Saturday, February 16, 2008

2008 No Way Out Predictions

No Way Out hits this Sunday night at 8PM EST on Pay Per View. It will feature a first with two elimination chamber matches which will determine the contenders for WWE and World Heavyweight Title. The winners of these matches will be main eventing Wrestlemania 24 in the respective title matches. And then there will be the return of John Cena, which many expect will give Cena the belt back. Here's predictions for the big event.

Elimination Chamber Smackdown

In this one we will see the 6 wrestlers from Smackdown go at it. Finlay, Batista, MVP, Great Khali, Big Daddy V & The Undertaker all do battle for a chance to be the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight title at Wrestlemania 24. The favorite here has easily been the Undertaker, meaning he would put his undefeated streak on the line against Edge at WM24 for the title. Many have speculated that Taker may be retiring soon as well, so the win makes the most sense for him. It would seem strange if Batista doesn't have a big match at Mania, so I wouldn't entirely rule out some sort of strange finish with 2 men winning, Batista and Undertaker.

Prediction: The Undertaker reigns supreme and is the winner of the Elimination Chamber.

Elimination Chamber Raw

This is where things get tricky. In recent weeks we've seen Jeff Hardy have the momentum on his side as he's won 6 man tag matches and a recent match on Raw against Shawn Michaels. The guy who has been absent the past few weeks is Triple H, and he has been named as a favorite to go against Cena at Wrestlemania 24. But it's quite possible that the WWE will give Hardy that push he deserves and he will emerge from the Chamber to face Cena for the WWE title. Both men are fan favorites and it would make for a great match, although I'd prefer seeing the veteran Triple H against the superman, John Cena.

Prediction: Jeff Hardy surprises again and wins the Chamber.

Ric Flair vs. Mr. Kennedy
Career Threatening Match

Once again Ric Flair puts his career on the line. This time it comes against the very cocky Mr. Kennedy and if any man can put Flair out of wrestling, it's Kennedy. However, it would seem odd for Flair to go out at No Way Out and not the bigger event in a month, Wrestlemania 24. Flair wins this clean to prove he's still the best there is.

Prediction: Ric Flair wins by pinfall or submission over Kennedy.

CM Punk vs. Chavo Guerrero
ECW Title

Chavo has only held the title for a short time so it would be surpring to see Punk gain it back here. Expect Chavo to get some sort of cheap win to hold onto his title, at least until Wrestlemania 24.

Prediction: Chavo gets a cheap win or DQ to retain the ECW title.

Rey Mysterio vs. Edge
World Heavyweight Title

Edge will be the one wearing the belt at Wrestlemania 24, as it would make more sense for him to be in a main event title match. Rey will give another good fight, but expect Vickie Guerrero or Ryder/Hawkins to intervene. Possibly another wrestler interferes to give Rey a new feud and take him out of the title picture.

Prediction: Edge wins by pinfall over Rey Mysterio.

John Cena vs. Randy Orton
WWE Title

The expectation here should reign true. Cena made a surprise return to win the Royal Rumble after being out just 4 months with his injury. The winner of the Rumble gets to challenge for the WWE title, but Cena couldn't wait that long. So now Cena gets to face Orton at No Way in a chance to reclaim his title. And that should occur here and now, giving Cena the main event as WWE champion at Wrestlemania 24.

Prediction: John Cena defeats Randy Orton with the F-U to regain the WWE title.

The only match which could go two ways really seems to be the Raw elimination chamber, with both Triple H and Jeff Hardy the two candidates. Everything else should fall right into place to set up a monumental Wrestlemania 24. Enjoy the Pay Per View, because as we saw at the Royal Rumble surprises can and do happen in the WWE!

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