Raw Recap 03.15.10
Raw Recap from San Diego, CA:
Raw opened with a highlight video of last Monday's "Handicap Gauntlet match" with Vince McMahon against John Cena. Vince brought in several other wrestlers to try to wear down Cena for a pin, including Vladimir Kozlov, Drew McIntyre, Mark Henry and Jack Swagger. None of these competitors were able to wear Cena down enough for Vince to make the pin, but once the Animal Batista arrived to the ring he was able to ultimately stop Cena from hitting the Attitude Adjustment on McMahon. Batista hit the Spear, and then a Batista Bomb for good measure to give Vince his pinfall on Cena.Cole and Lawler were on hand for what Cole called a "Vintage episode of Raw" 2 weeks away from Wrestlemania 26. They discussed tonight's Wrestlemania Rewind matches. Things went silent for a moment, until the familiar sound of glass breaking went off. Stone Cold Steve Austin arrived to the ring to the cheers of fans.
Austin began talking about how great it was to be back, then the fans started up the "WHAT?!" chants. Austin called for a couple of beers then had the fans give him a couple of "Hell Yeah's" for Raw and Wrestlemania. Austin brought up his match against Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 13 when he passed out in a pool of blood. Austin said Bret's one of the best he's ever shared the ring with in the business. Austin brought up Vince McMahon next, saying even though they never saw eye-to-eye, Vince was always cutthroat and brought his A-game in the ring with him. Austin said tonight he'll oversee the signing of the WM26 contract to make sure it goes on without a hitch.
Austin said he's ready to take care of business in the ring tonight and that's the bottom line "because Stone Cold said so!" Just then, John Cena's theme music hit and out came Cena to Austin's surprise. Cena hit the ring and did his preparatory moves. Just then, Austin faked like he was sizing up Cena for a stunner, but smirked about it. Cena gave Austin a salute as Stone Cold left the ring. Just then, Big Show's music hit and he came down the ramp, passing Austin. Stone Cold gave him a "friendly wave" then went up the ramp with his beer.
John Cena vs. Big Show
Show was in control with a submission hold after a commercial break. Cena escaped to put on the STF, but Show managed to throw him towards the edge of the ring causing Cena to fall outside. Cena returned to the ring to beat the count and started fighting back on Show. Cena tried to lift Show with Show too heavy and falling back on him. Show missed on his corner Splash move like in other matches.Cena gained momentum and was able to get Show down for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. As Cena was doing the "You Can't See Me" gesture, Batista's music hit and the champ came out to the ramp. Cena kept staring at The Animal, then did the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena was distracted by Batista at ringside and Show got a chokeslam in. Cena kicked out of the pin though. Show revved up for a KO punch as Cena got up, but Cena ducked it. Cena tried to get Show up for Attitude Adjustment, but Batista got on the apron. The distraction to the ref allowed Show to rake Cena in the eye. Show delivered a right hand KO punch to knockout Cena for the pin.
Batista got into the ring and crawled on the mat to get in Cena's face and taunt him as Cena was layed out. The Animal left the ring smiling at Cena's misfortune.
Winner: Big Show wins via pinfall over John Cena.
Jerry Lawler gave a thank you to Kevin Rudolf for "I Made It", one of the Wrestlemania 26 theme songs available for download.
Evan Bourne vs. Sheamus
Sheamus is in preparation for his big match against Triple H at Wrestlemania 26. Before the bell, Sheamus took the mic and was about to speak then clocked Bourne in the head with the mic. The ref still hadn't started things and tried to keep Sheamus back, but Sheamus gave Bourne a boot kick to the head, then launched him with the Razor's Edge across the ring. Bourne was kicked to the outside and Sheamus grabbed the mic again.Sheamus talked about being fascinated with the WWE Superstars when he watched from over in his home country. He said one guy stood out to him as so vicious and as a man who would do anything to get to the top, The Game Triple H. Sheamus listed off all the legends that HHH has defeated. Sheamus then said he's ended careers and dominated Raw become WWE Champ in just one year. Sheamus said he was supposed to be defending his title at WM26, but Hunter ruined it. Sheamus said in 2 weeks time The Celtic Warrior will take his thrown.
Winner: No contest, match never began as Sheamus attacked Bourne.
Stone Cold was watching a flatscreen backstage, when Shawn Michaels walked in. Michaels said he wasn't there to waste time and asked Austin if he thinks he can beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Austin said he thinks he can beat him, but he won't. Austin said the streak goes to 18-0. Michaels said he appreciates Austin's honesty but after Austin beat him at WM14, everyone thought Michaels' career was over. HBK said he proved them all wrong and will again at WM26. He said tonight he sends a message to Undertaker in his match against Jericho.
Chris Jericho walked in smirking, talking about how great it is he'll get to humiliate Michaels again before Undertaker retires him. HBK said Undertaker him a message on Smackdown by destroying four guys, so tonight Michaels will destroy Jericho. Michaels left, so Jericho tried to be pals with Austin, saying they should call the match off and go have a few beers. Austin fake laughed with him, then told Jericho to get out of his office and go compete.
Before the divas bout started, Michael Cole announced that tickets will go on sale this Saturday at 10AM for the brand new Pay-Per-View "Over the Limit" which will be Sunday May 23rd in Detroit, MI. Get your WWE Over the Limit tickets here.
Kelly Kelly vs. Maryse
The two divas did a bit of posing for the fans. Kelly got up on the corner to give a sexy pose which Maryse took exception to. Maryse began her attack, but Kelly soon recovered. Kelly did a flip early to land on her feet then dropkicked Maryse. She hit a legdrop on the back of Maryse's head for a near fall. Right after, Maryse grabbed Kelly by the shorts and threw her into the corner turnbuckle.From there, Maryse stood Kelly up and hit her French Kiss DDT for the win. Maryse backed up and kicked Kelly in the gut, sending her outside the ring. Outside the ring she threw Kelly into the crowd barrier, then back inside the ring for more. As Maryse was preparing to do more damage, Gail Kim and Eve rushed to the ring to make the save. They beat up Maryse, with Gail Kim taking her down to the mat. Eve checked on Kelly.
Suddenly, Smackdown's Layla and Michelle McCool came rushing to the ring to attack. Team LayCool dismantled the face divas in the ring, including a running knee into Gail in the corner. Eve tried to get back in the ring to fight back. Layla held Eve's legs and Michelle gave her a roundhouse kick to the head. Team LayCool went up the ramp to where Vickie Guerrero was clapping for them. Maryse went up to join them and posed with her WWE Divas belt.
Winner: Maryse wins via pinfall over Kelly Kelly.
Raw returned with a highlight video about Undertaker's streak. Various superstars including HHH, Cena and Big Show discussed "The Streak" and the big Undertaker-Michaels match for Wrestlemania 26.
During a commercial break an ad aired for the new Stone Cold Steve Austin movie arriving March 23 on DVD called Damage. Pre-order your copy here at Amazon.com
Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
Michaels seemed to have control of things, until Jericho avoided him on a charge and shoved Michaels shoulder-first to the corner ringpost. Michaels recovered though and pounced on Jericho for a series of punches. The ref pulled him off though. Jericho was able to land a backdrop as Michaels came at him near the ropes, tossing Michaels to the outside. Jericho brought HBK back in to catapult him face first into the bottom rope. Jericho locked a headlock on Michaels on the mat, but HBK got to his feet to fight out.Jericho continued to dominate after whipping Michaels to the corner hard. He kicked Michaels in the head a few times, then slapped him around a bit before applying another hold. Michaels gained momentum after taking Jericho down and then jumping up to his feet. Michaels went for Walls of Jericho with Michaels turning it into a near fall small package. After knocking HBK down, Jericho went for the Lionsault, but Michaels got both knees up. Michaels went up on the corner and hit the flying elbow drop, then started up Sweet Chin Music in the corner.
Michaels went for the Superkick but Jericho saw it coming and ducked out of the ring. The ref began his countout as Jericho backed up the ramp with his hand raised. The bell rang for the countout but just then Edge's theme music hit. The Rated-R Superstar arrived out to the ramp and punched Jericho, then began to beat him up around the sound/lighting equipment and in the crowd. He shoved Jericho towards the crowd barrier, nearly hitting a WWE staffer in the process. Edge got Jericho back in the ring, waited for him to get up and hit the Spear. After grabbing a mic from outside the ring, Edge got in Jericho's face to say "Spear" in a loud whisper.
Winner: Shawn Michaels wins via countout over Chris Jericho.
Cole and Lawler reviewed last week's handicap match where Randy Orton had to face Dibiase and Rhodes. Orton seemed to be able to handle both guys and was able to kick Cody Rhodes out of the ring. As he was looking out at Rhodes, Dibiase came up behind Orton and hit Dream Street to get the pin. Rhodes and Dibiase did a mock Orton pose as their former mentor was layed out.
Michael Cole announced that guest host Steve Austin made a new Wrestlemania 26 match with Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase vs. Cody Rhodes in a Triple Threat match for the "implosion of Legacy".
Randy Orton was shown putting tape on his wrists backstage. Josh Matthews came in to ask Orton if the announcement of the new WM26 match will affect his focus for tonight's HHH match. Orton said it won't. He said even though he despises HHH, he respects him and takes him seriously in the ring. Orton said he doesn't take Dibiase or Rhodes seriously. Orton said at Wrestlemania they'll find out they are nothing without him.
Triple H was shown backstage on his way out for the next match.
Raw returned with WWE Rewind highlights from last week when Sheamus and HHH got into it in and around the ring. This came moments after Sheamus challenged Triple H to a Wrestlemania match. HHH gained the upperhand and took Sheamus into the crowd. Back in the ring, HHH hit a Spinebuster and Sheamus was forced to retreat up the ramp.
Cole and Lawler reviewed what's happened on Raw so far with the Wrestlemania Rewind matches including Batista distracting Cena and eventually causing him to lose to Big Show.
Triple H VS. Randy Orton
In this rematch from last year's Wrestlemania The Game and The Viper hooked up in the ring. Orton punched away on HHH in the corner early. HHH came back though and put Orton in the corner for a beating of his own, eventually punching him down. HHH started to control things and with Orton down, he did a crotch chop then a knee drop for a near fall.Orton started to come back a bit as he whipped HHH to the ropes. HHH held the ropes and Orton fell down on a dropkick attempt. Orton managed to knock HHH to the outside though. As HHH went to get back in through the ropes, Orton tried for his DDT move. HHH blocked it, got in the ring and then tossed Orton out over the ropes. The two fought outside, with Orton able to whip HHH into the steel steps. Orton hit a vicious DDT outside the ring right before a commercial break.
Late in the match, HHH gained momentum after hitting a Spinebuster. He went for the Pedigree, but Orton backdropped him instead. They wound up hitting a double clothesline to take each other down. Orton rolled to the apron near the bottom rope. HHH got up and went to stand him up, so Orton grabbed HHH by the head and then yanked his throat down across the top rope. HHH snapped back and Orton slowly got back in the ring. As he was going in through the ropes, Triple H kicked him, then got him in Pedigree position through the ropes. HHH hit the Pedigree and was about to pin, when Rhodes & Dibiase hit the ring to attack.
Dibiase and Rhodes attacked HHH first then dumped him out of the ring so they could go after Orton. They continued to punch and kick away on their former mentor and leader. HHH got back in the ring and went after Rhodes and Dibiase. Just then, Sheamus snuck into the ring behind HHH. As HHH turned he met a huge pump kick from Sheamus. Sheamus stared at Rhodes/Dibiase so they backed out of the ring cautiously. They went over and pulled Orton from the ring so they could hit a Cross Rhodes on him outside. Meanwhile, Sheamus got down and yelled in HHH's face, then got up to pose with one foot on HHH's chest.
Winner: Double disqualification when Rhodes & Dibiase interfered.
A commercial aired for the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony which will air Saturday, March 27th at 11PM EST on USA.
Michael Cole reminded fans of this year's 2010 WWE Hall of Fame inductees: Ted Dibiase, Mad Dog Vachon, Antonio Inoki and Wendy Richter. The newest inductee was unveiled, Gorgeous George. George Wagoner "Sensation of the Nation", the "Toast of the Coast" was known for his flamboyant costumes and antics in the ring. Some described him as the man you loved to hate, and he arrived just as the television had been introduced. His 86 year old former wife Betty Wagoner will induct Gorgeous George into the Hall of Fame.
Cole and Lawler ran down the lineup of matches for Wrestlemania 26 including Chris Jericho vs. Edge (World Title), the Money in the Bank Ladder match, Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon, and John Cena vs. Batista (WWE Title).
Kofi Kingston VS. Batista
The Animal appeared on Raw in a tuneup match with Kofi Kingston. Kingston tried to attack Batista last week to save Cena, but was unable to.Late in the match, an angry Animal attacked Kofi outside the ring, tossing him hard into the crowd barricade. Back in the ring, he sent Kofi into the corner then tried to charge. Kofi was able to slip out through the ropes then use the top rope to do a flip kick into Batista's face. The kick busted Batista open with blood streaming down from his forehead. Kofi tried for a springboard move, but Batista punched him hard in the midsection from the air. Batista hit a Spinebuster, then set up for the Batista Bomb and hit it.
Winner: Batista wins via pinfall over Kofi Kingston.
They showed highlights from Wrestlemania XXVI where Pete Rose was in the ring dissing the Boston MA crowd in 1998. All of a sudden, Kane arrived with Paul Bearer. In the ring, Kane did a Tombstone Piledriver on Pete Rose.
Next week's guest host for WWE Raw will be Pete Rose. He's already scheduled a 2-on-3 handicap match with HHH and Orton facing Sheamus, Dibiase and Rhodes.
Justin Roberts introduced Bret "The Hitman" Hart for the contract signing. Bret came out with one crutch wearing a Hitman hockey jersey top. In the ring were the two chairs and table for the contract signing. Roberts introduced WWE Chairman Vince McMahon as Bret Hart took a seat at the table. Vince came out to the ramp in a business suit. The chairman started mocking Bret as he limped down the ramp pretending to use a cane.
The sound of glass shattering came next, and Stone Cold Steve Austin came down to the ring. Austin ordered Vince McMahon to take a seat. Austin said he wants to take care of one piece of business before they do the contract signing. He discussed how proud a moment it was to go into the Hall of Fame last year. Austin said Stu Hart was supposed to go into the Hall of Fame this year. Vince stood up, but Austin told him to sit his ass down. Stone Cold said if anyone deserves to go into the Hall it's Stu Hart. Austin said he was there to officially announce that Stu Hart will go into the WWE Hall of Fame.
Austin asked Vince if he has a problem with that. Vince said he doesn't, because it means all of the Hart family will be there. Vince said each of the Harts to set foot in the ring is a dysfunctional derelict. Vince told Bret he can either sign the contract and take his beating like a man, or not sign it and be the coward he is. Vince told Bret if he signs it and doesn't show up, he'll sue him for everything he has.
Bret responded it doesn't matter if both his legs were broken, he'd still beat Vince at WM26. Bret said he doesn't want just any wrestling match, he wants it to be a fight. Bret asked for a No Holds Barred match. Vince agreed then said "it seems once again Bret has screwed Bret, now sign it". Bret signed it first. Vince went to sign, then hesitated on it before finally signing his name on it. Austin told Vince he's looking forward to seeing Vince take the worst beating of his life.
Austin left the ring and walked up the ramp with a mic in hand. Vince McMahon stood up and looked up the ramp at Austin. Austin turned to look down at Vince in the ring and said there's one thing he forgot to mention, but will let Bret tell him. Vince sat back down to look at Bret and saw that his leg cast was on the table. Bret tossed his crutch aside, then stood up. He told Vince he set up the injury with a bit of John Cena's help. Bret said if Vince backs out of their WM26 match, he'll sue him for everything he's got. Bret turned to look at the crowd asking if anyone wants a souveneir. Vince got up to try to attack from behind, but Bret turned and hit him in the gut with the cast. He shoved Vince over the table at the chair. Vince got up and Bret clocked him in the head with the cast. Raw ended with Vince down in the corner and Bret heading up the ramp.
Labels: Big Show, Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, John Cena, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, Vince McMahon, Wrestlemania 26, WWE Recap, WWE Recaps
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