Thursday, May 26, 2011

WWE Superstars Results 05/26/11

WWE Superstars Results 05/26/11:

Scott Stanford welcomed fans to the show as "La Vittoria E Mia," the theme song for Santino Marella, started up and Santino made his way to the ring.

Santino Marella vs. Zack Ryder

Santino started a comeback late in the match, but Ryder knocked him down, then started to pound away on Santino in the corner. Zack went for a running kick in the corner, but Marella moved out of the way. Zack staggered to his feet and Santino set up The Cobra and struck with it for the pinfall win.

Winner: Santino Marella wins via pinfall over Zack Ryder.

Stanford and Matthews brought up the passing of Macho Man Randy Savage, then the memorial tribute video from Monday's Raw was shown.

JTG vs. Curt Hawkins

Hawkins hit a late snap suplex for a near fall after giving out all sorts of punishement to JTG. Hawkins settled into a chicken wing headlock with JTG on the mat. JTG fought out on his feet to get rid of Curt though. Hawkins tried to fly at JTG in the corner, but J moved out of the way.

JTG followed by flipping Hawkins up and over him to the mat. JTG was able to slam Hawkins back for a near fall of his own. JTG went for the mugshot in the corner, but Hawkins avoided it and slammed him to the mat.

In the close, JTG fought with Hawkins who was on the apron. Hawkins managed to snap JTG's neck against the top rope. He followed up by getting on the corner and hitting a flying elbow drop on JTG for the pin.

Winner: Curt Hawkins wins via pinfall over JTG.

Raw Rebound showed the backstage incidents involving Kane, Big Show, Ricardo Rodriguez and Alberto Del Rio. Show had been sitting on Del Rio's fancy sports car, when Rodriguez came up to yell at him. Show shoved Ricardo down, prompting Del Rio to come over screaming in Spanish at Show. Later on, Show and Kane lost the tag team titles to Otunga and McGillicutty of Nexus due to some cheap inteference from CM Punk and Mason Ryan.

Backstage, an angry Big Show and Kane were interviewed. Del Rio came into the scene and slapped Show, then took off running. The camera went out of focus and suddenly Del Rio's car was shown looking like it had driven over Show's leg. Rodriguez got out and ran off with Del Rio. Kane yelled for help for Big Show who writhed in pain holding his knee.

Smackdown commentators Jack Korpela and Matt Striker were now on the scene. They said Big Show sustained damage to his knee and internal injuries. He'll have several weeks of grueling rehab to get back to the ring.

Tyson Kidd arrived out with Armando Estrada instead of Michael Hayes. Estrada had a mic in hand saying he's a successful businessman and greatest sports mind in WWE since Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. Estrada said he knows how to spot opportunity when it's there, and found Tyson Kidd. He said Kidd, under his guidance, will reach heights never seen before. Estrada chastised the fans for not showing Kidd the proper respect he deserves. He said if they don't like it, to do something about it.

Trent Barreta vs. Tyson Kidd

Late in the match, Barreta was mounting his comeback against Kidd. He managed to hit chops to Kidd and an enziguiri kick, followed by a springboard missile dropkick for the near fall. Barreta appeared to be nursing a knee injury, with Kidd trying to take advantage. Barreta still smashed into Kidd with his knees for another near fall.

Later still, Kidd hit an elbow drop off the top rope on Barreta. Another near fall ensued. Kidd tried for the Sharpshooter and got it locked, but Barreta was able to grab the ropes to break it. As Trent tried to fight back more, Kidd hit the Fisherman Buster to get the pinfall win.

Post-match, Armando Estrada was pleased with his new acquisition, Tyson Kidd.

Winner: Tyson Kidd wins via pinfall over Trent Barreta.

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