Monday, December 16, 2013

Raw Results 12/16/13

Raw Results from Dallas, TX:

The opening segment featured Triple H and Stephanie in the ring with various wrestlers assembled on stage, including John Cena and Daniel Bryan.  Orton was introduced and brought out both championship belts, then stopped and held them up before Bryan and Cena.  Orton started a speech, which Cena interrupted and suggested that Daniel Bryan deserves a fair title match.  Orton tried to have security take Cena away, but HHH and Steph interrupted.  They noted that the fans voted Bryan as Superstar of the Year, so a great way to kick off the reign of the new "Champion of Champions" would be a title match against the man the fans don't think Orton can fairly defeat.

Big Show and Rey Mysterio defeated Cody Rhodes and Goldust via pinfall in a non-title match.  Late in the match, Goldust missed on his flying crossbody at Show.  Show hit a knockout punch on him, before Mysterio tagged in and hit the flying splash off Show's shoulders to get the pinfall.

Backstage, Kane was standing by as Randy Orton was upset at Steph and HHH over the decision for him to defend the title one night after a TLC match. Stephanie reminded him that Daniel Bryan competed in a 3-on-1 handicap match last night.  HHH assured Randy that they "had his back" tonight.

Dolph Ziggler defeated Fandango via pinfall.  Ziggler was able to surprise Fandango over 3 minutes into the match when he grabbed a quick rollup pinfall for the win.

Mark Henry & Big E Langston defeated The Real Americans via pinfall.  Late in the match, Cesaro was able to suplex Big E Langston.  Later, Langston was able to make a hot tag to Henry who came in to headbutt Cesaro and then powerslam him.  Swagger broke up a pin attempt.  Big E eventually tagged back in to hit The Big Ending on Cesaro to get the win.

Ryback & Curtis Axel defeated Brodus Clay & Tensai via pinfall.  Late in the match, Tensai went for a tag to Clay, but Brodus backed away,  leaving Tensai to fend for himself.  Ryback was able to hit Shellshocked on Tensai for the win.  Post-match, Clay splashed onto Tensai twice and set up for a big corner splash.  R-Truth and Xavier Woods ran down to hit a double dropkick on Clay to send him out of the ring.  Post-match, Woods and Truth invited the Funkadactyls into the ring to dance with them.

CM Punk came to the ring and talked about surviving last night's match against all 3 members of Shield.  He says he knows that The Authority has it out for him though.  He called out Triple H, but instead got Shawn Michaels. HBK talked about kicking Punk last week.  Punk said he would give him a pass for that because "15-year old Punk is stoked that Michaels kicked him."  He told HBK if he does it again, he'll kick him back.  Michaels said kicking him hurt him more than in pained Punk.  He said what he was about to do would have the same effect, then introduced Punk's opponents: The Shield, who made their standard entrance through the crowd.

The Shield defeated CM Punk and The Uso Brothers via pinfall.  Late in this one, Punk hit a top rope elbow drop on Ambrose for a near fall.  He went for the GTS, but Rollins distracted him briefly.  Punk chased off Rollins, then hit the GTS on Ambrose, but Reigns had tagged in and hit the spear on Punk for the win.

As Michael Cole was talking about poll results for "which superstar will get coal in their stocking," a Wyatt family noise interrupted.  Bray Wyatt came on and said he thinks Daniel Bryan is a coward, saying he told him he could take the pain away, but all he can feel is his empty heart beating.  He told "Abigail" that he understands what they must do, "If Daniel Bryan refuses to walk with the reapers, then he will burn with the saints."

AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka & Alicia Fox defeated Natalya and The Bella Twins via pinfall.  Nikki had momentum late in this match, but Tamina kicked her in the face.  AJ Lee got in another kick then the pinfall win.

Backstage, Renee Young interviewed Randy Orton who complained some more about having to face Daniel Bryan tonight after his TLC match just last night.  He said it's a strange world where Bryan is voted Superstar of the Year.  Orton said what's best for business is that everyone in the arena, locker room and around the world bends over and kisses his ass.

Daniel Bryan defeated Randy Orton due to disqualification in a non-title match.  Late in the match, Bryan was in control and rolled Orton back into the ring after hitting a suicide dive and whipping him into a barricade outside the ring.  He hit a missile dropkick back in the ring, then several rounds of kicks on Orton's chest.  Bryan went for a kick to the head, but Orton ducked it, then hit a low blow on Bryan causing the DQ.  Post-match, John Cena rushed to the ring to attack Orton, throwing him out over the top rope.  He checked on Bryan's condition.  Orton got back in the ring and hit the RKO on Cena to leave both him and Bryan down on the mat.  He held up both championship belts while posing over Bryan  and Cena to close Raw.

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