Thursday, December 21, 2006

John Cena vs. K-Fed

So the WWE is giving us fans quite a gift; the gift of seeing John Cena beat K-Fed, again. Of course with the way things work, this could be just a match to involve some outside interference..such as Umaga or Johnny Nitro, to bait and beat down Cena. But does anyone else feel jipped by the match? How about a Rock vs Cena contest? It would probably be one of the best fights the WWE can book right about now.

The K-Fed, I mean Kevin Federline match, was all about promoting K-Fed's rap cd. But the problem is, his rap cd has done so poorly, K-Fed has had to cancel appearances for concerts and whatnot. His cd hasn't even sold over 7000 copies last I checked. So is there a point to the match anymore? It's not gonna sell too many more copies of the cd. We've already seen Cena F-U Federline in an unofficial match. All that was missing was a pinfall.

The WWE is good at aligning itself with various celebs to help them promote. It repeatedly airs new movie ads, or has on-air interviews (such as Sylvester Stallone last Monday).. I even saw Rob Schneider at a live event, because his movie, Deuce Bigalow 2, was about to be released. But there comes a point when the WWE needs to know what should and shouldn't be promoted. Federline has hit "rock bottom" so to speak and seeing Cena give him an F-U and get a 3 count just doesn't seem satisfying at this point.

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