Monday, August 10, 2009

Raw Recap 08.10.09

Raw Recap from Calgary, Alberta Canada:

Lillian Garcia introduced WWE Champion Randy Orton to a dark arena. As the lights came on with Orton's music playing, Orton was in the ring already. Orton said he came out to address the rumors that he's worried about facing John Cena at Summerslam. Orton admitted he bullied Jeremy Piven last week, and he could bully all of the fans in the arena one by one if he had to. Orton vowed to defeat Cena at Summerslam in less than 2 weeks. Just then, Cena's theme music hit and out came John Cena.

Cena talked about being angry, saying Orton knows what that's like. Cena said he's about ready to snap because he's tired of him talking about what he's going to do. Cena said he's also tired of Orton bullying people and acting like the wrestling business owes him something. Cena told Orton if he wants to bully someone to bully him now. The two bumped foreheads and continued a staredown. Cena asked Orton if he was gonna continue talking or do something about it. Just then, Jericho and Big Show came out from backstage and headed to the ring.

Big Show began to boast about how he breathes in someone's direction, he intimidates them. Cena said it's because of his bad breath. Jericho started speaking about his home country of Canada, with the crowd behind him. Jericho told Cena earlier in the night he spoke with Sgt. Slaughter and arranged for a one-on-one match against Cena. Jericho said tonight in Calgary for the first time ever he'll beat Cena. Orton got on the mic and said after Cena loses he'll come down and punch Cena in the skull. Big Show interrupted Orton to tell him that tonight he got a match against him.

Sgt. Slaughter was shown backstage in full gear, then yelled out marching orders.

When Raw returned they gave a WWE Poll trivia question of "Who did Sgt. Slaughter defeat to win his first WWE Championship?" with choices Randy Savage, Ultimate Warrior or Hulk Hogan.

Kelly Kelly vs. Alicia Fox vs. Gail Kim vs. Beth Phoenix
Fourway Diva match

The winner of this Fatal Fourway would win a future shot at Mickie James and the Divas Championship.

During the match, all of the divas starting going crazy trying to pin each other. The ref kept trying to count the various pinfalls but a diva would break it up. Alicia Fox finally grabbed Gail Kim and did a serious backbreaker on her to stop the pin action. Gail rolled to the outside, with Kelly having to fight off Beth and Alicia. Beth eventually grabbed her in a choke hold, but Alicia ran off the ropes and kicked Beth in the face. Just then, Gail jumped off the corner with a missile dropkick. Kelly broke up Gail's pin on Alicia, and the two started to fight.

Later still, Beth was able to impressively pick up both Gail Kim and Kelly on her shoulder and walked to center ring. Alicia ran over to clip Beth's leg and the two heel divas got into it, with Alicia ending up getting tossed over the top rope. Gail Kim jumped out onto her, and then Kelly jumped on them both. Beth Phoenix climbed the corner, and Alicia went over to yank her leg, causing Beth to get hung up in the corner. Kelly then kicked Alicia, but she managed to get into the ring. As Kelly went onto the apron, Alicia dropkicked her off to the outside. Gail then grabbed Alicia and did her finisher, a move where she brought Alicia's neck down into her boot.

Winner: Gail Kim wins the Divas Fatal Fourway to become #1 Contender for the Divas Championship.

Guest host Sgt. Slaughter came out to the ramp and saluted the fans. Slaughter then led a salute to the Canadian Flag up on the Titantron. Suddenly, a circle with a slash through it appeared on the flag. Slaughter told the crowd if it wasn't for the US, they'd all be speaking Russian or French. Slaughter continued to berate the Canadian fans causing major heat. Slaughter then asked the fans to stand and pay respect to the United States flag. Slaughter then recited the Pledge of Allegiance with his hand on his heart.

Cole and Lawler discussed Triple H's hinting at a DX reunion last week, then said HHH went to Shawn Michaels' home state of Texas to recruit him. Lawler said they'd have footage of Shawn Michaels' new profession later on tonight.

Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger

Highlights were shown from 2 weeks ago when Evan Bourne picked up a surprise win in the Beat the Clock Challenge against Swagger. Last week, Swagger was able to avenge the loss and defeat Bourne. Tonight would be the rubber match. Early on Bourne took control as he went over the top rope and landed on Swagger with double knees. As Bourne tried to flip back into the ring, Swagger put his knee out to catch his back. Swagger started using a submission hold, with Bourne eventually escaping to use high octane offense.

Bourne kneed Swagger in the face causing Jack to stumble into the corner. Bourne then charged at him for another strike move. Swagger recovered and threw Bourne's body into the turnbuckle. Swagger then grabbed Bourne and hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb to win it.

Swagger grabbed a mic and got back in the ring after his win. Swagger started to boast about himself, but was interrupted by MVP. MVP told Swagger that the Canadians don't care about him being an All American. MVP challenged Swagger to a match tonight on Raw, Swagger responded "maybe, next week". MVP shoved Swagger down to the mat, and then angry Swagger went to the outside then up the ramp.

Winner: Jack Swagger wins via pinfall over Evan Bourne.

Footage was shown of Triple H's visit to Houston, Texas. HHH was on his cell phone leaving a message for Shawn Michaels. HHH said he's in the office building cafeteria where Shawn said he would be. HHH saw a guy with a long blond ponytail at a cafeteria dining table and called him "Sexy boy" thinking it was Michaels. The guy turned around and told HHH he gets off at 7, but HHH laughed it off and left the scene. The camera then followed HHH into the cafeteria kitchen where a little girl was ringing a service bell saying she wanted her burger right now. Just then, Shawn Michaels appeared in a chef's uniform and told the girl she'd have to wait for him to cook it on both sides. HHH went up to Michaels and was shocked to see him dressed in the chef uniform. Michaels said hi then went back to work. Cole and Lawler played it off like they were clueless what was going on.

Cole mentioned that Triple H will be on tomorrow night's episode of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon at 11:35 PM EST.

Sgt. Slaughter came out again and said he was just joking before. He said he found someone to sing their national anthem and Jillian Hall came out dressed in USA Uncle Sam gear. Jillian started screeching the Canadian National Anthem to a chorus of boos.

Eugene vs. Calgary Kid
Contract on a Pole Match

First competitor to grab the contract from the pole up on the corner would get a spot back on WWE Raw. Cole said he didn't know who Calgary Kid was so he Googled him. He said all he could find was there was a children's TV show called "Range Ryder and the Calgary Kid".

In the match, Eugene knocked the kid to the mat, then did a mock People's Elbow on him. Eugene started to climb the corner with Calgary Kid able to come over and start punching at him from the other side. Eventually Calgary Kid knocked Eugene off the ropes, then climbed around and was able to pull the contract down. Calgary Kid started celebrating ecstatically. With the contract in hand, he tore off his red mask to reveal it was The Miz. Miz went outside the ring, grabbed a mic and jumped on the commentators table to announce he was the winner.

Winner: Calgary Kid (The Miz) wins via pinfall over Eugene.

Highlights were shown from last week's US Title match between Big Show and Kofi Kingston. Show had complete control of the match, dominating Kingston. The ref eventually disqualified Show for not backing off the attack in the corner. After the bell, Jericho and Show further punished Kingston.

Big Show vs. Randy Orton

The two stood face to face with Orton trying to throw an early punch. Show blocked it and grabbed Orton to take control with serious punches to Orton's ribs. Show continued to dominate as he headbutted Orton down and then put his foot on his neck to choke him. Show started stepping on Orton, then put a neckhold on to squeeze the life out of Orton. Show tossed Orton down then went back after him in the corner. Show sat Orton on the corner, then slapped him to the outside.

Orton was able to rake Big Show's eye, then kicked him on the apron. Show was stunned near the ropes so Orton did a DDT with him off the middle rope. Show threw Orton off the pinfall attempt, so Orton started to stomp on his body parts. Orton then waited for Show to stand up so he could go for the RKO. Orton attempted with Show shoving him from mid air to the mat. Show then chokeslammed Orton, but pinned near the rope and Orton got a foot on the bottom rope. Show prepared for the KO punch as Orton got up near the ropes. Orton ducked the punch and slipped out of the ring. The ref started his countout. Orton looked like he would head back into the ring before 10, but hesitated, giving Show the victory. Orton headed up the ramp and backstage.

Winner: Big Show wins due to countout of Randy Orton.

Another scene was shown with HHH talking to Chef Shawn Michaels at his new position. HHH called him a cook but Michaels corrected him that he's a "chef". Michaels told HHH after Wrestlemania ended he decided he didn't need it anymore. HHH asked if he really prefered serving corporate nimrods. Michaels said the people there respect him too. Just then a little girl came up saying the tater tots suck, and threw them in Michaels' face. HHH told Michaels that Legacy is getting out of control. Michaels told Hunter he's really good at his new job now. Just then, a huge fire broke out on the grill behind them. Michaels ran back to put it out with an extinguisher.

MVP vs. Chris Masters

Early on MVP tried to get on the corner for a move, with Masters yanking his leg out to drop him to the mat. MVP made his comeback and did a facebuster on Masters to put him on the mat. MVP then hit the Ballin' elbow drop. MVP tried to charge at Masters in the corner, with Masters moving away. MVP caught himself with his boot in the corner. Masters grabbed him from behind and tried for the Masterlock, but MVP managed to escape it and counter into the Playmaker for the win.

While MVP was posing on the corner, Jack Swagger came down the ramp. Swagger stared MVP down from outside the ring, while the ref attented to Chris Masters. Masters got up and came behind to put the Masterlock on MVP as Swagger watched from the apron. Swagger got into the ring to taunt and yell at MVP. After Masters dropped MVP from the hold, Swagger hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb.

Winner: MVP wins via pinfall over Chris Masters.

A video reel was shown of Jeremy Piven's Raw guest hosting as well as his appearances on various talk shows to discuss hosting Raw and his new movie, "The Goods". Dr. Ken took a bump on his head when Cena threw him over the ropes, and said he was "hurt emotionally". Piven said in an interview that Cena better watch his back.

Triple H was back behind the grill helping Michaels flip burgers. HHH tried to remind Michaels of DX and just who he is as a wrestler. HHH dropped a burger on the floor, then put the burger back on the grill. All of a sudden, Michaels' manager came out yelling at Michaels over what happened earlier. As the guy kept yelling, all of a sudden Michaels delivered a Superkick to knock him down. Michaels told Hunter "I'm in" and then they said "if you're not down with that I got two words for ya..." An older woman came walking over with a tray, looked into the camera and said "Suck it!" Just then, the little girl from earlier started complaining off camera again about the food, saying her dad would have them fired. Michaels walked over stared at the little girl, then delivered another Superkick. Pieces of lettuce went everywhere, and the grill went on fire again. Michaels said "I Quit" and he and HHH left.

The fans voted correctly on the WWE Poll question that Sgt. Slaughter defeated Ultimate Warrior for his first WWE Title reign.

Sgt. Slaughter came out again and said he had his fun but they're all really part of the WWE Universe. Sarge said he wanted to bring someone out that they hadn't seen in a while, the best there was, best there is, and best there ever will be. Bret Hart's theme music started up and the fans went crazy, getting on their feet. After a few moments and no Hitman, Hacksaw Jim Duggan's music hit and out came Hacksaw with the American Flag. The fans immediately began booing.

Hornswoggle & Mark Henry vs. Legacy

Henry came out wearing a green leprechaun's hat again. He and Hornswoggle did a jig on the top of the ramp before going to the ring. Chavo came out with a mic in hand in street clothes. He said his injuries from last week hadn't completely healed yet. Chavo said he found a replacement team to fight for him, and out came Legacy.

At one point, Legacy went for a double suplex on Henry, but couldn't hit it. Instead Henry suplexed both of them to the mat. Dibiase tried to fly at Henry as he came off the ropes, but Henry caught him then did the World's Strongest Slam near the corner. Hornswoggle demanded a tag, and then tried for the Tadpole Splash. Hornswoggle went for it but Dibiase rolled out of the way. Rhodes dropkicked Henry off the apron, then Dibiase hit Dream Street on Hornswoggle to take the pin.

After their win, Dibiase got on the mic with Rhodes up on the ramp. Legacy said they're ready to face DX at Summerslam in the shortest comeback in WWE history. Rhodes said if they're not down with that, they've got two words for them "Too bad".

Winners: Legacy wins via pinfall over Hornswoggle & Mark Henry.

Josh Matthews interviewed Chris Jericho backstage about his match against Cena. Jericho said tonight he'll defeat Cena for the first time ever, in the city he came from, Calgary. Big Show came out to ask Jericho if he saw what happened earlier with Orton running away. Jericho said of course he did because Show's a giant. Jericho said not to worry because he's manipulated the fans to think he's from Calgary, when he is really from the US. Jericho continued talking trash about Calgary, not realizing they were still on camera until Matthews told him. Jericho was embarassed and left the scene.

Lawler announced that next week actor Freddie Prinze, Jr. will host WWE Raw in St. Louis, Missouri. Lawler and Cole confirmed the DX vs. Legacy Summerslam match as well as Cryme Tyme vs. Show & Jericho, and the TLC match between Jeff Hardy and CM Punk.

John Cena vs. Chris Jericho

After trading control of the match back and forth, Jericho eventually knocked Cena to the mat. Seeing Cena down he tried for a Lionsault, with Cena rolling out of the way. Jericho came back from the ropes and did a bodypress onto Cena for a pin, but Cena rolled through then was able to pick up Jericho from the mat, showing his strength. Cena got Jericho into Attitude Adjustment position, but Jericho slid down Cena's back and turned it into a Walls of Jericho. Cena reversed that and was able to get Jericho into the STF. As Jericho was trapped in it, suddenly Orton appeared in the ring. The ref immediately called for the bell. Cena and Orton stared each other down for a bit, before Cena turned back towards Jericho. Jericho caught him with the Codebreaker to take him down.

Jericho then turned his attention to Orton and hit him for interfering. Orton turned back to kick Jericho then tossed him from the ring. With Jericho outside, Orton looked out at him. Big Show came down to the ring and got in behind Orton. As Orton turned, Show grabbed him for a big Chokeslam. With a brawl ensuing in the ring, Sgt. Slaughter came out again. Sarge said as his last act he was going to schedule a tag team match for next week: Chris Jericho & Big Show versus John Cena and Randy Orton. After the announcement, Orton and Cena double clotheslined Show over the top rope.

Winner: John Cena wins due to disqualification when Randy Orton interfered.

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