaq and Cryme Tyme laughed and told him to get outta there.

Chavo Guerrero vs. Hornswoggle

Michael Cole mentioned that Hornswoggle and Shaq went to High school together. He also mentioned there will be 5 collectible Summerslam cups at 7-11 stores. Lillian Garcia announced that per guest host Shaq's orders, Chavo would have to compete blindfolded. The ref gave Chavo a black bag to put over his head and called for the bell.

Hornswoggle took full advantage of the situation, delivering kicks and punch moves when Chavo was feeling around for him. At one point, Chavo accidentally tackled the ref down and went to pound on him. The ref yelled at him and Chavo realized his mistake. The ref was yelling at Hornswoggle during one spot, and Chavo peaked out from under the mask, then dropkicked Hornswoggle down. Thinking he had Horney down on the mat, Chavo felt around to find the corner so he could climb up for a Frogsplash. Hornswoggle followed him outside the ring to the apron and watched Chavo climb up, then try a Frogsplash with nobody below. Horney climbed up on the corner and hit his Tadpole Splash on Chavo to win it.

Winner: Hornswoggle wins via pinfall over Chavo Guerrero.

Randy Orton was in the lockerroom getting his boots on, when Jack Swagger walked in. Swagger said it's good news that HHH didn't beat the clock, but bad news that he will. Orton asked if he should be scared and Swagger said yes because he's bigger, stronger and younger. Swagger walked out, but just then Mark Henry was there in Orton's face. Henry stared at Orton then laughed a bit before returning to a stare. Orton walked off with his WWE Title.

Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger
Beat the Clock Challenge Match #4

Swagger would have to beat Mark Henry's time of 6:49 to be the top man in the challenge. With under 3:30 to go in the match, Swagger had control and tried for his finisher the Gutwrench Powerbomb. Bourne held onto Swagger's leg to prevent it. Swagger tried to pick up Bourne for the move, but Bourne countered from the air and pulled Swagger down into a pinfall, hooking Swagger's legs securely for the surprise win. Swagger was fuming after the loss and pounded his fist into the mat.

Winner: Evan Bourne wins via pinfall over Jack Swagger. Jack Swagger is eliminated from Beat the Clock.

Lawler and Cole announced that John Cena will face Miz in the final Challenge match.

Cole and Lawler reminded fans that next week's guest host is Entourage and movie star from "The Goods", Jeremy Piven. They revisited the earlier incident which cost Triple H from being winner of the Beat the Clock challenge.

Josh Matthews interviewed Triple H backstage about how Legacy has now prevented him from capturing the WWE title twice. HHH said he's mad at himself for not seeing this sooner. HHH called out Rhodes & Dibiase, saying he's done playing games. Triple H said he'll take them on 2-on-1 next week on Raw. HHH said every now and then in life you come across a guy you just shouldn't screw with; "I'm that guy".

John Cena vs. The Miz
Beat the Clock Challenge Match #5

Miz came out with a mic talking about how no matter which Washington team it is, the opponent just lets the time run out in the 4th quarter to prevent them from winning. Miz said he'll use the same strategy on Cena tonight. Miz said he just needs to last 6:49 against Cena not actually beat him. Randy Orton arrived to ringside to watch the match sitting next to the commentators.

Miz eluded Cena early on with the crowd chanting for Cena. Miz ducked out of the ring and began smirking as he saw the clock running down. The ref began a countout and Miz eventually rushed to get in before 9. Cena started his attack from there as he smashed Miz face first into several corners of the ring. Outside the ring Miz went again, but Cena followed out and leveled him with a clothesline. Mark Henry was shown backstage watching Cena fight Miz on a TV. Miz took control and went for a pin around 4:30 mark.

The match eventually went to the outside, with Miz able to throw Cena into the steel steps. The ref began counting Cena out and got all the way to 9, but Cena mustered up strength and slid into the ring to beat the count. Miz tangled Cena up in the ropes and started taunted him. The ref freed Cena and he was able to trip down Miz into the STF. Miz tapped out, making Cena the winner of the Beat the Clock Challenge.

Orton got into the ring and hoisted up his WWE Title for Cena to see. The two stared each other down before Cena left the ring smiling.

Winner: John Cena beats Mark Henry's time of 6:49 to win the Beat the Clock Challenge. John Cena will face Orton for the WWE Title at Summerslam.

Shaq was shown walking backstage in a WWE referee's uniform on his way out for the non-title tag match he'd be special guest enforcer for.

When Raw returned Lawler informed fans that "You Gotta Move" by Aerosmith is the official 2009 Summerslam theme song. They confirmed that HHH will face Rhodes & Dibiase in a 2 on 1 match next week.

Cryme Tyme vs. Chris Jericho & Big Show
w/Special Enforcer Shaq

Early in the match, Jericho hit a cheapshot by punching JTG in the face as the ref was warning him about something. Jericho threw JTG into the corner into Big Show's boot, then Show tagged in. Show locked a headlock on his smaller opponent with Shaq watching. Show started beating on JTG and tossing him around to taunt Shaq. JTG started fighting back but as he came running off the ropes, Show speared him down. JTG fell to the outside and got back in as Show picked him up. Jericho eventually tagged back in to continue wearing down JTG with a headlock. JTG got to his feet to battle out, and eventually hit a move off the ropes to take Jericho down. JTG struggled to get over to his partner, so Shaq grabbed him by the foot and pulled him closer. Shad Gaspar tagged in and began to take Jericho down.

Shad bodypressed Jericho overhead then let him drop to the mat. He followed up with an elbow drop, then prepared for his finisher. Jericho countered and tried for Walls of Jericho, but Shad used his leg power to toss Jericho towards the ropes. Shaq shoved Jericho back into the fray, and Shad and JTG set him up for their doubleteam finisher. JTG had the pin, but Big Show got in to break it up. With all four men in the ring, Big Show kept beating unmercifully on JTG & Shad. The ref finally called for the bell in a DQ. Show kept stomping away on Cryme Tyme and then prepared to chokeslam both men in front of Shaq. Show shoved them down and then called for Shaq to get in the ring.

Shaq tore off his enforcer's ref shirt and climbed into the ring. Shaq got right in Show's face and the two kept trash talking. Show pushed Shaq, so Shaq shoved back. Show then slapped his hand around Shaq's neck, so Shaq did the same back. The two held each other there, and then Cryme Tyme ran over to kick Show. Shaq did a running shoulder block into Show to knock him out of the ring with the crowd cheering it. Jericho rushed over to tend to Show with Cryme Tyme & Shaq in the ring celebrating.

Winner: Cryme Tyme wins due to DQ when Show was not the legal mand and would not leave the ring.

As Raw went off the air, Shaq was running up the ramp to chase Jericho and Show backstage.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog is very much good. I am very much impressed by your blog content.
Orton Hall

July 30, 2009 at 3:30 AM  

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