Friday, July 22, 2011

Smackdown Results 07/22/11

WWE Smackdown Results from MN:

Smackdown opened with former World Champion Randy Orton seated in the ring to deliver a promo. Orton discussed about how WWE has lost its WWE Championship, Vince McMahon lost his power, and Triple H has taken over. Orton said Smackdown brought up unfinished business he has with Christian. Still images were shown from Christian vs Orton at MITB PPV Sunday, when Orton was DQ'd for a kick to the groin on Christian. Orton followed with multiple RKO's on the table to leave Christian layed out.

Christian arrived out holding up the World Heavyweight Championship belt to display to the crowd. Christian said Orton's inability to control his anger has resulted in him losing the championship. Orton said Christian hid behind his lawyer's contract, but Christian said he knew the rules. Orton accused Christian of spitting in his face.

Orton demanded a rematch right there tonight, but Christian said unfortunately rematches don't grow on trees. Christian told him to get in the back of the line, and said he was going to go talk to his lawyer. Orton said they'll handle it on their own and started up the ramp, but Teddy Long came out with about 8 referees to stop Orton. Teddy said Orton will get a rematch but he'll be competing against Kane in a street fight tonight. Long told Orton to walk away as the bigger man.

Orton seemed to compose himself, but his face was flustered. He started to walk backstage but then rushed Christian and took him down to pound on him. The referees all restrained Orton and pulled Christian away as well. Christian screamed at Teddy Long, prompting the GM to order Christian to compete now, against the Intercontinental Champion, Ezekiel Jackson.

Ezekiel Jackson vs. Christian

Late in the match, Zeke had the momentum. He had Christian up on his shoulder and went for a running move, but Christian slid off and shoved him into the corner ringpost. Moments later, Christian hit the Killswitch on Jackson for the win.

Winner: Christian wins via pinfall over Ezekiel Jackson.

Smackdown returned with a promo video package about Cody Rhodes, how he has become disfigured and uses paper bags to put over the fans' heads.

Michael Cole was in the ring to interview the Smackdown Money in the Bank ladder match winner, Daniel Bryan. Cole didn't seem very enthusiastic about it though. Cole called Bryan's victory on Sunday a fluke. Bryan responded that his opinion means nothing to him though. Cole said Bryan acts like he's the guy who always does the right thing, but he knows Bryan will cash in and take the easy way out like every other wrestler before him has. Cole said he'll never ever deserve to be champion though.

Bryan said Cole didn't deserve to be a marquee matchup at Wrestlemania this past year. Bryan said around there nobody deserves anything, they have to earn it. Bryan said for the past 12 years he's been doing just that in various companies. He said despite having problems with his left ear, and eye and having his mom tell him to quit, he never would.

Bryan said he'll be the first MITB winner to tell everyone the time and place for his cash in. He said the date April 1st, 2012, location Miami, Florida, and the people can connect the dots. Bryan followed up saying he'll cash in at the main event of Wrestlemania 28. Suddenly he was interrupted as Heath Slater came out. Slater said Bryan will be the first guy to cash in and lose in the title match. Slater said he'll be a loser tonight courtesy of the one man rock band.

Daniel Bryan vs. Heath Slater

Late in the match, Slater rushed at Bryan in the corner with Bryan giving him a boot to the jaw. Bryan sat up on the corner then grabbed Slater by the head. He jumped on him, locking in his submission hold, which caused Slater to fall to the mat and eventually tap out.

Winner: Daniel Bryan wins via submission over Heath Slater.

Cole said if Daniel Bryan cashes in his MITB contract and wins the World title at Wrestlemania he will vomit on the announce table.

They brought up Mark Henry versus Big Show from MITB PPV, then showed a video package of their feud.

Mark Henry was backstage. Matt Striker said he had just one question for him, when is the destruction going to end. Henry said "never" then said he felt a "perverted pleasure with power, strength, invincibility after what he did to Big Show." He said if it sounds like he's talking about himself, he is.

When Smackdown returned they replayed the events that ended Monday Night Raw involving Vince McMahon attempting to fire John Cena. Triple H showed up to tell Vince he was relieved of his duties and that HHH was taking over on the day-to-day operations. The fans chanted "Thank You Vince" before Raw ended.

The cocmmentators talked over how tough it must be for Vince after the WWE business has been his life. Booker said he's done a hell of a job with the company.

Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett

They showed footage of Barrett attacking Sheamus last week on Smackdown, laying him out with Wasteland and then crouching down to shake his head at him.

With Barrett's head sticking out through the ropes, Sheamus ran on the apron and kneed him in the skull. He had a near fall with Wade rolling out of the ring to recover. Sheamus went out to give him a beating, but Barrett was able to turn the tables and take it to him. The two continued to throw each other around into the crowd barrier and announcers table until a double countout was announced.

The fight continued post-match, with Barrett pushing Sheamus back into the ring to attempt Wasteland again. This time Sheamus slid off then hit the Brogue Kick to level Barrett, leaving him face down on the mat.

Winner: Match was a draw due to a double countout.

Kane was shown backstage in the boiler room. He said for 14 years he's unleashed his own brand of pain and suffering on the WWE Universe. He said men tremble at the sound of his name, but lately he's the one who's haunted, by his own humanity. He said he's been less like a monster, more like a human. Kane said tonight he'll exercise his humanity forever. He said Orton will the vehicle to bring out the monster within and the WWE Universe will once again realize why he is the Devil's favorite demon.

Randy Orton vs. Kane
Street Fight

Early on in the match, things spilled outside and up the ramp with Kane taking it to The Viper. Orton responded though with a boot to the face and eventually brought the Kendo stick into play, cracking it across Kane's body. Back in the ring, Kane backdropped Orton over the top rope to the outside floor.

After a commercial break, Kane was still in control in the ring as he took apart Orton with a dropkick for a near fall. Later though, Orton dropped down near the ropes and Kane fell over the top to the outside. Outside the ring, Kane got the upperhand again and tore the announce table cover and TV's off. He put a Chokeslam hold on Orton, but Orton jumped up onto the announce table. Orton kicked Kane but as he stepped down on the announce table he accidentally stepped into one of the holes for the TV monitors and fell down with the table.

Orton seemed to have hurt his left leg, but stood up and shook his finger at the crowd then laughed it off. He seemed to hobble quite a bit after the move but continued taking it to Kane. Right before a commercial break Orton smashed the steel steps onto Kane, then sat down to recover. When the match was back, Orton got the DDT from the middle rope on Kane. Matthews said Orton waved off all the doctors during break. With Kane down in the corner, Orton dropped to the mat and pounded it. He went for the RKO, but Kane avoided it then hit a sideslam on Orton for a near fall.

Kane was favoring his leg as well as he went off the corner and clotheslined Orton. He set up for the Chokeslam, but instead Orton hit the RKO on him out of nowhere. Orton went for the pinfall, with Kane kicking out at the last moment to everyone's surprise. Moments later, Orton went for the Punt Kick but Kane got him with the Chokeslam. To everyone's surprise, Orton kicked out of the pinfall right before commercial.

Kane was smashing a steel chair on Orton late in the match. With Orton out of it, Kane dropped the chair on the mat and prepared to chokeslam The Viper. However, Orton managed to escape it and hit the RKO, driving Kane face first into the chair. Orton with the final pinfall and the win.

Winner: Randy Orton wins via pinfall over Kane in the Street Fight.

Post-match, Orton got on the corner to celebrate in front of the fans. Kane got up and offered a handshake to Orton. Then bowed down to him. Kane stumbled forward on his hurt knee. Orton left the ring, and then Kane pulled himself up with the ropes as his theme music started. Suddenly, Mark Henry came down the ramp staring at Kane in the ring.

Henry got in the ring and Kane tossed off his arm band then went over and punched away on Henry's face. Henry responded by kicking Kane in the hurt leg, then started to take him apart, smashing the leg against the mat. He hit a World's Strongest Slam on him, then hit a Splash. Henry then went and got a Steel Chair, tossed it into the ring and put it on Kane's leg. He did the Sumo splash just like he did to Big Show at the MITB PPV.

Henry left the ring with a mean look on his face as WWE Staff rushed into the ring to help Kane out.

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