Thursday, May 17, 2012

WWE Raw TV Show Expands to 3 Hours

In big news from the pro wrestling world today, it was announced that WWE Raw will go to a three hour show instead of two hours.  The new format is set to begin on June 23rd which is billed as the big "1,000th" episode for the longtime program.

Reaction to this WWE news so far has been mostly negative, because for the most part the three hour programs Raw has run in the past have not been good.  Other comments have been made regarding the lack of creativity from the writing team as it is with Raw, so how much more can be done with an extra hour?  It could be that the extra hour will serve as more time for recaps of previous incidents, or to help hype up Pay-Per-Views.  That also brings up the idea that Pay-Per-Views are 3 hours long themselves, so should Raw be that length too?

However, what it appears that WWE is shifting towards is a more "fan friendly" and interactive TV show.  They apparently plan to involve social media more and let the fans get involved in making decisions in the shows.  At least that's how it appears to be shaping up.  If that's true, then it's clear WWE wants to milk social media as much as it can.  Due to the fact so many different WWE phrases or wrestler names trend on Twitter, it's possible they see 3 hours as an extended way to capture social media attention.

Is it a good move or a bad move for the WWE?  Two hours seemed good to this writer, as the show really needs some better storylines and popular new stars to keep things fresh, not an extra hour of Twitter coverage.

Let me know in the comments area below what you think of this new format for the WWE Raw TV show!

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