Sunday, September 23, 2007

An Argument Against Cena

In case you missed it, an Anonymous fan left a lengthy comment on the recent "Love or Hate Cena" post. As great as it would be to give them credit for their work, they chose to be anonymous. Here's their discussion of why everyone hates John Cena (except younger teenaged kids (jr highers) and little girls). Since it was lengthy, it makes for a good article here. Without further introduction, here is an anonymous fan's argument against John Cena.

First off. I hate Cena. I stopped watching WWE for a long time because of him. And some of your points you have just don't make sense. Mainly when you say that anyone who has his success is going to create jealousy in some people and make them hate him. This is pure crap. Think about it. When is the last time we had a babyface champ that would get booed on a regular basis. I don't mean that there will be a few people, i'm talking about where half the arena or more will boo the hell out of him each and every week. It never happened with Stone Cold, the Rock, Hogan, Bret Hart, or anyone else. And if they did start to recieve as much hate as the fans are showing Cena, then they would turn their character into a heel. I've heard it said by many people and wrestlers during interviews that the fans pick the heroes in this business.

The fans have been speaking for a long time now and nobody is listening. And that makes me personally hate the WWE (not just Cena) even more. I have been a wrestling fan for a long time and been to many live events and ppvs in my life, but this is the first time I've ever seen security personnel walking the rows in the crowd looking for posters and taking them away. The last three times I've been to a live event they did just that. Taking any sign they could find that said anything about Cena that was negitive even if the sign was clean and without profanity. I know that i've seen one or two on television, but thats because people will try to hind their sign when they realize what is going on. This is ridiculous.

And as for Cena not being able to wrestle, yes it is only entertainment. However, most wrestling fans arent' stupid. There are wrestler that can really perform and others that can't. You didn't have to know about Chris Benoits past to tell that he knew what he was doing in the ring. You didn't need to know that Kurt Angle was a former Olympic wrestler to see his talent during a scripted match. But the same goes both ways. Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, the Undertaker, The Rock are all good entertainers, but they don't know how to wrestle. You can tell by the way they execute their moves. It doesn't take an expert to see that. And that is what is the problem with Cena. Except he is extra-extrodinarily bad at it. He looks like a eight year performing those moves. He can't act them out or act period. Didn't you watch The Marine? That was as bad as a Hogan movie. Anyway, to sum everything up. He can't act, wrestle, or be funny. He reminds me a the little white kid that gets picked on in high school but tries to act he's part of the cool crowd. He's a poser who majority fan base are younger teenaged kids (jr highers) and little girls. Meanwhile, the grown-ups are either bored or "P.O.ed" at this stupidity.

I won't pick this argument apart, because I think it's good that a Cena hater chimed in and they did make some valid points. I find several things interesting about the comments though:

1) the generalization that people aren't entertained by John Cena and that the WWE isn't listening to the fans..see #2 here:

2) the idea that Cena's only fans are teenaged kids and little girls. While that might be true, hey guess what that's a large part of the WWE fan base :) So you must be right that the fans pick their heroes..If those kids happen to be the largest demographic of WWE fans, who do you think the WWE would push and promote? The WWE is a business, and they have a marketing department that can see what sells and who sells.

3) never bring up a WWE wrestler's movie role as an argument, because there aren't many WWE stars who have found acting success outside of the wrestling ring. (The Rock is on that short list of wrestlers turned halfway decent actors).

Anonymous makes some good points as well. There are some wrestlers who are just more technically skilled at "executing" the moves. However, that's not the whole idea behind the form of entertainment here. If you believe it is, I'd recommend watching Olympic wrestling or UFC, where you will have way more realism. If there's a large fan base (of teenagers and girls who like Cena), then they must be entertained. Overall though, that was a lot of hate directed towards Cena, which means his character is evoking strong reactions in people. So maybe Cena will be a heel before we know it...

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Blogger Unknown said...

The wrestling business is about getting a reaction from its viewers. It hardly matters [though it definitely helps] if the person gets cheered or booed, what matters from my point of view is that you get a reaction. Little kids and females are cheering for him, while the men are booing him. Either way, they come in droves to see John Cena perform, whether to get his ass kicked or to overcome the odds.

It is very clear in the eyes of the WWE management that John Cena brings that to the table more than anyone on their active roster. During his entire run as the WWE champion, he has his merchandise fly off the shelves, he constantly makes his opponents look better, and he has proven to be a very durable champion at a time wherein every main event player got placed on the shelf [see: Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio, Edge, Undertaker].

If I would have a gripe against how Cena has been handled, it's that he has been indestructible. He's beaten tag teams on his own, overcame every handicap match, and he always won when it mattered. That issue however, should be handled by the booking/creative team, and is not really against Cena himself.

John Cena has proven to be a model employee as well in the wake of the Chris Benoit tragedy. He has appeared on various shows and showed up well, and the 'E is justified in making him the face of the company for the time being.

September 24, 2007 at 8:09 AM  
Blogger MC said...

Great additional points Aaron. I think hate is always a strong word to use, and it appears the WWE knows what it's doing by pushing Cena to the level he's at. At the same time, it's funny to see the chants going on towards a guy who's doing his best to entertain others. Believe it or not, WWE wouldn't have Cena in or near a ring if he didn't add a lot of value to the product.

September 24, 2007 at 11:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am a fan of John Cena's because people either love him or they hate him...kind of like Triple H. So who cares if someone out there thinks that John Cena can't wrestle. My question is, can they wrestle?

September 24, 2007 at 6:34 PM  

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