Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Summerslam 2009 PPV Matches

WWE Summerslam 2009 Results will be posted here as the event happens on August 23, 2009. Bookmark this page by pressing "Control + D" keys on your keyboard and come back to see the latest results!

Summerslam is considered one of the big 4 Pay-Per-Views of the year in pro-wrestling. This summer's version will be the 22nd edition of the PPV in WWE's history. This year's 2009 Summerslam PPV is held live at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California on Sunday, August 23, 2009 starting at 8PM EST.

You can check here to find the latest Summerslam matches as they are added to the card. Right now, we know of just one match as determined on the July 27th, 2009 episode of Monday Night Raw.

Jack Swagger vs. MVP

Jack Swagger arrived to the WWE Raw program thanks to a huge 15-superstar trade orchestrated by Raw's temporary owner, Donald Trump. With that move, Swagger brought his cockyness as well, and eventually he decided to get into the ring with MVP. Swagger called out MVP, bringing up his criminal record and time spent in jail, but MVP assured him that he had served his time and was doing good things with his life now. The two continued to feud, with Swagger eventually able to distract MVP after a win against Chris Masters. With MVP occupied watching Swagger on the outside, Masters threw a Masterlock on MVP to subdue him. Swagger waited until MVP was out of commission, and then further hurt him by delivering the Gutwrench Powerbomb. Both of these superstars are cocky, but which will have bragging rights after Summerslam?

Great Khali vs. Kane

These two juggernauts of pro-wrestling are considered two of the most monstrous wrestlers around. For weeks now, they've been crossing paths, but it really was set off when Kane interfered in Khali's Pay-Per-View No DQ match against Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler got the win thanks to Kane's involvement. Later still, both Khali and Kane continued to show up at one another's matches. Khali began trying to hunt Kane down, but Kane continued to elude him. Then finally Kane went a bit too far, when he decided to take Khali's friend and manager, Ranjin Singh hostage. Kane kept Singh tied up and made him deliver a fearful message via camera to Great Khali. The trap was set and as Khali came to his manager's rescue, he was soon attacked by the Big Red Machine, Kane. These two are among the most feared wrestlers in the WWE, both standing tall over opponents. Will Khali be victorious with his Punjabi Plunge, or will Kane be able to chokeslam his much bigger opponent?

William Regal vs. Christian
ECW Title

William Regal was sent over to the ECW on Tuesday nights SyFy show when Donald Trump instituted a major 15 superstar trade weeks ago from Raw and Smackdown and ECW. Once Regal arrived, the ring veteran made quick work of many opponents en route to being named the #1 contender for Christian's ECW title. On the final show prior to Summerslam, Regal teamed with the Moscow Mauler, Vladimir Kozlov to go against Christian and big man Ezekiel Jackson. However, Jackson switched his allegiance and delivered a vicious one-armed slam on Christian, then allowed Regal to take the pinfall. Regal may not have the services of Jackson or Kozlov at Summerslam, and he'll have to contend with a wily and clever Christian, who has managed to outsmart many opponents in the past including Tommy Dreamer and Jack Swagger. Will Christian have what it takes to keep the belt around his waist? Or will the ECW title be put in the hands of ECW's new royal pain, William Regal?

John Cena vs. Randy Orton
WWE Title Match

At the Night of Champions 2009 Pay-Per-View, Cena and Orton fought over the title, but with an exception; it was a Triple Threat match which also included Triple H. The match came down to Triple H locking in a Sharpshooter on Orton, and then Cena coming over to put the STF on Orton as well. Orton tapped out due to the excruciating pain, but the ref didn't know who to declare winner, so the match kept going. Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase came to the ring and broke things up with no disqualification called either. In the end, despite the melee, Orton managed to grab Cena and RKO him to keep the WWE Title with Legacy's leader.

On the 7/27/09 episode of Raw, guest host Shaquille O'Neal arranged a "Beat the Clock Challenge" which included Cena and Triple H. Triple H fell victim to a heinous attack by Legacy's Ted Dibiase, and Dibiase got involved in HHH's match later that night to prevent him from beating the clock. Cena had to face The Miz in his match and The Miz tried every trick in the book to stop him from beating the clock. However, in the end Cena managed to defeat Miz by making him tap out to the STF. Cena was able to beat Mark Henry's time of 6:49 and will now face Randy Orton at Summerslam for the WWE Title. What will Cena have to deal with in the coming weeks as Orton tries to gain a psychological advantage? Will Cena be able to say "the champ is here" once again?

CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy
World Heavyweight Title TLC match

The history between Jeff Hardy and CM Punk has become one of the most talked about feuds in WWE today. Jeff was able to successfully regain the World Heavyweight Title from the straight edge Punk, even despite Punk's tricks to feign an eye injury. Punk has now become hell bent on ending Jeff Hardy so he can save the fans from Jeff Hardy's non-straight edged approach to life. The fans continue to support Hardy who's been a champion for one of the longest reigns of his career. Recently, he's seen his brother Matt seemingly come to his aid and become supportive again. Can Matt Hardy be trusted though? He's doublecrossed Jeff before when a title was on the line. In this match, Jeff will get to participate in one of his specialties, a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match. Punk comes from the glory days of ECW, and is also a 2 time MITB ladder match winner. CM Punk has claimed this will be Jeff Hardy's last match in WWE, as Punk has vowed to finally end Hardy. Will he be able to top Jeff in the grueling TLC match and take back the title?

Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio

On the 08/07/09 edition of Smackdown a Fatal Fourway match was held between Dolph Ziggler, Mike Knox, R-Truth and Finlay to determine Rey Mysterio's Summerslam opponent. With Mysterio watching
from ringside, Ziggler was able to grab the victory right after Finlay clocked Mike Knox with a shillaleigh. Ziggler hit his finisher for a clean victory, then went to the outside to tell Mysterio he'd be taking the IC title. As Rey stood up, Ziggler backed up and was grabbed by the hair by Finlay. He escaped, but only to be pounced on by Mysterio. These two fought previously at the last Pay-Per-View, with Mysterio successfully defending his Intercontinental Title. Will history repeat itself? Ziggler has made himself one of the top wrestlers on Smackdown, and has the lovely Maria as inspiration, but will it be enough to capture his first title in the WWE?

D-Generation X vs Legacy

On Raw several weeks ago, HHH put himself in a tough 2-on-1 handicap match against Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase, of Legacy. HHH gave it his best efforts, but in the end the doubleteaming and scheming Legacy were able to gain victory. As they celebrated on the ramp, HHH grabbed a mic as he slumped against the bottom rope. He announced to the fans and Legacy that he might just make a phone call, and if they're not down with know the rest. A week later, HHH visited Texas to find his old DX pal, Shawn Michaels. HBK was hard at work, but not on his wrestling skills. Instead he was flipping burgers and serving tater tots to employees of an office building. HHH was able to convince HBK that he needed to come reunite to form D-Generation X, one of the most popular and successful tag teams WWE has seen. The two will now enter the ring to try to take out Legacy. Will HBK and HHH be able to accomplish their mission? Or will the second generation stars put an early end to the reunion?

Cryme Tyme vs. Chris Jericho & Big Show
Unified Tag Team titles

Chris Jericho made the shocking announcement several Pay-Per-Views ago, that he had selected a new championship caliber tag partner to help defend the unified titles. That partner, the world's largest athlete, Big Show. Together he and Jericho have quite the impressive title resume including Intercontinental, United States, World Heavyweight and WWE Championship reigns in addition to various tag team title reigns with other partners. Jericho has claimed this was a business decision and they will go down as the greatest team in WWE history, which is entirely possible. Meanwhile, one of the WWE's newer teams who has gained popularity with the fans is Cryme Tyme. Shad and JTG moved to Smackdown this past year and in a recent match against the Hart Dynasty, won their spot at Summerslam to try for the titles. Will Shad and JTG capture their first ever tag team titles? Or will Jericho's promises remain true as he and Show pave their roads into the WWE Hall of Fame even more?

Summerslam's 2009 Pay-Per-View goes down on Sunday August 23rd starting at 8PM EST. This year's event will be live at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA. Check out WWE Characters the Blog starting at 8PM EST that Sunday night to get match by match results, updated as they occur!

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