Monday, April 14, 2008

News on WWE's Clinton Obama Invite

The Clinton vs. Obama open invite by WWE for the Raw TV show has definitely started to generate buzz ahead of the special 3 hour Raw next week. Websites and news reporting sources such as CBS, and FOXNews have all jumped on the story now, giving the WWE just the sort of controversy and interest it has come to enjoy. But will either candidate show up, and either way, will it be enough to boost Raw's ratings for next Monday?

FoxNews questions what exactly WWE would expect the candidates to do in a wrestling ring. Also of interest is the fact that WWE claims it is actually in talks with the two candidates about getting them to appear on Raw. From Fox News:

What exactly the world of professional wrestling expects Clinton and Obama to do in that ring is unclear.

The announcer in the ad, now on the WWE Web site, declares, “Forget about who’s better prepared when the phone rings at 3 a.m., and find out who’s better when the bell rings.”

So what? An arm wrestling match? A very aggressive debate? A cage fighting tournament?

“I think the invitation itself is self-explanatory,” Davis said. “Get into the ring and resolve their differences.”

The professional wrestling sector has been relatively quiet on the political front ever since “Nature Boy” Ric Flair stopped tag teaming with Mike Huckabee. But Davis said all the while WWE has had an aggressive “SmackDown Your Vote” program to get young voters registered.

Davis said WWE is still in talks with both candidates over the proposed match.

Full story here: WWE invites Obama, Clinton to One-on-One Smackdown

CBSNews discusses the prospect of the match even occurring, based on a previous bowling challenge issued to Clinton & Obama. From CBS News:

The wrestling match would take place on the eve of the Pennsylvania primary, says the website. “The two presidential hopefuls may finally determine who is the strongest contender… not through formal copypoint driven speeches, but through the emotional discourse that can only be accomplished through bodyslams and headlocks,” says the website.

Clinton has already challenged Obama to a “bowl-off,” but given that both candidates lack what it takes on the lanes, perhaps a wrestling match may be a more even match? When asked if Clinton would entertain the idea, a Clinton spokesman joked, “I would typically use this occasion to reiterate our bowling challenge. But given how well that worked out (for both campaigns), I'm thinking sports challenges might not be the way to go here.”
Source: Clinton and Obama to Settle Differences in the Ring?

Yet another smart move by World Wrestling Entertainment to garner attention admist a heated political battle over presidential candidacy.'s A Headlock May Win the White House! basically says they've yet to hear a response from either Clinton or Obama, making them too scared to get into the ring. TMZ does add that it may become a handicap match should Hilary bring Bill along for the event.

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