Raw Results 03/11/13
WWE Raw Results from Indianapolis, IN:
Raw opened with a tribute video to the late William Moody aka "Paul Bearer."The show opened with Undertaker coming to the ring with an urn on a table in there. He dropped to one knee in tribute to his late manager, but was interrupted by CM Punk during the proceedings. Punk said he extends his condolences and apologies for Taker's loss, which will come at WM29. Punk says that Paul Bearer will always know Taker as a perfect 20-0 but everyone else will know him as 20-1 in a few weeks.
During a commercial break, Kane tried to come out and chokeslam Punk off the stage, but Punk escaped his clutches and took off.
Cameras showed Kane backstage destroying everything in sight as he looked for Punk. He shoved Alex Riley across the locker room and kept up the search.
Big Show defeated Seth Rollins via DQ. When the match went to the outside, Show threw Reigns into the crowd barrier. Rollins and Ambrose attacked him from behind and started to beat up Show, causing a DQ. Post-match, Shield tripled-teamed Show on the floor. He fought them off and got Rollins in the ring for a near chokeslam, but Reigns speared him down. The Shield then did a triple powerbomb on Show to lay him out.
Backstage, Punk was irate over Kane trying to attack him as he talked to Vickie and Brad Maddox. Vickie booked Kane vs Punk in a No DQ match for later on.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Daniel Bryan via pinfall. Late in the match, Bryan had the No Lock on Ziggler, but AJ distracted the ref, allowing Langston to put Ziggler's leg on the bottom rope. The ref broke the hold off and Bryan went after Big E. Ziggler tried for a roll-up and only got 2. From there, Ziggler put on the No Lock again, but Ziggler broke away and was able to hit Zig Zag for the win. Post-match, AJ and Ziggler made out in the ring before Big E hit his finisher on Bryan.
Tensai vs. Fandango match did not happen. Tensai, Clay, Naomi and Cameron were in the ring when Justin Roberts announced Fandango but he wouldn't come out on stage. Tensai got on the mic demanding he get out there now. Fandango's dancer came out followed by Fandango who called Tensai and Clay disgraces to the world of dance. Fandango requested Naomi says his name since she has talent and is better than all of the others. Tensai interrupts but Fandango cuts him off saying he just comes everyone a chance to see him wrestle. Fandango and his dancer went backstage without hitting the ring.
Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow vs New Age Outlaws ended due to interference. Late in the match, Billy Gunn had just been hit with a Disaster Kick by Rhodes. Brock Lesnar's music hit and he arrived out with Paul Heyman. In the ring, Lesnar fought Gunn and Road Dogg, hitting F5's on each of them.
Heyman got on the mic to talk about how Lesnar hurt Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon. Heyman than said Lesnar will fight Triple H at WrestleMania, but only if they get to name the stipulations and after HHH signs the contract. Heyman and Lesnar leave and officials get in the ring to look at NAO.
Mark Henry defeated Kofi Kingston via pinfall. Late in this one, Kofi and Henry battled outside the ring with Kofi able to send Henry into the steps and then jump at him from off the steps. Back in the ring, Kofi went for the high risk move from the top, but Henry caught him from the air, then hit World's Strongest Slam for the win.
Backstage, Cody Rhodes comes up to Kaitlyn saying he's glad he got to see her. Damien Sandow comes up and takes Kaitlyn's water, then told Rhodes he found them some girls - The Bella Twins. They saw the divas division has never needed them more and they're back. Vickie Guerrero comes up and books Rhodes/Sandow vs. Orton/Sheamus.
Ryback defeated Heath Slater via pinfall. Despite Slater making his best attempts, he eventually was hit by Shellshocked for Ryback's win with Mark Henry watching from the stage.
Post-match, Drew McIntyre tried to attack Ryback but got hit by Shellshocked. Henry came down to the ring and as Drew got back up, Henry hit World's Strongest Slam. Ryback picked up Drew for another Shellshocked, followed by another slam from Henry on him. The two had a staredown before a "Feed Me More" chant started up.
Alberto Del Rio defeated Antonio Cesaro in a non-title matchup. Towards the end of this one, Del Rio went to the top rope for a move, but Cesaro uppercut him from mid-air and had a near fall. Moments later he went for a German Suplex, but Del Rio countered and put on the armbreaker making Cesaro tap out.
Backstage, Josh Matthews tries to interview Kane about his emotions right now. Kane has the urn and seems to be getting emotional, then walks off without saying anything.
Sheamus and Randy Orton defeated Rhodes and Sandow via pinfall. Late in the match, Sheamus went for the Brogue Kick on Sandow, but Cody came in to intervene. Orton came in to take down Cody with the RKO and then Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick on Sandow for the win.
During break, The Shield attacked Orton and Sheamus leaving them hurt on stage.
Chris Jericho had an episode of Highlight Reel with The Miz as guest. He tried to talk to him about "Marine 3" DVD sales being good, but Wade Barrett arrived out to interrupt. In the ring, Barrett got into it with both Miz and Jericho. Brad Maddox came out to intervene, asking them to stop because he doesn't want them acting like this on his show. He suggests Jericho vs. The Miz and the winner faces Barrett for the IC title next week.
The Miz and Chris Jericho fought to a no contest/double DQ. Late in the match, Jericho accidentally threw Miz into Barrett outside the ring. Jericho brought Miz back over the ring, but then Barrett attacked from behind for the DQ. Jericho fought Barrett, then he and Miz brought him into the r ing to hit their finishers on him.
Jack Swagger defeated Sin Cara via submission. Cara had a huge kick to Swagger's head late, followed by an attempted springboard move. Swagger catches him mid-air then hits a move on his leg and finally locks on the Patriot Lock for the win. Post-match, Swagger kept the hold locked on, refusing to break it. Del Rio ran down for a save and the two fought. Del Rio eventually put on the armbreaker but Zeb helped pull Swagger free and out of the ring with the two retreating.
Kane defeated CM Punk via pinfall in a No DQ match. Late in the contest, Punk was in control and hitting Kane with a steel chair. Punk did the cutthroat signal to mock Taker, then blocked Kane's chokeslam attempt with a roundhouse kick. Punk prepared for a GTS but just as Kane got up, The Undertaker's bell sounded. Punk was startled by it, which allowed Kane to recover and give him a chokeslam for the win.
Post-match, Taker's music started up and the lights dimmed with him going down to one knee. Kane did the same in the ring facing Taker. Suddenly, Punk grabbed the urn and hit Kane from behind several times. Taker went down towards the ring with Punk escaping. In the ring, Undertaker checked out Kane and then angrily made the cutthroat signal towards Punk.
Labels: Alberto Del Rio, Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Jack Swagger, Kane, Paul Heyman, RAW Recap, The Miz, Undertaker, Wrestlemania 29, WWE Recap, WWE Recaps
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