Monday, March 29, 2010

Wrestlemania 26 review - Shawn Michaels retirement & more!

A lot of fans from the WWE Universe are probably in shock just as I am. Last night's main event at Wrestlemania 26 has sealed the fate for Shawn Michaels. He lost after repeated finishers from Undertaker, even though he kept giving his all. I was foolish to predict anything against the Undertaker's streak, which lives on at 18-0, a truly impressive stat for any pro wrestler.

Some are already questioning if this is the real deal. After all, we've seen other guys "fired" or claim they're done with wrestling, only to make a comeback. Michaels has done it before as parts of other storylines, but this seems to be much more real based on this YouTube video footage taken backstage after Michaels' loss. Michaels is shown hugging various WWE personalities and fans, as well as his wife and kids. Michaels says he'll always be a part of the business, but he thinks it's time to be a daddy and husband now.

Other thoughts on last night's Pay-Per-View..Jack Swagger winning Money in the Bank was probably one of the other surprises of the night. With the win, some are questioning if Swagger might be the first ever to cash in a MITB opportunity and not make good on it, to further a storyline. He seems like the next top heel on Raw in line with Sheamus and Orton, or Triple H should he turn heel. They need more challengers for Cena, but the strange thing is, Cena never really defeated Sheamus for the title. Seems like a match in the making. Still my expectations for MITB winner were either Christian or McIntyre, so this came out of left field, which is a pleasant surprise.

The lovely WWE divas got their 15 minutes or less of fame, no big surprise. Tiffany wasn't involved in the match despite a bit of a recent push on Smackdown, so she might be in some sort of upcoming title match with McCool. Only surprising that they announced that divas match so closely to Mania, and also that it was in the lineup where it was. Must have been to give the crowd a bit of an intermission before the main event between Michaels and Taker.

I had predicted that Sheamus and CM Punk would be winners. It seemed like a natural progression of their storylines, but as of now we can see that both heels might be on a bit of a downward slide. Each held the major titles in the past year or so, but now they are fodder for faces to gain momentum. I figured having Mysterio lose would give a good storyline on Smackdown for a while, where Mysterio had to accompany Punk to the ring as sort of an intern in the Straightedge Society, doing his bidding, but also costing him matches here or there. Also seemed as if Sheamus should gain a victory over The Game, but you can't bet against McMahon's son-in-law at Mania, unless he's facing Undertaker.

Cena won the WWE Title, while a surprise was Edge failed to capture the World Heavyweight title. Most likely his feud with Jericho continues into Smackdown and the next PPV, but Edge will eventually claim that title. Jericho won by a cheap shot, and maybe Teddy Long gives Edge a title shot on Smackdown.

The Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon match went down as expected with Hart getting revenge on his former boss, using a tire iron, steel chair and the Sharpshooter to win. Hart's family was supposedly paid off by Vince McMahon as part of the gag, but joke was on Vince, Bret said his Hart family was stronger than ever, and they were on his side.

In closing, it seems the main focus was on the surprise main event, whereas in the past it was on championships won and confetti fell from the rafters. There was only three title matches in the Pay-Per-View, showing WWE clearly wanted to pay homage to Mr. Wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels. Expect the Raw Farewell either tonight or in the coming weeks, when HBK is healed up.

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