Tuesday, September 13, 2011

WWE NXT Results 09/13/11

NXT Results from Toronto, Ontario:

Jack Korpela sent it to the show's host Matt Striker to introduce the show. Striker said instead of bringing out the rookies he wanted to get something off his chest. Striker talked about hockey and "goons" like Darren Young and JTG. They both came out with JTG talking trash at Striker, as William Regal stepped in the ring.

Darren Young said that Striker and Regal don't respect the future, including "No Days Off" D-Young and one of the greatest tag team specialists, JTG. Regal talked about how they think he's a washed up old man, and asked what it will feel like when he batters him "half to death." Striker suggested that a "has been" and a "never was" could kick JTG and D-Young's tails all over Toronto. Regal told them he's "Straight Up Gangsta Trippin!" and then chased them out of the ring. JTG's hat fell to the mat and Regal put it on to taunt him.

Derrick Bateman and Tyson Kidd were shown walking backstage and getting ready for a tag match against Titus O'Neil and a mystery partner.

Titus O'Neil & Percy Watson vs. Derrick Bateman & Tyson Kidd

William Regal joined Jack Korpela on commentary now as the match competitors were introduced.

Late in this one, Titus O'Neil overpowered Bateman and shoved him against the ropes. As Bateman bounced back, Titus grabbed him and hit the Clash of the Titus for the pinfall win. Regal talked about how Titus' finisher can come out anywhere, anytime.

Winners: Titus O'Neil and Percy Watson win via pinfall over Tyson Kidd and Derrick Bateman.

AJ was shown backstage talking on her cell phone. She was leaving a message for Hornswoggle saying she was worried about where he is. Maxine came walking up and told AJ that Hornswoggle went to Palm Springs with the Bella Twins. AJ said she doesn't believe it, but Maxine showed her a picture on her cellphone. AJ walked off still in disbelief. Maxine said "Photoshop is great" and smirked about it.

AJ vs. Maxine

Early on, Maxine kept using holds on the mat to try to stretch out and wear down AJ. AJ tried to power out of it. AJ started to make a comeback late with several takedown moves, but couldn't secure a pinfall. Maxine managed to grab AJ and drop her on the top rope and then hit her finisher for the pinfall win.

Post-match, Titus O'Neil arrived to the ring to check on AJ as Maxine took off but stared at them from the ramp area.

Winner: Maxine defeated AJ via pinfall.

Matt Striker & William Regal vs. JTG & Darren Young

Late in this match, Matt Striker had a pinfall on Young, but JTG broke it up. Regal came in to take JTG to the outside to fight. Meanwhile in the ring, Young managed to powerlift Striker up on his shoulders and then did his gutbuster finisher on Striker for the big win.

Post-match, The Usos came rushing to the ring to chase Young and JTG out. Cole said maybe the Usos will get some opportunities if Triple H loses on Sunday.

Winners: JTG & Darren Young win via pinfall over Matt Striker and William Regal.

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