Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ECW Recap 08.11.09

ECW Recap from Edmonton, Alberta Canada:

To start off the show a recap of highlights from last week's Extreme Rules ECW Title match was shown. Christian and Dreamer used all sorts of weapons including a Singapore cane, trash cans, a hot dog cart and a car door. Christian won it by reversing a Dreamer move to hit Killswitch on the car door.

Striker and Matthews welcomed fans to the show which will feature Christian on the Abraham Washington Show.

Zack Ryder vs. Shelton Benjamin

They showed a recap of the singing contest between these two on Abraham Washington's show. Benjamin was showing Ryder up, and Ryder hit him from behind on the ramp causing an all-out brawl.

Striker said Ryder reminded him earlier he has 5,000 friends at WWE Universe website. Early on, Ryder took control as he knocked Benjamin to the mat then smashed him into the corner. Ryder did a running kick to Shelton's head then locked in a headlock after a pin attempt. Ryder tried for a suplex when Shelton got to his feet, but Shelton flipped over his back and hit a neckbreaker to take control. Shelton charged Ryder in the corner, with Ryder elbowing him. A belly-to-belly suplex ensued by Shelton for a pin attempt. Ryder went for Zack Attack, with Shelton countering it and eventually tossing Ryder into the corner. Afterwards, Ryder tried to jump at Shelton, but he kicked him and hit Paydirt to win it.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin wins via pinfall over Zack Ryder.

Gregory Helms interviewed Paul Burchill backstage. Helms asked Burchill for thoughts on tonight's match against Yoshi Tatsu. Burchill said he wouldn't be answering that question and then confronted Helms about being Hurricane, asking if he thought he was stupid. Helms said as a reporter sometimes he needs to call it how he sees it. Burchill turned and punched Helms in the face then beat him up before leaving.

Kevin Brooks vs. Vladimir Kozlov

Kozlov was given yet another amateur opponent to dominate in the ring on tonight's show with the smaller Brooks from Alberta. Early on Kozlov leveled Brooks with a hard kick, then threw him into the corner to ram his stomach and kick/punch away at him. Kozlov put Brooks up in a backbreaker then threw him helicopter style across the ring. Kozlov picked up Brooks with one arm for the final slam to win it.

Once again, Ezekiel Jackson made his way out from backstage down the ramp to the ring. After another staredown, Jackson picked Brooks up off the mat and did his finisher for Kozlov to witness. Kozlov grabbed the man and did his finisher again, then left the ring. The crowd began chanting "one more time" for Jackson, but he didn't follow their lead.

Winner: Vladimir Kozlov wins via pinfall over Kevin Brooks.

Matt Striker said that Tommy Dreamer will face William Regal in tonight's main event. Josh Matthews said they'd recap Triple H's search for Shawn Michaels to reunite DX, next.

They recapped Triple H's visit to Texas to find Shawn Michaels so they could reform DX. It all began with HHH's 2-on-1 loss to Legacy on Raw last week, when he hinted at making a phone call. HHH went to see where Michaels worked now and found he was a chef in a cafeteria at a big office building. During the skits, Michaels eventually had tater tots thrown in his face by a little girl and his grill caught on fire. HHH talked Michaels into returning as HBK's boss came out screaming at him and HHH. Michaels finally had enough and Superkicked the boss down, then superkicked the annoying little girl as well. HHH and HBK left with the grill on fire. DX will reunite to face Legacy at Summerslam.

Yoshi Tatsu vs. Paul Burchill

The Bella Twins came out as special guest ring announcers. Katie Lea accompanied Burchill to the ring to cheer him on. The crowd erupted into a "Yoshi" chant early on, but Burchill took control of the match as he kicked him in the gut. Paul continued to punish Yoshi on the mat with submission holds as Katie Lea admired his work. Yoshi was able to gain the advantage after hitting a double leg laureat on Burchill and several moves from off the ropes. As Yoshi went against the side ropes, Katie Lea hit him in the back with a foreigh object. The ref caught it and called for the bell.

Burchill attacked Yoshi from behind and knocked him to the corner. As the duo cornered Yoshi, suddenly the Hurricane's music hit and Burchill looked up the ramp for him. Hurricane appeared on the corner turnbuckle and jumped off onto Burchill, then started to go off. He came off the ropes again to pounce on Burchill and punch him repeatedly. After Burchill and Katie retreated up the ramp, Yoshi shook Hurricane's hand and Hurricane pointed to Yoshi, raising his arm.

Winner: Yoshi Tatsu wins due to disqualification over Paul Burchill.

ECW returned with a recap of what just went down between Hurricane and Paul Burchill. Burchill yelled at Tiffany backstage, about what happened. Tiffany said she'd talk to Hurricane about what happened, but won't take ultimatums from him. Tiffany asked Burchill and Katie to leave.

Tyler Reks vs. Tom James

Late in the match, Reks had a hold around James' midsection, but James elbowed him in the face to escape. James tried to take control and whip Reks to the ropes, but Reks came back to punch him in the gut, then slammed James into the mat. Reks finished things off with a springboard missile dropkick off the side ropes.

Winner: Tyler Reks wins via pinfall over Tom James.

Backstage, Abraham Washington was shown slapping hands and giving handshakes to WWE staff on his way out for the talk show.

The Abraham Washington Show

Washington hosted his show up at the top of the ramp again. Washington commented how Canada's big sport involves a lot of white men beating a black object with a stick. Washington also said today is the birthday of Hulk Hogan, then introduced the ECW Champion, Christian.

Christian called Abraham "Arsenio" and said this definitely isn't like the Peep Show. Washington had a clip shown of the Extreme Rules ECW title match again. Christian said even after that match he and Dreamer are still friends. Christian said he promised Dreamer if they stayed friends he wouldn't have to go on this lame talk show again. Christian then got in Washington's face telling him to shut up or he'd knock his teeth down his throat. Christian said he's ready to be "the man" on ECW. Washington informed Christian he had breaking news, and introduced the #1 contender for the ECW title, William Regal. Regal came out to tell Christian to watch what he does to his friend Tommy Dreamer tonight as evidence of how brutal the English can be.

Tommy Dreamer vs. William Regal

Dreamer came out wearing an arm cast since he had a screw inserted from last week's match. Early on the action went outside with Dreamer smashing Regal into the commentator table. Back in the ring, Dreamer tried for a suplex over the ropes, but Regal blocked it and ran Dreamer into the post. Regal continued to target the hurt arm, by smashing it against the post then wrenching it back in the ring to further punish Dreamer.

Dreamer got to the bottom rope to break a submission hold. Dreamer had momentum and tried to charge at Regal in the corner, only to get kicked. Regal again put a hold on the hurt arm. Dreamer fought back though, and while seated on the corner was able to fight off a suplex attempt by Regal, then clothesline him down. Dreamer went into an offensive flurry with punches to Regal and a hard clothesline. Dreamer went for his DDT only to have it countered and his arm yanked on. Dreamer managed to hit a back slam on Regal but failed at the pin.

Dreamer hung Regal upside down in the corner for his running dropkick. Dreamer hit a scoop slam near the ropes and Regal put a foot on the ropes during the pin. Regal pulled himself up on the side apron, and when Dreamer went to get him, Regal yanked his arm down against the ropes. Regal got back in the ring to hit his running knee to KO Dreamer.

After winning, Regal put Dreamer into the "Regal Stretch" to continue punishing him. Christian eventually ran down to the ring to chase Regal off. Regal backed away and up the ramp as ECW ended

Winner: William Regal wins via pinall over Tommy Dreamer.

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