Monday, March 18, 2013

Raw Results 03/18/13

Raw Results from Pittsburgh, PA:

The show opened with John Cena cutting a promo about how fans have several weeks left to decide if their behind him or The Rock.  He talked about being focused and ready for Mania.  All of a sudden, Prime Time Players came out to interrupt.  Titus O'Neil refers to himself as Rufus Pancake Patterson, and then says D-Young looks like Cena.  He suggests they fight in a match, so Young heads to the ring and Cena gets ready to bring it to him.

John Cena defeated Darren Young via pinfall.  Cena hit a Five Knuckle Shuffle followed by the AA for the win.

Ryback defeated David Otunga via pinfall.  Ryback hit a Meathook clothesline and then Shell Shocked to get the pin.  Post-match, Ryback cut a promo, but then Mark Henry came out and started to go down towards the ring.  However, Vickie and Teddy Long came out to intervene.  They announced that Ryback is no longer part of the six-man tag match at Mania, and instead he'll face Mark Henry at WM29.  Ryback hits Shell Shocked a second time on Otunga to show Henry what's up.

Fandango went to the ring with his dancer and did some dancing before Great Khali came to the ring with Natalya.  Fandango called Khali too stupid to pronounce his name and asked Natalya to do it instead.  She purposely got the name wrong, then told Khali to get him.  Fandango escaped the ring to leave with his dancer, and said that tonight was the night fans almost got to see his debut.

R-Truth defeated Damien Sandow via countout.  Late in the match, Truth hit his scissors kick on Sandow who then rolled to the outside.  Sandow went up the ramp and walked backstage, getting counted out.

Backstage, The Bella Twins are all over Cody Rhodes.  Kaitlyn walked up to tell Cody she has something going on later and can't hang out.  Bellas tell her nobody cares, so Kaitlyn tells them they can have Cody's mustache and he can have theirs.

The Undertaker came to the ring for a promo talking about how CM Punk sealed his fate by making this match personal.  Taker talked about how he will hurt Punk real bad at Mania, then gave him a chance to bring the urn out now.  A voice comes on impersonating Paul Bearer and then Punk shows up on the screen.  Punk tossed the urn around as he cut his promo, saying he is the one man in the world capable of snapping the Streak.  He said he's ready to walk through hell and receive what Taker's going to inflict, but he'll end the Streak.  He finishes it by dropping the urn and saying "Oh s--t!"

Kane and Daniel Bryan defeated Primo and Epico via pinfall.  Late in the match, Kane set up for a chokeslam, but AJ Lee came skipping down to the ring and around it to distract.  Kane nearly got rolled into a pinfall.  Epico tagged in to help double team, but Bryan made a save.  Kane hit a chokeslam on Epico to get the win.  Post-match, Kane and Bryan stare at AJ looking confused as she skips backstage.

Backstage, Chris Jericho talked with Josh Matthews about how he's going to win the Intercontinental Title for his 10th time.  Fandango came in to interrupt, trying to teach Jericho how to pronounce his name.  Jericho mocked him with several funny names.  Fandango said Jericho will learn to pronounce his name.

Alberto Del Rio defeated Cody Rhodes via submission in a non-title match.  Late in this one, Del Rio hit several shots on Cody's lower back, then hit a backstabber for a near fall.  He missed on a move in the corner, but then was able to counter Cody's move and put on the cross armbreaker to make him tap.

Post-match, Jack Swagger rushed out and attacked Del Rio.  Ricardo tried to make a save but got tossed out of the ring.  Things continued on with Del Rio fighting Swagger on the outside, then going after Zeb.  Swagger saved Zeb from ADR's clutches then told him to never put a hand on him.  He tossed Del Rio over the announced table.  Swagger and Zeb began to walk backstage, but then Swagger set his sights on Ricardo and clotheslined him hard.  Swagger put the Patriot Lock on Ricardo for a while causing him massive pain.  Zeg and Swagger finally left as trainers checked on ADR and Rodriguez.

After commercial break, they reviewed the attack by Swagger.  Ricardo Rodriguez was taken out on a stretcher.

Sheamus & Randy Orton defeated Drew McIntyre & Heath Slater.  Jinder Mahal was at ringside for the match.  Late in this one, Sheamus fought off a double team from Slater and Drew, eventually knocking Drew down from the air.  After a tag in, Orton unloaded on Slater, before hitting a powerslam.  He tossed Slater to the apron, then hit the DDT from the middle rope.  Sheamus ran into the ring to take out Jinder and Drew with Brogue Kicks right before Orton hit the RKO on Slater to get a pin.

Post-match, The Shield came out through the crowd and surrounded the ring with Orton and Sheamus in it.  Big Show came out and ran down to join Orton and Sheamus in the ring.  Shield backs off and leave sthrough the crowd.  Show looks up at the WM29 banner, then leaves the ring with Orton and Sheamus staring at him.

Michael Cole introduced an exclusive look at "GI Joe 2: Retaliation" starring The Rock.  Later tonight, Triple H and Brock Lesnar's contract signing for WrestleMania 29.

Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston via pinfall.  Kofi got up on the corner for a move, but AJ got on the apron to distract.  Kofi saw Dolph sneaking around the side of the ring and tried to jump off the side apron on him.  Instead, Big E was behind Ziggler and swatted Kofi down mid-air.  Ziggler put Kofi back into the ring, then hit Zig Zag for the win.

Post-match, Kane and Daniel Bryan came out to congratulate Big E and Ziggler for finally getting him and Kane on the same page.  Kane said he's not in a good place right now, then suggested Ziggler & Big E vs. Team Hell No.  AJ got into the conversation suggesting it be for the tag titles at WM29, and Hell No accepted.

Wade Barrett defeated The Miz and Chris Jericho via pinfall in a Triple Threat Intercontinental Title match.  Late in this one, Jericho chopped away on Miz, then missed an enziguiri kick.  Jericho had a quick rollup for a near fall.  Miz was able to counter a Jericho move and hit the Skullcrushing Finale.  He tried for a pinf, but Barrett rushed in to break it up, then rolled up Miz for the win.  Post-match, Barrett left the ring and grabbed his belt before heading up the ramp.

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar contract signing.  The show's final segment featured the contract signing with HHH and Brock.  Lesnar and Heyman decided a stipulation before Triple H signed off on the match.  Heyman came to the ring with 3 security guards for his own safety, without Brock.  Heyman showed HHH that he had a contract with Brock's signature already on it.  Heyman said only after HHH signs it will he tell him the stipulation.  Heyman had footage shown from 3 weeks ago when Lesnar tried to go after Vince McMahon but Triple H came to the ring for the save.  The footage turned black and white so as to not show the blood.

Heyman told Triple H that Brock told Heyman he could pick the stipulation.  Heyman said why not make the stipulation that the winner gets HHH's wife Stephanie, but then Heyman suggested the loser should get her.  Triple H lost it then and went after Heyman, taking him down to the mat.  The security guards pounced on him immediately, but The Game soon cleared two of them out of the ring.  The third guy stood there and stared down at Heyman, looked at HHH and then got out of the ring.

With Heyman all alone, Triple H grabbed him and smashed him face first onto the table, cutting open Heyman's forehead.  HHH then slammed him on the table and ripped Heyman's shirt open to slap him around a bit.  Heyman said since he knows Lesnar won't come out until he signs, he's going to fully enjoy the moment.  He took out the contract and pressed it on Heyman's chest, then signed it.  He finished off by shoving Heyman out of the ring and throwing a chair out on him with the contract.

Lesnar's music hit and he came out to the stage irate, smashing a steel chair down.  Brock started down towards the ring, but then Triple H produced a sledgehammer and dared Brock to get in the ring.  Brock tossed the chair at him which HHH batted down.  Heyman told Brock "We won, signed his death wish."

Heyman and Lesnar went to the top of the stage, with Heyman getting on the mic saying it will be no countdown, no DQ, no stoppage of the match for any reason, because it will be No Holds Barred.  Heyman added one further stipulation: Triple H's career is on the line in the match.  Lesnar held onto the contract and smirked at HHH in the ring as Heyman  chimed in "Game Over."

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