Thursday, March 18, 2010

WWE Superstars Recap 03.18.10

WWE Superstars Recap 03.18.10

Right after the opening video, Kane's pyro exploded to bring the Big Red Monster to the ring. Todd Grisham and Matt Striker were on hand for the commentary. They discussed how the intensity is starting to rise for Wrestlemania 26.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Kane

The Gold Standard and Big Red Monster will be just two of the participants in Wrestlemania 26's MITB Ladder match. Tonight the two Smackdown stars locked up on Superstars. Before the first commercial, Kane had Shelton down on the mat and climbed the corner. Shelton got up from the mat, then ran and jumped up to kick Kane, sending him off the corner to the outside floor. From there, Shelton got on the side apron and jumped up to springboard reverse flip off the top rope onto Kane on the outside.

In the closing moments of the match, Kane hit a sidewalk slam, then jumped off the corner to clothesline Shelton down. He set up for the Chokeslam, but Shelton was close enough to grab the ropes. Kane kicked him in the gut them sent him against the ropes. As Shelton came back, Kane tossed him up and Shelton grabbed Kane's neck to turn it into a DDT for the nearfall. Shelton ran at Kane for a Paydirt, but Kane shoved him away. Kane went for the Chokeslam, but Shelton fought out. Shelton went for a kick, but Kane grabbed his leg, so Shelton spun and kicked Kane down with the other leg. Finally after several more exchanges, Kane slapped on the chokeslam and hit it for the win.

Winner: Kane wins via pinfall over Shelton Benjamin.

Superstars returned with the Wrestlemania XXVI recall from 1998 in Boston, MA. Pete Rose was dissing the Boston Red Sox and called the crowd the "city of losers". Just then, Kane arrived to the ring with Paul Bearer. Kane grabbed Rose and hit him with a Tombstone Piledriver to the crowd's delight.

Michael Cole announced that Pete Rose will be the final Raw guest host before Wrestlemania 26.

The Bella Twins vs. Katie Lea & Jillian Hall

Katie Lea took a mic and announced her psychic powers said that they were going to beat the Bellas 1-2- . Before she could say 3, Jillian grabbed the mic and said she loved that song and was going to sing it. The Bella came out mid song to interrupt her awful singing.

During the match, the camera got a shot of the Bella Twins' mother who Lawler pointed. The Bellas hit several doubleteam maneuvers on both Jillian and Katie during the match. At one point, Brie was up on the corner with Jillian in the ring. Katie Lea came over on the apron, and Brie kicked her off. Brie grabbed Jillian's hair and got on her shoulders from the corner, but Jillian dropped her onto the mat.

In the closing moments, Katie Lea came in to break up a pin. As she went against the ropes, one of the Bellas grabbed her leg, and the other dropkicked her out of the ring. Jillian tried to plant the legal Bella face first on the mat, but the Bella blocked, then got on Jillian, putting her legs on Jillians to secure the pinfall.

Winners: The Bella Twins win via pinfall over Katie Lea & Jillian.

A Chris Jericho World Heavyweight Champion promo video was shown, with Jericho saying he's the best in the world at what he does. Lawler and Cole said Jericho has his work cut out from him at Wrestlemania 26.

Next up was Raw Rebound which featured the Vince McMahon & Bret Hart contract signing presided over by guest host Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin announced that Stu Hart will go into the WWE Hall of Fame. Bret Hart asked for the Wrestlemania 26 match to be No Holds Barred. Vince agreed to it and both men signed off. Bret revealed at the end of the show that his leg was never really broken, as he took the cast off. Bret said tonight Vince screwed Vince, then beat McMahon with the cast to leave him down in the ring.

Lawler and Cole reviewed the lineup of matches for Wrestlemania 26 including Bret Hart versus Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker (Career vs. The Streak) and John Cena versus Batista for the WWE Championship.

Jack Swagger arrived to the ring for the main event before Superstars went to commercial.

Christian, Mark Henry & Yoshi Tatsu vs. William Regal, Jack Swagger & Zack Ryder

In a bit of a Money in the Bank preview between two favorites to win, Christian and Jack Swagger lead their respective teams in this Raw contest.

Early on in the match, Ryder backed over to his corner to tag out, bringing in Swagger. Christian backed up and made a tag to Henry. Henry started to dominate things. Zack Ryder came in to try to do a double suplex with Swagger, but Henry blocked it then suplexed both guys instead. All of the heels got tossed out of the ring right before a commercial.

Christian and Regal were fighting after a commercial break. Swagger came in to continue the heels' working over of Christian. Captain Charisma eventually made the tag out to Yoshi, who came in to take an eventual beating from Swagger. Regal hit a cheap shot on Yoshi from the apron as the ref was distracted. Ryder tagged in for a bit, then Regal next as the heels tried to keep Yoshi away from a tag.

Regal had a near fall after slamming Yoshi back. Swagger came back in yet again for a bit of work, punching Yoshi in the corner. Ryder and Regal kicked Yoshi was the ref was occupied talking to Swagger. Swagger went for his splash move off the corner with Yoshi sticking both knees up. Yoshi crawled over to make the hot tag to Christian, but Ryder tagged in as well. Ryder tried to go off the corner, but Christian hit him with a Flapjack. Christian was able to knock Swagger out of the ring, then Regal off the apron. Christian went for a Crossbody on Christian but missed. Ryder hit a neckbreaker and had a near fall.

Ryder went for Zack Attack, but Christian turned it into a Powerbomb. Henry, Yoshi, Regal and Swagger all fought in the ring then moved to the outside. Christian gained the upperhand after a flying elbow to Ryder's jaw. He got up and hit Killswitch to win it.

Winners: Mark Henry, Yoshi Tatsu & Christian win via pinfall over Jack Swagger, William Regal & Zack Ryder.

Cole and Lawler reviewed the match finish via replay. Christian, Henry and Yoshi all celebrated in the ring as Ryder, Rosa, Regal and Swagger backed up the ramp angrily.

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