Friday, August 3, 2007

How WWE Can Rebound

With reports this past week that WWE profits fell 52% and the failing ratings of its various TV shows, the WWE is definitely in a position where it needs to save face and make some improvements. While the already announced appearance of Vince McMahon for this Monday's Raw, may cause a few more fans to tune in, it's not by any means going to repair the damage.

Here's some ways the WWE could improve itself right now:

1)Bring Triple H or another former WWE star into the mix

I noted this in a previous blog, but Triple H could in fact be the savior WWE needs right now to restore its ratings and viewers. Unfortunately his return was announced for Summerslam (probably to sell more Pay Per Views), because he needs to be back now. Even if they kept speculating "hey HHH is coming back for Summerslam" but then he shows up surprisingly on Raw. It would help.

I think adding another former star like Jericho, Stone Cold or Undertaker in, even if they are just a commentator, would help even more. I don't know everything going on behind the scenes, so perhaps something is in the works. Jericho did say on the Larry King show that he was trying to work out a deal to come back to WWE. You could use Jericho or Austin in a third match analyst/commentator role alongside JR and Lawler, or JBL/Cole. I won't get started with ECW. Stone Cold would make a good commentator, but Lawler and Ross are both "face commentators" at the moment and Austin wouldn't play off them. Jericho might be better in this role. Another idea is to make William Regal the new GM of Raw, then have Austin come back to stick up for the stars that Regal tries to screw over.

2) Do away with some of the current gimmicks

I'm all for cool gimmicks, but alot of them just get old or don't work so well. A big example for me is Randy Orton. While I understand he is the "Legend Killer", I don't believe fans need to keep seeing him in matches against guys who only wrestle here or there (Dusty Rhodes, Sgt Slaughter, etc). It's fine to give Orton that name, but its overly predictable now. We also see a new cowgirl gimmick they are using on Smackdown with Torrie. I don't see how this fits or can improve any ratings.

3) Introduce a mystery storyline which develops over several weeks

WWE was going for this with the fake limo explosion and fake death of Vince McMahon. They could have a storyline such as a "Diva was kidnapped", or someone's item was stolen, like a championship belt. Or have a masked superstar where people don't know their identity. These are just a few ideas, but they cause more intrigue and more reason to keep watching the shows. A mysterious plot might cause people to tune in each week to find clues towards who was behind the crime. (By the way I still get comments from people asking if Vince McMahon is dead, so mystery plots can have far-reaching implications).

4) Make the whole process for matches more fan based and interactive

I see this as the way we are heading with technology and reality TV. Fans vote on who to send off an island, who to kick out of a house and hopefully soon on who wrestles who. They do this at the Cyber Sunday Pay Per View just once per year, but that's it. What better than to give fans the control over the matches they will get to see? I'd say that's a formula for happy fans and increased viewers tuning in to see the matches they voted for. Give the fans Cena vs 1 of 4 opponents, and let the fans choose Cena's opponent.

In closing, it's a very tough time for WWE as a corporation. While I realize alot of the problems are their own fault, they can still fix things. They are facing accusations of steroid abuse of their former and current wrestlers, dealing with the injury bug striking big name stars, and Vince McMahon having to turn information over to Congress. Now more than ever they need to inject some more creativity and superstar power into their product to prevent it from falling flat.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right On Man, I Couldnt've Said It Any Better Myself! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

August 4, 2007 at 8:36 AM  

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