Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ECW Recap 08.04.09

ECW Recap from Long Island, NY:

Josh Matthews welcomed fans to ECW on SyFy, with tonight's main event of Tommy Dreamer vs Christian for the ECW Title in an "Extreme Rules Match".

The Abraham Washington Show took place up on the top of the ramp. Washington did his usual antics to insult the crowd in Long Island, causing a chorus of boos and "you suck" chants. Washington also issued an open invite to Sarah Palin to come be on his show anytime. As Washington kept talking, he was soon interrupted by Zack Ryder. Ryder told Washington that the only thing to come out of Long Island is him. Washington told Ryder he was supposed to have Shelton Benjamin as guest. Ryder began talking himself up as better than Shelton.
Washington made some dis comments about Shelton and finally Shelton came out from backstage staring both guys down.

Shelton Benjamin said since the show was PG he'd talk in "smurf" to them, and told them to go "smurf themselves". Ryder and Shelton ended up getting in each other's faces, with Shelton prompting Ryder to take him on any time. Washington interrupted them saying they'd do "Abraham Idol" and have a sing-off. Ryder tried to sing a Hootie & the Blowfish song but forgot the words. Shelton started to sing the same song but knew the words, and Ryder attacked him from behind knocking him onto the ramp. Shelton got right up and tackled Ryder down to start punching him. The two men ended up fighting with Shelton throwing Ryder onto the set, and Ryder running backstage.

Ezekiel Jackson was shown walking backstage on his way out to the ring.

Danny Danger vs. Ezekiel Jackson

Jackson took on the much more slender and lightweight Danny Danger, immediately picking him up for a series of crushing backbreaker moves. Jackson kicked Danger in the gut on the mat, then picked him up for his finishing one armed slam move.

After the match had ended with Danger still on the mat, Vladimir Kozlov came out from backstage and down to the ring. Kozlov got in the ring to stare at Jackson before grabbing Danger to show off his one armed slam finishing maneuver. Jackson stared at Kozlov and then did his finisher again before leaving Kozlov in the ring.

Winner: Ezekiel Jackson wins via pinfall over Danny Danger.

Backstage, Tiffany was chatting with The Bella Twins and then walking off. A staff member rushed over to say she got Tiffany's email and everything was set for later. Tiffany got a phone call and walked away. Just then, a huge cargo container started heading straight towards the girl, but Hurricane appeared in front of it and used his strength to stop the cargo box from hitting the girl. Hurricane disappeared after being seen on camera, and Tiffany rushed over to ask the girl what happened. Paul Burchill also showed up, and after looking around said "this is ridiculous".

Goldust vs. Sheamus

In a rematch from last week, Goldust tried to avenge his loss to the newcomer Sheamus. Sheamus worked on Goldust's shoulder after taking control early on. He took him down to the mat for a submission armbar hold to further cause pain. Goldust stood up and used his arm to toss Sheamus down, but Sheamus was back up to knock him down. Sheamus continued working the arm/shoulder area.

Goldust got to his feet and tried to battle back, but Sheamus threw him against the rope to hurt his arm more. At one point in the corner, Goldust tried to roll up Sheamus for a pin. Sheamus used a unique submission to wrench his arm back, with Goldust refusing to give up. Goldust gained some momentum finally after getting to his feet, using a series of takedowns on Sheamus. Goldust went to the middle ropes in the corner for a move, but Sheamus ran over and swiped his foot out, causing Goldust to hit the mat hard. Sheamus took the winning pinfall from there.

Sheamus cut a promo on the mic after his win saying he came in search of Gold but all he found was dust. As Sheamus continued speaking, Goldust attacked him from behind and eventually tossed him into the crowd barrier hard. Sheamus retreated up the ramp with Goldust calling for him to come back.

Winner: Sheamus wins via pinfall over Goldust.

Highlights were shown from last Friday's Smackdown main event for the World Championship between champ Jeff Hardy and challenger John Morrison. Both men had plenty of offense in the 20 plus minute match. Jeff hit a Swanton Bomb with Morrison kicking out. Jeff finally countered a corkscrew twist move by Morrison to hit Twist of Fate and a second Swanton for the win to retain his title. After the win, CM Punk came to the ring pretending to celebrate with Jeff. Punk started to congratulate Hardy on the mic, then ended up attacking him. Punk beat on Hardy around the ring and threw him across the commentators' table before getting back on the mic to tell everyone to watch him win back his title next week.

Josh Matthews and Matt Striker interviewed Tommy Dreamer who was standing by backstage. Dreamer said tonight is his rules and in front of his Extreme Peeps he's going to win back his ECW title.

Christian was then shown walking backstage carrying a car door.

Matthews and Striker reminded fans that Aerosmith's "You Gotta Move" is the official theme song of Summerslam.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian
ECW TItle Match with Extreme Rules

Dreamer came out first, wheeling a hot dog cart down the ramp. Christian was out next carrying the white car door and moving a trash can full of weapons near the ring. Early on both men grabbed a weapon, with Dreamer grabbing a Singapore cane and Christian a trash can lid. Dreamer struck the lid out of Christians hands and chased him outside to use the cane on him repeatedly. Dreamer tossed Christian into the ring and tried to bring a trash can in, but Christian did the baseball slide to knock him out.

On the outside, Christian used a wooden crutch to bash over Dreamer's back, then brought him over to slam him into the barricade. Dreamer regained control and took Christian to the Hot dog cart knocking him to the ramp. Dreamer grabbed a hot dog out of the cart and ate part of it then went over and shoved the rest into Christian's mouth to choke him.

Back from a commercial break, Dreamer was in control as he smashed a trash can down on Christian in the ring. Christian came back with a trash can lid to smash on Dreamer's head, but failed at the pin attempt. The two went outside with Dreamer trying to whip Christian into the steps, Christian slid on the floor to avoid it and then ran back, but Dreamer backdropped him. Dreamer brought a trash can over to the crowd area to try to hit Christian, but the champ avoided the hit and knocked Dreamer down. Christian put a trash can in the corner but Dreamer whipped him into it instead, causing Christian to fall to the outside.

Back in the ring, Dreamer used the Singapore cane to do an impressive flip move on Christian. He went for the pin but Christian got his legs on the bottom rope. Christian tried for a DDT from the ropes to bring Dreamer onto a trash can, but Dreamer did an inverted one to plant Christian on it. At one point, Christian had Dreamer down and brought the car door into the ring, with Dreamer hitting him with the trash can lid instead. Dreamer tried to piledrive Christian onto the car door, but Christian reversed and hit Killswitch Engage on the car door. Christian made the cover with the car door on Dreamer to win.

Winner: Chrisitan wins the Extreme Rules match over Tommy Dreamer to retain the ECW title.

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