Monday, March 22, 2010

Raw Preview 03.22.10

Tonight's episode of WWE Raw will be the final show before the upcoming Wrestlemania 26 Pay-Per-View. With the events that have gone down in the weeks prior, it's clear tonight's show may hold further attempts by various Superstars to gain the edge against their competiton. Case in point is Batista and John Cena's ongoing feud, leading to a WWE Title match at Wrestlemania 26. Last week saw Batista show up during Cena's Wrestlemania Rewind match against Big Show. His ringside presence and interference on the apron, allowed enough distraction for Big Show to win the match. Cena has yet to attack Batista or gain any sort of advantage against him, and the commentators seem to think Batista has gotten to Cena. Is Batista inside Cena's head? What will Cena have to say tonight regarding the string of attacks?

Also, last week saw the shocking revelation that Bret Hart staged his broken leg injury to bait Mr. McMahon into a Wrestlemania match. Their match was officially signed last week, with Bret Hart calling for a No Holds Barred match. McMahon agreed, and with Stone Cold Steve Austin present, the match was made official. To the Chairman's surprise though, Bret took off his leg cast and told Vince that he was never injured. After a beatdown from the cast, Mr. McMahon was left laying in the ring, as Bret Hart finally seemed to have some momentum. What will be up the Chairman's sleeve for this episode of Raw?

Plenty of other superstars are looking ahead to the big Pay-Per-View event this Sunday night. There's the Money in the Bank Ladder match featuring several Raw superstars, as well as Shawn Michaels' impending match with Undertaker at Mania. Michaels' entire career is on the line, but he feels confident he can end the Streak. After showing up on Smackdown Friday night, Michaels delivered a Superkick to leave Undertaker layed out on the ramp. Will The Undertaker return the favor with one of his patented moves on Raw?

Check out tonight's Raw hosted by baseball legend, Pete Rose, tonight at 9PM EST on USA!

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