Saturday, August 4, 2007

Kennedy Should be the Man

Right now, many insiders and fans make claim that Randy Orton is on the verge of winning John Cena's WWE title. Cena has held the title since mid-September of 2006, making it close to a year-long run. Many believe Orton will take the belt off Cena at Summerslam and then enter in a feud with the returning Triple H (after he does away with King Booker). I say why isn't Kennedy in this spot right now, as he has the personality, skills and charisma to carry a new generation of WWE and the Raw show.

My case here is for Mr. Kennedy to be the man, and the top heel on all of Raw. He most likely will, but it will be a slow development to the top. What I believe will happen presently with Kennedy is he will first enjoy a run as the Intercontinental Champion, which is what many past greats have done (Stone Cold, Triple H, Edge, The Rock). If Umaga turns face like rumors say, maybe Kennedy will be his first legit competitor and take the title away, pushing him up even further in the ranks. In terms of the WWE title, Kennedy's most recent win was a big one, as he defeated Bobby Lashley. It is questionable if this was the "outcome" due to Lashley suffering a serious shoulder injury, but nonetheless Kennedy picked up that major victory. He seems poised to have a legitimate push as a top contender. In addition, Kennedy defeated Lashley who was Cena's last Summerslam opponent. Orton has defeated Dusty Rhodes and his son, and then Sgt. Slaughter. Who's more of a contender? I have a feeling we will get a brief Carlito vs Kennedy feud after their past wins on Raw and both guys grumbling they deserve the #1 spot.

Kennedy has the best in ring, mic skills on Raw right now, in terms of getting the crowd's attention. King Booker also ranks up there with his gimmick, which may be dropped after Triple H beats him or the next King of the Ring. Orton may have a fanbase, but he doesn't have that sort of charisma WWE needs, due to the cold "Legend Killer" character he plays. Many accuse Orton of being stale and boring in his role, and I would agree right now. While he's got that cold-hearted, ice water veins style down, it's becoming old. Kennedy is a fresh performer for the roster and can upset the fans at the drop of a dime as a great heel can. He can annoy and play off of the other wrestlers great. Given the proper script and writing, he can have that Rock like charisma, eventually, and turn from heel "bad guy" to face "good guy". He's got the ability to easily do that.

We haven't seen much of Kennedy on Raw, because he's a recent acquisition via the draft and was returning from injury. However, I feel he would make for the best top heel of the show. With Triple H returning, I think those two would play well off each other, especially if Cena leaves WWE for a bit. Cena may even exit at Summerslam, in the whole "legend killer" theme. But right now Orton has that whole legend killer thing in the bag and it's a "been there, done that" gimmick we've been watching for a while now. A Triple H vs Orton feud makes some sense due to Triple H's injury, but a Kennedy vs Triple H feud might have even more people watching the shows.

Watch in the coming weeks and we just may see Kennedy get the push he properly deserves with a title shot at Summerslam, but time will tell what WWE has in store.

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