Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ECW Recap 07.28.09

ECW Recap from Baltimore, MD:

ECW opened with highlights from Night of Champions ECW Title match between Christian and Tommy Dreamer. Christian was able to pull off a win with the Killswitch, and hugged Dreamer after the victory.

Matt Striker and Josh Matthews welcomed fans to the show just 48 hours removed from Night of Champions 2009.

Tyler Reks vs. Paul Burchill

A small picture in picture promo came up of Tyler Reks talking about getting revenge on Paul Burchill for last week's incident. Burchill came to the ring with his sister Katie Lea and immediately went to work on his opponent. Burchill did a back splash on Reks on the mat, then used his legs to squeeze Reks' midsection.

After another submission hold was applied by Burchill, Reks managed to escape. He also was able to deliver a strong clothesline to knock Burchill out of the ring, then jumped on him from over the ropes. Back in the ring, Reks was thrown onto the apron by Burchill near the corner. Burchill tried to run Reks from the apron into one of the ringposts, with Reks avoiding it. He hit Burchill then climbed on the turnbuckle to hit a missile dropkick for the win.

Winner: Tyler Reks wins via pinfall over Paul Burchill.

Josh Matthews announced that new ECW champion Christian will face Zack Ryder later tonight.

Bill Baine vs. Vladimir Kozlov

Kozlov was able to toss his smaller opponent onto the corner and hit him several times. Baine came off the corner punching away, but Kozlov ducked his attempts and ended up putting him stomach first on the corner for a running kick. Kozlov then picked up Baine and threw him backwards across the ring before hitting his one armed slam to make the pin.

After the victory, Kozlov surveyed the damage, standing over his fallen opponent. Ezekiel Jackson's music hit and he came down the ramp from backstage to get in the ring. Jackson stared over at Kozlov for several moments, then went over and picked up Baine for his own version of the one armed slam move. Jackson then left the ring to walk up the ramp.

Winner: Vladimir Kozlov wins via pinfall over Bill Baine.

Tommy Dreamer spoke to Tiffany backstage, and she told him that was a great idea. Tommy thanked her for the privilege of being ECW's champion the past 2 months. Just then, Shelton Benjamin came in as Dreamer was leaving. Shelton asked Tiffany if she had cleared him to be on the Abraham Washington Show. Tiffany said he had some concerns that Shelton wasn't entertaining enough. Gregory Helms came in, and Shelton asked if he needs to dress up like a superhero to be more entertaining. Helms said "I'm just a reporter". Shelton told Tiffany he'll show her entertaining, then brushed by Helms and left.

Goldust vs. Sheamus

Early on, Goldust was able to slide out of Sheamus' slam attempt to slam Sheamus himself. Sheamus backed up to the corner to recover then came back to start dominating. Sheamus delivered some hard strikes in the corner to knock Goldust down, then delivered 3 elbow drops for a pin attempt. Sheamus kept Goldust locked in an arm submission on the mat, with Goldust able to muster up some crowd support to get to his feet. Sheamus charged him in the corner with Goldust moving away. Goldust started punching away and was able to deliver a kick off the ropes to knock Sheamus down.

Goldust hit a powerslam for a 2 count as Sheamus came from off the ropes. He awaited Sheamus to stand for a finisher DDT, but Sheamus escaped it. Goldust went to the corner and ran back at Sheamus but received a boot to the face. Sheamus then picked up Goldust for a backbreaker across his knee, to get the winning pin.

Winner: Sheamus wins via pinfall over Goldust.

New ECW Champion Christian was shown proudly walking down a hall backstage carrying the ECW title belt. Matt Striker said Christian will be out next.

Striker and Matthews cut to highlight footage of Shaq as guest host of WWE Raw. Shaq made himself special guest enforcer for the main event tag team match which pitted Chris Jericho/Big Show against Cryme Tyme. During the match, Show got disqualified for getting in the ring and not leaving but beating on Cryme Tyme. He called for Shaq to come fight. The two went toe to toe and put each other in Chokehold moves. Cryme Tyme got back up and kicked Big Show, allowing Shaq to hit a running shoulder to knock Show down.

The new ECW Champ, Christian was announced and he came to the ring to display the new hardware. Christian talked about the second title reign feeling just a bit sweeter than the first. He began to mention Tommy Dreamer and how he made some comments about his weight or getting emotional before. Just then, Dreamer's music hit and Dreamer came to the ring. Dreamer congratulated Christian on the match at NOC and for being the new champ. Dreamer added that Tiffany granted him a rematch for next week, under Extreme Rules. Just then, Zack Ryder's music came on as Ryder came out from backstage, mic in hand. Ryder said enough talking about next week, he's going to beat Christian tonight, "Woo woo woo, you know it".

Christian vs. Zack Ryder

The match was joined in progress after commercials. Christian took control as things heated up, and was able to hit a Sunset Flip from the corner for a pin. Ryder escaped and went outside the ring. As Ryder got on the apron, Christian ran at him, with Ryder headbutting him. Christian managed to recover though and after Ryder tossed him outside the ring, Christian yanked Ryder's foot down to cause him to hit the apron face first. From there, Christian got back into the ring to jump off the apron onto Ryder. ECW went to commercial with both men down on the outside.

When ECW returned, Zack Ryder shoved Christian off the corner to the outside. Ryder screamed for the ref to count Christian out. The ref got up to 9 and Christian rushed back into the ring. Ryder started kicking away at him, then stretched his back out in a hold. Ryder had several near pinfalls and then used his legs to lock around Christian's waist. Christian reversed into a jackknife pin but was unsuccessful. Ryder landed a carefully done superplex from off the corner with Christian. Both men were down for the ref count, but Ryder slid over for a pin.

Ryder went for another superplex in the opposite corner, but Christian shoved him off and hit a flying bodypress. Christian stayed in control and hit a pair of missile dropkicks, but couldn't get the pin. Ryder got Christian in the electric chair off the corner and dropped him face first into the ropes, followed with a flying leg laureat. Again another failed pinfall. Christian was able to connect on his kick through the ropes and a forearm uppercut from the corner to knock Ryder down. As Ryder got up, Christian hit the Killswitch to finally take it.

ECW closed with Christian showing off his ECW belt in the ring to celebrate the win.

Winner: Christian wins via pinfall over Zack Ryder.

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Blogger Admin said...

Was hoping the Golden One would win this one. He still gets awesome fan reaction.


August 11, 2009 at 11:56 PM  

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