Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What Will Become of King Regal?

Amazingly enough, the William Regal suspension was worked right into WWE's storybook. While nobody supports Regal choosing to do drugs, the WWE simply used his current story to make it look as if he had been fired by WWE's head honcho, Vince McMahon. This allowed WWE to start the suspension, while fans could feel vindication that the man who was "ruining Raw" was taken out of his power-hungry position. The timing may have come off as premature to many, but it had to be done. It was a win-win for all involved and may save Regal as it gives him a chance to reflect and get himself help.

Despite any tragedy or issue, WWE continues to adapt to whatever real life stories or controversy come its way. They've been able to play up the Congressional hearings or the 08' presidential election, making sure they get the attention they need from the media. The unfortunate part of all this is as these guys are suspended they start to ruin their shots at WWE glory. The interesting thing to note with the Regal situation is that WWE Superstar Jeff Hardy just came back from his 60 day suspension recently. However, Jeff addressed the fans in the ring, telling everyone he has his issues but is dedicated to getting himself back on track. On the flipside, Regal seems banished from WWE, for now. It's hard to say he'll make the same sort of speech in the ring as Hardy did, if he returns.

So the questions start..Was the King of the Ring tournament now a waste, or will a new King be crowned? And maybe more importantly, will Regal be back on Raw or even in WWE? He just might make some sort of surprise return in 2 months as Teddy Long's humble assistant, or show up on the ECW or Smackdown show. But for now, the fans feel they have received justice from WWE, and that definitely will make many people happier with the pro wrestling product.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally off subject but when is smackdown and raw going to have new fueds for the title I am a little sick of the orton cena hhh and jbl fiasco. Undertaker vs Edge is a very good rivalry but is a little played out... Two Rivalries i would want to see and could happen hhh hbk (hbk can become heel easily and is on a roll as of late) and either edge punk or undertaker v mvp which ever way that goes.

May 22, 2008 at 12:30 PM  

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