Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Batista & Candice Go "On the Record"

FoxNews' Greta Van Susteren recently had WWE superstar Batista and WWE Diva Candice Michelle as guests on her show, "On the Record". The two WWE personalities appeared as part of the "Smackdown Your Vote!" Campaign that WWE is running. Recent footage on Raw showed both Batista and Candice at the Democratic National Convention with Josh Matthew.

Here's a brief excerpt in which Greta asks Candice about voting indecision:

VAN SUSTEREN: I'm not going to ask you how are you going to vote. This is the beginning of the vote and is now in person but tell me. Do you, Candice Michelle, do you know people who have not yet decided how to vote?

MICHELLE: You know I think a lot of people have and sometimes I think people get may be scared or like they think it's hard or you know they don't know the views of the different candidates. And so that's why if you actually go to we'll make it really clear and really easy for young people to get excited about it.

And we lay out it's actually a match-up between both senators so they can see their different views.

WWE's Smackdown Your Vote official website shows a picture of Obama and McCain face to face, similar to the WWE Pay Per View match promos. Only time will tell how long it takes to see another fake political in-ring battle between a McCain and Obama look alike on RAW!

WWE will be staying with the Democratic National Convention in Denver through August 31st, then it switches gears and attends the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota from September 1st through 4th.

Read the full Batista & Candice interview transcript here at

Read more about WWE's Smackdown Your Vote efforts!

Get more info at WWE's Smackdown Your Vote official website!

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