Cena Gets Punk'd

Fans of John Cena and WWE will be happy to see an upcoming episode of Punk'd. On Saturday, April 7, MTV pulled out a marathon of all the upcoming episodes of what is billed "The Final Final Season" of Punk'd. Punk'd for those not in the know is a popular MTV prank series hosted by Ashton Kutcher, where celebrities are reeled into all sorts of outrageous situations, with their reactions caught on tape. At the end, it's revealed the celeb has been Punk'd, and the celeb is either laughing, yelling, or crying.
I won't give away the John Cena episode, but it does involve a funeral, and a broken down car. Other superstars who've been Punk'd in the past included Triple H, Stone Cold, The Rock and Goldberg.
Check out Punk'd which will begin its final season on MTV, this Tuesday, April 10th at 9pm.
Labels: John Cena, WWE Miscellaneous, WWE Superstars
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