Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Criss Angel WWE magic tricks = a Raw WM26 mindfreak

The latest episode of WWE Raw featured magician Criss Angel as the guest host. As I mentioned last week, the recent guest hosts have not done so much in terms of adding to storylines or even setting up matches on the shows. Raw was basically a way to pull in some of Angel's fans to the show, but all he did was demonstrate a few simplistic magic tricks. How about making a wrestler disappear, or even having Angel do something in the Undertaker-Shawn Michaels storyline? Angel could have been in-ring for the start of a trick, when HBK interrupts him. Michaels suggests Angel disappears, the lights go off, and in Angel's spot is The Undertaker. It could have worked wonders. Instead, they have the Bella Twins come out and cozy up to Angel backstage asking if they can have "something to do" during Raw. The Bella Twins are becoming like car models for WWE, just showing up as arm candy for hosts, or to pop in and pretend they're interested in the guest host's charitable foundation. I think the guest host format works best with real WWE stars and former legends who can add to the shows, participate in matches and talk trash with Vince McMahon.

Next week is Stone Cold Steve Austin and he should add to the show as well as Wrestlemania, especially in the contract signing between Vince and Bret. It makes you wonder if someone is due for a "Stunner". Seems like it wouldn't make too much sense to have a Wrestlemania 26 competitor look weak prior to their match. I'm thinking that maybe Austin is added as the special guest referee for the Vince and Bret match, to keep things fair. After all, we saw what Vince did Monday night to Cena.

Speaking of that, isn't a Gauntlet match usually one where two wrestlers fight until one defeats the other? For example, Orton had to take on Swagger, Evan Bourne and Mark Henry one-by-one when they came over from ECW to Raw. He pinned the first two guys then lost to Mark Henry in the third of his Gauntlet matches. On Monday night, Vince made it a handicap Gauntlet match. That's fine, but there were no pinfalls when McIntyre, Henry or Swagger hit the ring. Instead, Vince just called out the next guy. Strange, but he is the Chairman and does make the rules.

WWE NXT is still a great show, because it's got unique storylines, new characters being developed in front of our eyes and it's only one hour with less fluff than Smackdown or Raw. Several of the guys on that show will be future stars. The guy who is 2-0, Justin Gabriel is cool and all, but I don't see him being much more than a guy like Evan Bourne or Kidman was in WWE. Maybe a Intercontinental title or tag title reign but not much else if that. My favorites so far are probably Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett and David Otunga, but we haven't seen much yet from Skip Sheffield or Michael Tarver.

By the way, WWE NXT could use some divas on occasion, why not bring in some of the new women from FCW? Maybe they have plans to have divas on the show for some upcoming rookie initiation challenges. Right now, the only diva has been Serena, but she's an "anti-diva" so we wouldn't mind some with shoulder-length hair and a less "Straightedge" attitude on the show.

We have several more matches on the Wrestlemania card, most recently the completed MITB Ladder match with a whopping 8 competitors, and Sheamus vs HHH. Rey Mysterio, CM Punk and Drew McIntyre seem to be three guys in need of a match, and a Triple Threat IC title match wouldn't be a bad idea since the US title isn't being defended. Also, there's likely to be some sort of diva match, so it's probably Beth Phoenix vs. McCool, Mickie vs. McCool or a Triple Threat. Maybe even a Beth & Mickie vs. Michelle & Vickie tag match, to give the face divas some retribution.

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Blogger George said...

love your blog

September 9, 2010 at 12:52 PM  

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