Saturday, August 8, 2009

Smackdown - WWE's Best Kept Secret?

When it comes to the WWE Television shows lately, Smackdown has been doing a tremendous job when compared to WWE's Monday Night Raw. While Raw has been employing a unique guest host format, that's enabled them to get the product onto the news, Smackdown is using fresh feuds, unique storylines and great wrestling matches. Raw continues to do decent ratings and we see "Did you know?" facts splashed across the screen indicating that it draws in more viewers than other cable networks like ESPN or TNT at a certain time. But did you know that a great WWE TV show airs every Friday night at 8PM on MyNetworkTV? Many don't even get to watch it on the air.

Case in point on Smackdown is the whole feud between Jeff Hardy and CM Punk. I'll be first to admit I'm not the biggest fan of Jeff Hardy in terms of being a World Champion, but he certainly does good work when paired with a guy like Punk. Hardy is huge with the fans, although he doesn't quite have that Rock/Stone Cold type charisma. Meanwhile, CM Punk has done a great heel job of chastising the fans and Hardy, gaining him tons of heat. He's basically taken over for the injured Edge in terms of being the show's major heel star right now. He and Jeff have traded the title back and forth, with an impending TLC match scheduled for Summerslam. It's looking like maybe Matt Hardy might get involved with Punk and/or Jeff, maybe setting a triple threat up.

But it doesn't stop there, because John Morrison has been on the rise and is gaining popularity. Morrison put on a great showing against Hardy just a week ago in the main event for the title. Prior to the match happening I started to wonder if maybe Jeff's title reign would be shortlived and Morrison would be a surprise champion. Not a chance, and even though Morrison did some impressive moves, Jeff proved why he's the champion. All in all the two put on a fantastic match, and you'd have to hope Morrison will be back in the title mix again. He's been a tag champ, IC champ and ECW champ, so it seems to be in the future for him.

Teaming Big Show with Jericho wasn't the most popular move, but it gives WWE a way to promote between the brands. Having a guy from Raw and Smackdown carry the titles basically means they can go between shows which is key when it comes time to promoting a Pay-Per-View event like Summerslam. Jericho is yet another bright spot on Smackdown, as he's one of the best on the mic when it comes to promos and insulting the fans. We've already been teased about a potential Jericho & Edge program once the latter star is healthy again. Then we have Dolph Ziggler who was rising at one point, and seems destined to win some sort of title. For now, at least he's got Maria...Don't forget about Rey Mysterio, the divas or Undertaker either, all of whom contribute immensely to the show's success. Undertaker & Edge's returns are both indicators that the future looks bright for Smackdown's storylines.

Now I won't get too carried away praising Smackdown because it's got its shortcomings. Slam Master J is like a cross between John Cena and Santino Marella, and that's not saying much. The Cryme Tyme Word Up segments and the R-Truth "Pretty Ricky" skits are pretty amateur and unnecessary (maybe even insulting). Kane versus Khali is a "been-there, done-that" type of feud. Despite all those issues though, at least Smackdown manages to keep interest going in their heavyweight title picture, rather than recycling the contenders over and over. On Raw, fans are constantly given Triple H vs. Orton vs John Cena. Simply mix and match those 3, throw in a steel cage or special stipulation and you've got your PPV title match. It's not to say those guys aren't entertaining, but with the level of skills and moves being showcased by guys like CM Punk, Jeff Hardy and John Morrison, they really blow them away.

For some reason though, Smackdown is on MyNetworkTV, which many fans might not even receive on their cable package or satellite. You have to wonder why WWE keeps the most creative and fresh of the tv shows a secret from the fans, when they should be using it to boost the product to another level.

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