Monday, August 26, 2013

Raw Results 08/26/13

Raw Results from Phoenix, AZ:

During the first segment, The Shield was standing guard at the ring.  Triple H and Orton were in the ring for it, and Orton praised HHH for breathing new life into the WWE.  Daniel Bryan came out and said he's going to rearrange the face of the WWE at Night of Champions.  HHH booked him to face Shield in a Gauntlet match, where if he defeated one guy, he'd face the next, later on.

Cody Rhodes defeated Fandango via pinfall.  Damien Sandow was on commentary.  Miz came out to Fandango's music dressed as him and dancing with Rosa Mendes.  The distraction allowed Cody to score a roll up pinfall.  Post-match, Sandow attacked Rhodes.  The Miz tossed Fandango out of the ring.  Raw GM Brad Maddox booked a tag match involving them.

The Miz and Cody Rhodes defeated Damien Sandow & Fandango via pinfall.  During the match, Fandango left with Summer Raw, so Miz and Rhodes doubleteamed Sandow.  Miz hit a Skull Crushing Finale for the win.  Post-match, Fandango told everyone how to say his name from the stage, then danced with Summer Rae a bit.

CM Punk defeated Curtis Axel via pinfall in a non-title match.  The fans got to choose a stipulation and they chose that if Punk won, he got Heyman in the ring with him.  Axel blocked a late GTS in the match and hit his finisher, but Punk kicked out of it.  Moments later, Punk hit the GTS to pick up the win.

Post-match, Heyman tried to head backstage several times, but security brought him back to Punk.  Punk was ready to beat him up, but Axel hit a low blow.  Heyman gave Axel some handcuffs and they handcuffed Punk's hands behind his back.  Heyman taunted and slapped Punk.  Punk manages to jump up and hit a roundhouse kick to take down Axel.  He kicks Heymans leg out and then starts to kick away at him.  Axel made another save from behind and this time, Heyman used a Kendo stick on Punk.  Axel pulled Punk to the outside and threw him into the announcers table.  They continued the beatdown and eventually stopped as the WWE doctor checked Punk's condition.

Brie Bella defeated Natalya via pinfall.  Jo Jo from Total Divas announced the competitors.  Cameron and Naomi were ringside for Natalya, while Eva Marie and Nikki were there for Brie.  They all got into a brawl at one point, which broke up Natalya's Sharpshooter on Brie and allowed Brie to get the win.

Post-match, AJ Lee came out onto the stage with her Divas championship belt.  She bashed the other divas for being reality TV stars and called them "useless, interchangeable and talentless."  AJ says none of them will ever be able to lace up her Chuck Taylors.  She says they'll never be able to touch her, and that is the reality.  AJ dropped the mic, then skipped off.

Rob Van Dam defeated Alberto Del Rio in a non-title matchup by pinfall.  Ricardo Rodriguez introduced RVD for the match, and revealed he was wearing an RVD t-shirt under his jacket.  During the match, Ricardo got up on the announcers table, causing a distraction to Del Rio.  Rob Van Dam rolled up Del Rio, and with the win earned a title shot at Night of Champions, per Brad Maddox.

Backstage, Josh Matthews interviewed Ryback about him recently bullying people around.  Ryback grabbed Matthews by the face and made him go to his knees.  He said he finally found a way to shut him up and pushed Matthews away by his face.

Backstage, Renee Young caught up with Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel.  She asked Heyman if he was scared of Punk earlier tonight.  Axel said Punk will never forget what happened to him earlier.  Heyman added that Punk's like a kid who needs to keep getting punished over and over.  He said Punk will learn he's the last person to come up against.  Heyman got into a car with Axel and drove off from the arena.

Randy Orton defeated Christian in a non-title match via pinfall.  Late in the match, Orton hit the draping DDT from the middle ropes.  Christian blocked an RKO, then moments later, Orton jumped over a spear attempt.  Christian nailed one right after for a near fall.  He blocked another RKO, then went for Killswitch.  Orton blocked the finisher and jabbed Christian in the face with his thumb.  Orton then hit the RKO for the win.

Post-match, Daniel Bryan appeared on the big screen backstage to congratulate Orton.  Bryan was shown standing in front a Cadillac that Triple H gave Orton earlier in the program.  Bryan asked if he'll be the new face of the WWE if he can defeat Orton at Night of Champions.  Bryan stepped out of the way to show that "YES" was spray painted all over the Escalade.  Orton was irate in the ring as Raw went to break.

Backstage, Triple H, Orton and Brad Maddox surveyed the damage to the spraypainted Escalade.  Maddox said everyone's laughing at Triple H and Orton now.  Triple H says the Cadillac is his property, and the WWE Title is also his property and Orton is carrying it for him.  HHH tells Maddox to gather up the WWE roster so they can watch what will happen to Bryan tonight.  Triple H says he's going to fire anyone that tries to help Bryan.  Orton says Bryan will pay and Triple H agrees with him.

Titus O'Neil defeated Jack Swagger via pinfall.  Zeb Colter, Antonio Cesaro and Darren Young were all ringside.  Late in the match, Young got involved distracting Swagger and Cesaro.  As Swagger turned around towards Titus, he got hit by a spinebuster.

They showed a video from Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt Family.  Bray spoke about his finishing move called Sister Abigail.

Backstage, Brad Maddox went to check with the doctor on Punk's condition and was told Punk is refusing medical help.  Punk walked in and demanded a match against Heyman.  Maddox booked Punk vs. Heyman and Axel for Night of Champions.

After a break, the WWE roster was assembled on stage for the Daniel Bryan vs Shield Gauntlet match.  Renee Young tried to get interviews with several superstars on stage such as Big Show, Ziggler and Miz, but none would comment saying they didn't want to lose their jobs.

Daniel Bryan defeated Seth Rollins via pinfall.  Bryan hit a super German suplex and dropped Rollins on his face from up top, then drops him again to score the winning pin.

Daniel Bryan defeated Dean Ambrose due to disqualification.  Bryan had the Yes Lock applied but Roman Reigns got involved causing a DQ.

There's no third match really as The Shield start the triple team beatdown on Bryan.  The WWE Roster is looking on from the stage.  Triple H's music hits and out comes HHH looking at some of the guys on stage.  He looks at Big Show, but Show looks away.  The Shield hit their Triple Powerbomb on Bryan.  Triple H dares anyone on stage to go help Bryan, but nobodoy does.  Randy Orton comes out to the stage, and Orton tells him to go get his revenge on Bryan.  Shield holds Bryan as Orton goes to the ring.  Orton taunts Bryan a bit before hitting the RKO.  Show gives an angry stare at Triple H.  Orton goes back up the ramp, with Bryan left at the feet of The Shield.  Orton holds up the WWE Title from the ramp, with HHH daring the roster to laugh now.  Raw goes off the air as Shield stands over Bryan in the ring.

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