2011 WWE Royal Rumble Results
Welcome to official coverage of the 2010 WWE Royal Rumble PPV results! This latest edition of WWE's winter Pay-Per-View event will be held Sunday, January 30, 2011 at TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts. Scheduled to compete in matches are The Miz, Randy Orton, Edge, Dolph Ziggler, Natalya and Team LayCool.
Don't forget about the main attraction though. That will be the 40-man Royal Rumble match. This is the first time the match has featured this many Rumble participants. As of right now 34 of the 40 participants have been announced for the match (see them here) as well as several potential Royal Rumble spoilers!
Below you will find the latest updated Royal Rumble 2011 results starting at 8PM EST Sunday night and wrapping up at 11PM EST. Also be sure to follow along on WWEDivaSource Twitter for updates by Tweet.
Click here to refresh this page for the latest Rumble Results!
Information for viewing Royal Rumble live stream video feed online.
The Pay-Per-View opens with a video package about the Road to Wrestlemania which begins inside the ropes tonight where one man will make history. The Rumble match has featured 30 superstars for over two decades, but tonight there will be 40 superstars for the first time ever.
The 24th annual Royal Rumble opens with explosive pyrotechnics while "Living in a Dream" pumps over the speakers. Michael Cole announces that this is the official start for the "Road to Wrestlemania" with 15,113 members of the WWE Universe in Boston, MA at TD Garden tonight.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Edge
A special stipulation was added to this match on Smackdown by Vickie Guerrero. If Edge uses the Spear move in this match he is disqualified and will lose his championship belt automatically. The commentators, Cole, Striker and Lawler reviewed this past Friday's tag match where Vickie banned Edge's Spear move. Edge still delivered several Spears on Ziggler post-match.
After the World Champion was introduced, Smackdown consultant Vickie Guerrero came out to remind Edge his move, The Spear, is officially banned tonight. Vickie said she's begging that Edge use the Spear at least once tonight. She tried to get the crowd into a "Spear" chant but received boo's instead. Vickie introduced her boyfriend, the challenger, Dolph Ziggler. Tony Chimel handled the official introductions next.
Edge had the first pinfall attempt of the match after he and Dolph traded offensive momentum. Edge fought his way out of a headlock and ultimately was able to slingshot Dolph into the corner. However, moments later Ziggler was back in control wearing Edge down with a headlock on the mat. Edge made it over to the apron and got himself up but Ziggler rushed over and knocked him off the apron. Dolph continued to use the headlock in the ring again, but Edge fought out once again. Both men collided moments later on a double flying cross body from the ropes. The ref made his count with both guys getting up after 5. Ziggler ran and jumped at Edge in the corner with Edge avoiding it. Another reset in the match as the referee counted.
Later still, Ziggler ran and tried for a Zig Zag with Edge countering it into a Powerbomb for another near fall. Edge climbed the ropes but Ziggler was back up and kneed him. The two opponents battled it out up on the corner with Ziggler trying a Superplex. Edge blocked it several times, punched away on Dolph then headbutted him down. Edge leapt off the corner to hit a crossbody, but Ziggler rolled through for a near fall finish. Later on, Ziggler went for the Zig Zag, but Edge grabbed the ropes. Edge put Ziggler into a Sharpshooter-style submission hold and began to elbow Ziggler in the back. Dolph managed to crawl to the bottom rope. The crowd exploded moments later as Edge kicked out of a pinfall after Dolph hit the Zig Zag.
Moments later, Edge knocked Ziggler down near the corner. He was about to go for the Spear but remembered he couldn't. Edge walked over and Ziggler went for a Sleeper with Edge able to block it and slam Ziggler to the mat. Vickie grabbed the ref's leg on the pinfall count. Vickie got onto the apron to distract the ref and Edge. Vickie then slapped Edge in the face. Ziggler tried to attack from behind but Edge moved away so Dolph almost hit Vickie. Edge rolled up Dolph for the near fall but Ziggler kicked out. Edge was once again face-to-face with Vickie. Out of nowhere, Kelly Kelly rushed to ringside, yanked Vickie off the apron and pounced on her in a strange moment.
Ziggler hit the Zig Zag yet again, but Edge kicked out to get the crowd even more pumped. Ziggler staggered to his feet, as Edge got up. Dolph jumped on Edge's back for a sleeper hold. Kelly was still show watching from near the bottom of the ramp area. Edge fought back to his feet with Ziggler on his back, then swirled around, causing the flailing Ziggler to knock the ref out. The crowd started up the Spear chant. Vickie was shown down on the outside floor so she couldn't see what was going on. Edge got that look on his face and crouched down then rushed across the ring and hit The Spear. Edge was down on his back as the ref pulled himself up by the ropes. Edge pretended he barely was coming to and stood up again. Edge did "The Unprettier" to claim the pinfall win. Post-match, Vickie screamed about the decision while Cole complained about Edge's tactics.
Winner: Edge wins via pinfall over Dolph Ziggler to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.
A Wrestlemania 27 is 63 Days Away Promo video was shown. Cole said the Rumble is the start of the Road to Wrestlemania 27 in bitter cold Boston, MA. Cole said you can tell the Rumble match is huge because the two major title matches come before it tonight. Cole, Lawler and Striker discussed the history between Miz and Orton including Miz's MITB briefcase cash-in and their recent run-ins on Raw.
Josh Matthews interviewed The Miz backstage with Alex Riley standing nearby. Miz discussed how his entire Championship reign has been smeared with accusations. Miz said there's a reason why he's a champion and people like Lawler, Orton and Tom Brady aren't champions. Riley said tonight Miz will beat Orton tonight and go on to Wrestlemania still WWE Champion. Miz finished with his catch phrase before the camera cut back to the arena as The Viper arrived out from backstage.
Randy Orton vs. The Miz
Randy Orton was the first one to the ring and posed for the fans in the ring. Matt Striker noted that the WWE title has changed hands 3 times in the city of Boston, MA. Next, The Miz arrived out with his WWE Championship and Alex Riley carrying the MITB briefcase. Justin Roberts handled the intros in the ring.
Orton got the upperhand early and tossed Miz out of the ring, then into the crowd barriers near the ramp before clotheslining Miz down. Orton walked towards Riley to scare him off. Back in the ring, The Viper had the first near fall. Moments later, Orton slingshotted Miz into the bottom rope for another near fall.
Orton had control until the ref had his back turned. Alex Riley got on the apron and snapped Orton against the top rope, giving The Miz the advantage in the ring. Cole and Lawler continually bickered over how Miz doesn't play by the rules in his matches. Miz pounded on Orton in the corner for a bit to continue his momentum, then he backed up and hit the running clothesline in the corner for a near fall.
Miz kept his control of the match as Orton tried to get some momentum going. Riley eyed Orton from ringside as Orton hung off the side apron area. Miz slid to the outside then hit a big knee on Orton's face. Back in the ring, Miz had a near fall. Moments later, Orton had a sleeper nearly locked in, but Miz escaped. Later, Orton slammed Miz back, but Orton was holding his throat/neck area. Miz delivered a huge boot to send Orton down. The Viper just barely escaped the pinfall.
Miz was on the corner for a high risk move, but Orton swiped his leg to crotch Miz. Orton got onto the corner area and hit a Superplex. Miz barely kicked out of the pinfall. Miz and Orton started to trade kicks and strike moves, with Orton getting the advantage after several clotheslines. Orton hit his vintage backbreaker, saw Miz on the apron, then went for the DDT. Miz countered it though and flipped Orton to the outside. Miz distracted the ref as Alex Riley stomped Orton outside the ring.
On the outside, Miz rammed Orton from barrier to the apron, then brought Randy in the ring for a near fall. Miz jumped off the rope and hit the double axe handle across Orton's neck for another few near fall attempts. Miz used a modified Camel Clutch on Orton but Randy got to his feet to battle out. Miz tossed Orton out of the ring and hes tumbled over near the commentators' table. Miz was able to overpower Orton on the outside where he slingshotted Orton into the steel ringpost. Miz went back in the ring and let the ref start the countout. Orton got into the ring at 8 and pounced on Miz to unload on him.
Orton gained serious momentum, hitting the Powerslam and then stomping on Miz limb by limb. Orton set up for a Powerbomb in the ring, with Riley jumping onto the apron to distract. Miz took advantage and slammed Orton down for another near fall. Orton went for the RKO with Miz countering into the Skullcrushing Finale. Orton countered that to take Miz down for another near fall. Miz rolled to the outside, asked for his belt and started to walk away. Orton cut him off as he got out of the ring and clotheslined Miz down. Orton stalked Riley chasing him to the other side of the ring. Back in the ring, Miz had yet another near fall opportunity.
Moments later, Orton hit the DDT on Miz from the middle rope. Orton dropped to the mat, pounding it in preparation of the RKO. Suddenly, the new Nexus members (Otunga, Harris, Ryan and McGillicutty) arrived from backstage to the bottom of the ramp. Orton stood up to confront them. Riley got into the ring as the ref was on the outside. Orton fought Riley off and tossed him out onto the New Nexus. Back in the ring, Miz went at Orton, but Orton countered and hit the RKO with the ref still outside. Suddenly, CM Punk rushed into the ring, grabbed Orton, and hit the GTS on him. Punk pulled Miz onto Orton for the cover, then escaped out of the ring. The ref got back in to count the winning pinfall as Punk hid under the ring.
Post-match, Miz was dazed. Punk crawled out from under the ring and led Nexus up the ramp.
Winner: The Miz wins via pinfall over Randy Orton to retain the WWE Championship.
An Elimination Chamber PPV 2011 promo video was shown for Sunday, February 20 at 8PM EST.
The commentators talked about Dashing Cody Rhodes' injury suffered from Rey Mysterio and his possibility of not being in the Rumble. Todd Grisham was backstage and said Rhodes issued an official public statement saying this was going to be his time to win the Rumble and main event Wrestlemania. He said he's got a shattered face and his career is in jeapordy. Rhodes asked everyone to respect his wishes for privacy.
Natalya vs. Team LayCool
Team LayCool was out to the ring first, followed by the champion Natalya. Before the match could even start, the lights flashed and an email came from the Raw GM. The email talked about how Teddy Long is incapacitated so the match has been changed. It will no longer be a handicap match, but now will become a Fatal Fourway match. Eve Torres was announced as the fourth competitor and arrived to the ring.
LayCool knocked Natalya to the corner and then focused on Eve next. Layla hit a huge clothesline to take her down, then Michelle helped with a double Russian leg sweep on Eve. Michelle kicked Eve out of the ring, but Natalya was back up to gain control against LayCool. Natalya hit the slingshot to send Layla into Michelle. However, LayCool was able to break up a pinfall and knocked Natalya down on the outside. Layla and Michelle were left alone in the ring together and turned around to face each other. They looked puzzled as they circled a bit before Natalya yanked Layla's leg to pull her down. Eve got in the ring for a nearfall on Michelle, with Layla rushing in for the save.
Eve and Natalya battled in the ring. Natalya went for the Sharpshooter on Eve but Layla broke it up. Moments later, Natalya was able to lock a double sharposhooter on both Eve and Layla. Michelle rushed in and delivered a kick on Natalya to break it. Natalya managed to take control with LayCool in the ring and Eve on the outside. Natalya grabbed Layla with Michelle rushing at her for the big boot. Natalya tossed Layla in the way.
Eve was back in the ring and managed to toss Natalya to the outside. Eve hit Layla down and got on the corner for her reverse moonsault. Natalya slid into the ring, and Michelle entered right behind her. Eve grabbed the pinfall as Michelle also scored one on Natalya. The referee saw Eve's pin though and awarded her the win.
Winner: Eve wins via pinfall over Layla to become the new Divas Champion.
Josh Matthews was backstage with Daniel Bryan and Gail Kim. Josh asked Daniel about what it would be like to win the Rumble match tonight. Bryan said for all those people who keep calling him a nerd, it would be cool to go from NXT rookie to Royal Rumble winner. Just then, the Bella Twins arrived in and Matthews left. The Bellas had flowers and said they were shocked last week so they came to apologize. The Bellas offered congratulations and handed them flowers, then said they're a good couple because they're in the same league. Gail took exception and got into it with them. One of the Bellas slapped Bryan, but then a catfight broke out with Josh Matthews trying to help break it up. Matthews got slapped as a referee came in to help maintain order. Daniel Bryan rolled on the floor as well.
Cole and the commentators talked about the next PPV, the Elimination Chamber. They mentioned the theme song "Living in a Dream" by Finger Eleven. They showed the Royal Rumble by the numbers video as a prelude to the main event. 70% of the Rumble winners have gone on to win championship gold after their victory at the Rumble.
CM Punk was the #1 entrant, but at #2 there was confusion when Wade Barrett and Ezekiel Jackson arrived to the ring. Heath Slater and Gabriel also came to the ring, with all members of The Corre getting involved to beat on Punk. The rest of New Nexus rushed the ring and a huge brawl started before the match even began. The lights flashed and the email sound chimed with Cole yelling for everyone's attention. Cole said the GM says stop this now. The GM said only CM Punk can be in the ring right now. The rest of The Corre and Nexus members must head to the locker room now or be disqualified from the Rumble.
After order was finally restored, Daniel Bryan was introduced as the #2 competitor. After they fought for a while, the countdown brought The Corre's Justin Gabriel out. Gabriel went for a 450 Spalsh but missed on Punk, allowing Bryan to toss Gabriel out of the ring first. Ryder was #4 and immediately attacked Bryan, but moments later he was sent to the outside by Daniel Bryan. Later still, Dibiase arrived out sixth along with girlfriend Maryse.
Morrison arrived to the ring 7th and was on fire with dropkicks and fastpaced moves including a chuck kick off the ropes to take down Punk. He did the C4 to slam Bryan to the mat, but Dibiase came over to kick Morrison. In an amazing sequence Morrison got knocked off the apron by Regal, but Morrison grabbed onto the crowd barrier and kept his feet off the floor. Morrison did a tightrope walk on the barrier and managed to leap over to the steel steps. Morrison got back in the ring as Regal was eliminated by Ted Dibiase.
Striker noted that competitor Husky Harris at 23-years-old, is youngest in the Rumble this year. Harris served as a protective barrier for Punk in the corner. Chavo went for the three amigos multiple times with different wrestlers cutting in before the third attempt. After he failed on Dibiase and Punk, Chavo hit it on Bryan before Husky Harris knocked him down.
CM Punk and Daniel Bryan last. Chris Masters nearly had Punk out of the ring. After Otunga's arrival, the New Nexus started to take control with several straight eliminations: Bryan, Morrison and then Mark Henry. Tyler Reks came in next, got a beatdown by Nexus and was tossed out of the ring. Same fate happened to Vladimir Kozlov. R-Truth rushed in next to get beatdown. After a running knee and bulldog from Punk, Truth was tossed to the outside.
However, the Great Khali was the next competitor. Khali punched and kicked down all the Nexus guys before tossing Harris out of the ring. Mason Ryan managed to duck Khali near the ropes and then scooped Khali by the leg out over the top rope. Ryan went over to help up CM Punk to his feet.
At #21 Booker T arrived to the ring and managed to overcome his Nexus attackers. He did the Bookend followed by the Spinarooni. Booker nearly tossed Punk out, but Mason Ryan came over, grabbed Booker and threw him out of the ring. Cena rushed to the ring and started to attack the Nexus with a fury, hitting multiple moves and eliminating Mason Ryan first before clotheslining out Otunga and McGillicutty. That left Cena alone in the ring with CM Punk.
Cena and Punk went at it, eventually hitting a double clothesline to both go down at the center of the ring. Entry #23 arrived out, Hornswoggle. He posed for the crowd and saw Cena and Punk down. Punk was up first and kicked Horney to the mat, then went after Cena again. Punk tried to dump Cena out over the top rope, but Cena escaped it then hit the AA to toss Punk out. Cena helped Hornswoggle to his feet and they waited for the next competitor. It was Tyson Kidd, who they doubleteamed. With Horney hitting his own mini AA on Kidd. Cena tossed Kidd out.
Later still, Cena and Horney did a double Five Knuckle Shuffle on Heath Slater before Horney hit the Tadpole Splash off the corner. Cena waited for Slater to stand up then tossed him out. Kofi Kingston was next out to the ring.
Cole noted that the most winners have come at #27,
which was Jack Swagger's entry tonight. Swagger
took control against Cena and Kofi Kingston as
Horney watched. Later on, Kofi did a double leg
drop on Swagger after using Horney's back as a
ramp/step. Sheamus rushed in next and started to
beat on all the competitors, hitting an Irish Curse
backbreaker on Cena. Horney tried to mock Sheamus'
taunt, then got shoved down hard by the King of the
Ring. Horney got up in the corner and started up
the band, then hit Sweet Shin Music on him.
Sheamus sat Horney on the corner and moments later
hit the Brogh kick to eliminate Hornswoggle from
the match.
Dolph Ziggler was part of the match despite losing the World Heavyweight match earlier. He and Barrett tried to eliminate Cena but Mysterio made a save. Out at #32 was Diesel to the crowd's excitement. Nash took his time to get to the ring as he put on his gloves. He began to knock down multiple opponents in the ring. A huge "let's go Diesel" chant broke out in honor of Nash as he was being doubleteamed. Diesel was eventually eliminated by Barrett.
Alex Riley arrived out to The Miz's theme music. The Miz joined the commentators wearing a suit and carrying his WWE Championship belt. As Big Show came in at #35, he passed by Diesel who was heading up the ramp. They gave each other a bit of a stare before passing by. Big Show made 2 eliminations but was eliminated by Ezekiel Jackson, the Profit of Doom. Barrett joined Jackson center ring and held his arm up to celebrate.
Santino Marella arrived at #37 and surpassed his record of :01 second in the match, but was clobbered down by Sheamus' boot. #38 entrant was Alberto Del Rio who came driving out in a 2008 Bentley to the ramp side area.
Alberto Del Rio took so long to walk down the ramp, that the next competitor, Randy Orton arrived and took him down. In the ring, Orton hit multiple RKO's on guys in the ring, before tossing Kofi out. After tossing out Sheamus, Orton and Cena prepared to face off. At the final spot, came Kane for his record thirteenth Royal Rumble entry. No sign of Triple H in the match tonight.
The match was down to Rey Mysterio, John Cena, Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio, Wade Barrett and Kane. Mysterio managed to counter a Kane move and flipped Kane out of the ring by headscissors. Wade Barrett knocked Rey Mysterio out next to leave a Final Four: Cena, Barrett, Orton and Del Rio. Two from Raw, Two from Smackdown!
Cena and Orton eventually went at it with Del Rio and Barrett down in corners. Cena went for AA but Barrett was back up to break things up. Orton was able to fight off Barrett and Del Rio. Barrett tossed Orton out and then Del Rio rushed over to push Barrett out over the ropes.
Ricardo Rodriguez started up the announcement, but wait- Santino Marella was never eliminated officially. Santino staggered to his feet as Ricardo kept pointing to Del Rio to look behind him. Santino wound up the Cobra. Del Rio turned and was punched down. However, in the finish Santino tried to run and toss Del Rio out of the ring. Del Rio countered at the last moment to throw Mysterio out of the ring, getting the big win!
Winner: Alberto Del Rio wins the 2011 Royal Rumble after eliminating Santino Marella last.
See the complete order of 2011 Royal Rumble entries and eliminations.
Results will be updated above as matches have completed, with final results posted by 11PM EST. There's going to be plenty of excitement in Boston, MA for the 2011 WWE Royal Rumble results! Remember to watch WWE Raw on Monday evening for the follow-up to this entertaining Pay-Per-View!
Don't forget about the main attraction though. That will be the 40-man Royal Rumble match. This is the first time the match has featured this many Rumble participants. As of right now 34 of the 40 participants have been announced for the match (see them here) as well as several potential Royal Rumble spoilers!
Below you will find the latest updated Royal Rumble 2011 results starting at 8PM EST Sunday night and wrapping up at 11PM EST. Also be sure to follow along on WWEDivaSource Twitter for updates by Tweet.
Click here to refresh this page for the latest Rumble Results!
Information for viewing Royal Rumble live stream video feed online.
The Pay-Per-View opens with a video package about the Road to Wrestlemania which begins inside the ropes tonight where one man will make history. The Rumble match has featured 30 superstars for over two decades, but tonight there will be 40 superstars for the first time ever.
The 24th annual Royal Rumble opens with explosive pyrotechnics while "Living in a Dream" pumps over the speakers. Michael Cole announces that this is the official start for the "Road to Wrestlemania" with 15,113 members of the WWE Universe in Boston, MA at TD Garden tonight.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Edge
World Heavyweight Championship Match
A special stipulation was added to this match on Smackdown by Vickie Guerrero. If Edge uses the Spear move in this match he is disqualified and will lose his championship belt automatically. The commentators, Cole, Striker and Lawler reviewed this past Friday's tag match where Vickie banned Edge's Spear move. Edge still delivered several Spears on Ziggler post-match.After the World Champion was introduced, Smackdown consultant Vickie Guerrero came out to remind Edge his move, The Spear, is officially banned tonight. Vickie said she's begging that Edge use the Spear at least once tonight. She tried to get the crowd into a "Spear" chant but received boo's instead. Vickie introduced her boyfriend, the challenger, Dolph Ziggler. Tony Chimel handled the official introductions next.
Edge had the first pinfall attempt of the match after he and Dolph traded offensive momentum. Edge fought his way out of a headlock and ultimately was able to slingshot Dolph into the corner. However, moments later Ziggler was back in control wearing Edge down with a headlock on the mat. Edge made it over to the apron and got himself up but Ziggler rushed over and knocked him off the apron. Dolph continued to use the headlock in the ring again, but Edge fought out once again. Both men collided moments later on a double flying cross body from the ropes. The ref made his count with both guys getting up after 5. Ziggler ran and jumped at Edge in the corner with Edge avoiding it. Another reset in the match as the referee counted.
Later still, Ziggler ran and tried for a Zig Zag with Edge countering it into a Powerbomb for another near fall. Edge climbed the ropes but Ziggler was back up and kneed him. The two opponents battled it out up on the corner with Ziggler trying a Superplex. Edge blocked it several times, punched away on Dolph then headbutted him down. Edge leapt off the corner to hit a crossbody, but Ziggler rolled through for a near fall finish. Later on, Ziggler went for the Zig Zag, but Edge grabbed the ropes. Edge put Ziggler into a Sharpshooter-style submission hold and began to elbow Ziggler in the back. Dolph managed to crawl to the bottom rope. The crowd exploded moments later as Edge kicked out of a pinfall after Dolph hit the Zig Zag.
Moments later, Edge knocked Ziggler down near the corner. He was about to go for the Spear but remembered he couldn't. Edge walked over and Ziggler went for a Sleeper with Edge able to block it and slam Ziggler to the mat. Vickie grabbed the ref's leg on the pinfall count. Vickie got onto the apron to distract the ref and Edge. Vickie then slapped Edge in the face. Ziggler tried to attack from behind but Edge moved away so Dolph almost hit Vickie. Edge rolled up Dolph for the near fall but Ziggler kicked out. Edge was once again face-to-face with Vickie. Out of nowhere, Kelly Kelly rushed to ringside, yanked Vickie off the apron and pounced on her in a strange moment.
Ziggler hit the Zig Zag yet again, but Edge kicked out to get the crowd even more pumped. Ziggler staggered to his feet, as Edge got up. Dolph jumped on Edge's back for a sleeper hold. Kelly was still show watching from near the bottom of the ramp area. Edge fought back to his feet with Ziggler on his back, then swirled around, causing the flailing Ziggler to knock the ref out. The crowd started up the Spear chant. Vickie was shown down on the outside floor so she couldn't see what was going on. Edge got that look on his face and crouched down then rushed across the ring and hit The Spear. Edge was down on his back as the ref pulled himself up by the ropes. Edge pretended he barely was coming to and stood up again. Edge did "The Unprettier" to claim the pinfall win. Post-match, Vickie screamed about the decision while Cole complained about Edge's tactics.
Winner: Edge wins via pinfall over Dolph Ziggler to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.
A Wrestlemania 27 is 63 Days Away Promo video was shown. Cole said the Rumble is the start of the Road to Wrestlemania 27 in bitter cold Boston, MA. Cole said you can tell the Rumble match is huge because the two major title matches come before it tonight. Cole, Lawler and Striker discussed the history between Miz and Orton including Miz's MITB briefcase cash-in and their recent run-ins on Raw.
Josh Matthews interviewed The Miz backstage with Alex Riley standing nearby. Miz discussed how his entire Championship reign has been smeared with accusations. Miz said there's a reason why he's a champion and people like Lawler, Orton and Tom Brady aren't champions. Riley said tonight Miz will beat Orton tonight and go on to Wrestlemania still WWE Champion. Miz finished with his catch phrase before the camera cut back to the arena as The Viper arrived out from backstage.
Randy Orton vs. The Miz
WWE Championship Match
Randy Orton was the first one to the ring and posed for the fans in the ring. Matt Striker noted that the WWE title has changed hands 3 times in the city of Boston, MA. Next, The Miz arrived out with his WWE Championship and Alex Riley carrying the MITB briefcase. Justin Roberts handled the intros in the ring.Orton got the upperhand early and tossed Miz out of the ring, then into the crowd barriers near the ramp before clotheslining Miz down. Orton walked towards Riley to scare him off. Back in the ring, The Viper had the first near fall. Moments later, Orton slingshotted Miz into the bottom rope for another near fall.
Orton had control until the ref had his back turned. Alex Riley got on the apron and snapped Orton against the top rope, giving The Miz the advantage in the ring. Cole and Lawler continually bickered over how Miz doesn't play by the rules in his matches. Miz pounded on Orton in the corner for a bit to continue his momentum, then he backed up and hit the running clothesline in the corner for a near fall.
Miz kept his control of the match as Orton tried to get some momentum going. Riley eyed Orton from ringside as Orton hung off the side apron area. Miz slid to the outside then hit a big knee on Orton's face. Back in the ring, Miz had a near fall. Moments later, Orton had a sleeper nearly locked in, but Miz escaped. Later, Orton slammed Miz back, but Orton was holding his throat/neck area. Miz delivered a huge boot to send Orton down. The Viper just barely escaped the pinfall.
Miz was on the corner for a high risk move, but Orton swiped his leg to crotch Miz. Orton got onto the corner area and hit a Superplex. Miz barely kicked out of the pinfall. Miz and Orton started to trade kicks and strike moves, with Orton getting the advantage after several clotheslines. Orton hit his vintage backbreaker, saw Miz on the apron, then went for the DDT. Miz countered it though and flipped Orton to the outside. Miz distracted the ref as Alex Riley stomped Orton outside the ring.
On the outside, Miz rammed Orton from barrier to the apron, then brought Randy in the ring for a near fall. Miz jumped off the rope and hit the double axe handle across Orton's neck for another few near fall attempts. Miz used a modified Camel Clutch on Orton but Randy got to his feet to battle out. Miz tossed Orton out of the ring and hes tumbled over near the commentators' table. Miz was able to overpower Orton on the outside where he slingshotted Orton into the steel ringpost. Miz went back in the ring and let the ref start the countout. Orton got into the ring at 8 and pounced on Miz to unload on him.
Orton gained serious momentum, hitting the Powerslam and then stomping on Miz limb by limb. Orton set up for a Powerbomb in the ring, with Riley jumping onto the apron to distract. Miz took advantage and slammed Orton down for another near fall. Orton went for the RKO with Miz countering into the Skullcrushing Finale. Orton countered that to take Miz down for another near fall. Miz rolled to the outside, asked for his belt and started to walk away. Orton cut him off as he got out of the ring and clotheslined Miz down. Orton stalked Riley chasing him to the other side of the ring. Back in the ring, Miz had yet another near fall opportunity.
Moments later, Orton hit the DDT on Miz from the middle rope. Orton dropped to the mat, pounding it in preparation of the RKO. Suddenly, the new Nexus members (Otunga, Harris, Ryan and McGillicutty) arrived from backstage to the bottom of the ramp. Orton stood up to confront them. Riley got into the ring as the ref was on the outside. Orton fought Riley off and tossed him out onto the New Nexus. Back in the ring, Miz went at Orton, but Orton countered and hit the RKO with the ref still outside. Suddenly, CM Punk rushed into the ring, grabbed Orton, and hit the GTS on him. Punk pulled Miz onto Orton for the cover, then escaped out of the ring. The ref got back in to count the winning pinfall as Punk hid under the ring.
Post-match, Miz was dazed. Punk crawled out from under the ring and led Nexus up the ramp.
Winner: The Miz wins via pinfall over Randy Orton to retain the WWE Championship.
An Elimination Chamber PPV 2011 promo video was shown for Sunday, February 20 at 8PM EST.
The commentators talked about Dashing Cody Rhodes' injury suffered from Rey Mysterio and his possibility of not being in the Rumble. Todd Grisham was backstage and said Rhodes issued an official public statement saying this was going to be his time to win the Rumble and main event Wrestlemania. He said he's got a shattered face and his career is in jeapordy. Rhodes asked everyone to respect his wishes for privacy.
Natalya vs. Team LayCool
2-on-1 Handicap Match
Team LayCool was out to the ring first, followed by the champion Natalya. Before the match could even start, the lights flashed and an email came from the Raw GM. The email talked about how Teddy Long is incapacitated so the match has been changed. It will no longer be a handicap match, but now will become a Fatal Fourway match. Eve Torres was announced as the fourth competitor and arrived to the ring.LayCool knocked Natalya to the corner and then focused on Eve next. Layla hit a huge clothesline to take her down, then Michelle helped with a double Russian leg sweep on Eve. Michelle kicked Eve out of the ring, but Natalya was back up to gain control against LayCool. Natalya hit the slingshot to send Layla into Michelle. However, LayCool was able to break up a pinfall and knocked Natalya down on the outside. Layla and Michelle were left alone in the ring together and turned around to face each other. They looked puzzled as they circled a bit before Natalya yanked Layla's leg to pull her down. Eve got in the ring for a nearfall on Michelle, with Layla rushing in for the save.
Eve and Natalya battled in the ring. Natalya went for the Sharpshooter on Eve but Layla broke it up. Moments later, Natalya was able to lock a double sharposhooter on both Eve and Layla. Michelle rushed in and delivered a kick on Natalya to break it. Natalya managed to take control with LayCool in the ring and Eve on the outside. Natalya grabbed Layla with Michelle rushing at her for the big boot. Natalya tossed Layla in the way.
Eve was back in the ring and managed to toss Natalya to the outside. Eve hit Layla down and got on the corner for her reverse moonsault. Natalya slid into the ring, and Michelle entered right behind her. Eve grabbed the pinfall as Michelle also scored one on Natalya. The referee saw Eve's pin though and awarded her the win.
Winner: Eve wins via pinfall over Layla to become the new Divas Champion.
Josh Matthews was backstage with Daniel Bryan and Gail Kim. Josh asked Daniel about what it would be like to win the Rumble match tonight. Bryan said for all those people who keep calling him a nerd, it would be cool to go from NXT rookie to Royal Rumble winner. Just then, the Bella Twins arrived in and Matthews left. The Bellas had flowers and said they were shocked last week so they came to apologize. The Bellas offered congratulations and handed them flowers, then said they're a good couple because they're in the same league. Gail took exception and got into it with them. One of the Bellas slapped Bryan, but then a catfight broke out with Josh Matthews trying to help break it up. Matthews got slapped as a referee came in to help maintain order. Daniel Bryan rolled on the floor as well.
Cole and the commentators talked about the next PPV, the Elimination Chamber. They mentioned the theme song "Living in a Dream" by Finger Eleven. They showed the Royal Rumble by the numbers video as a prelude to the main event. 70% of the Rumble winners have gone on to win championship gold after their victory at the Rumble.
40-Man Royal Rumble Match
The winner of this match will get to choose which title they will compete for at Wrestlemania 27, either the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship. Justin Roberts introduced the biggest Rumble match ever and went over the rules of how to win.CM Punk was the #1 entrant, but at #2 there was confusion when Wade Barrett and Ezekiel Jackson arrived to the ring. Heath Slater and Gabriel also came to the ring, with all members of The Corre getting involved to beat on Punk. The rest of New Nexus rushed the ring and a huge brawl started before the match even began. The lights flashed and the email sound chimed with Cole yelling for everyone's attention. Cole said the GM says stop this now. The GM said only CM Punk can be in the ring right now. The rest of The Corre and Nexus members must head to the locker room now or be disqualified from the Rumble.
After order was finally restored, Daniel Bryan was introduced as the #2 competitor. After they fought for a while, the countdown brought The Corre's Justin Gabriel out. Gabriel went for a 450 Spalsh but missed on Punk, allowing Bryan to toss Gabriel out of the ring first. Ryder was #4 and immediately attacked Bryan, but moments later he was sent to the outside by Daniel Bryan. Later still, Dibiase arrived out sixth along with girlfriend Maryse.
Morrison arrived to the ring 7th and was on fire with dropkicks and fastpaced moves including a chuck kick off the ropes to take down Punk. He did the C4 to slam Bryan to the mat, but Dibiase came over to kick Morrison. In an amazing sequence Morrison got knocked off the apron by Regal, but Morrison grabbed onto the crowd barrier and kept his feet off the floor. Morrison did a tightrope walk on the barrier and managed to leap over to the steel steps. Morrison got back in the ring as Regal was eliminated by Ted Dibiase.
Striker noted that competitor Husky Harris at 23-years-old, is youngest in the Rumble this year. Harris served as a protective barrier for Punk in the corner. Chavo went for the three amigos multiple times with different wrestlers cutting in before the third attempt. After he failed on Dibiase and Punk, Chavo hit it on Bryan before Husky Harris knocked him down.
CM Punk and Daniel Bryan last. Chris Masters nearly had Punk out of the ring. After Otunga's arrival, the New Nexus started to take control with several straight eliminations: Bryan, Morrison and then Mark Henry. Tyler Reks came in next, got a beatdown by Nexus and was tossed out of the ring. Same fate happened to Vladimir Kozlov. R-Truth rushed in next to get beatdown. After a running knee and bulldog from Punk, Truth was tossed to the outside.
However, the Great Khali was the next competitor. Khali punched and kicked down all the Nexus guys before tossing Harris out of the ring. Mason Ryan managed to duck Khali near the ropes and then scooped Khali by the leg out over the top rope. Ryan went over to help up CM Punk to his feet.
At #21 Booker T arrived to the ring and managed to overcome his Nexus attackers. He did the Bookend followed by the Spinarooni. Booker nearly tossed Punk out, but Mason Ryan came over, grabbed Booker and threw him out of the ring. Cena rushed to the ring and started to attack the Nexus with a fury, hitting multiple moves and eliminating Mason Ryan first before clotheslining out Otunga and McGillicutty. That left Cena alone in the ring with CM Punk.
Cena and Punk went at it, eventually hitting a double clothesline to both go down at the center of the ring. Entry #23 arrived out, Hornswoggle. He posed for the crowd and saw Cena and Punk down. Punk was up first and kicked Horney to the mat, then went after Cena again. Punk tried to dump Cena out over the top rope, but Cena escaped it then hit the AA to toss Punk out. Cena helped Hornswoggle to his feet and they waited for the next competitor. It was Tyson Kidd, who they doubleteamed. With Horney hitting his own mini AA on Kidd. Cena tossed Kidd out.
Later still, Cena and Horney did a double Five Knuckle Shuffle on Heath Slater before Horney hit the Tadpole Splash off the corner. Cena waited for Slater to stand up then tossed him out. Kofi Kingston was next out to the ring.
Cole noted that the most winners have come at #27,
which was Jack Swagger's entry tonight. Swagger
took control against Cena and Kofi Kingston as
Horney watched. Later on, Kofi did a double leg
drop on Swagger after using Horney's back as a
ramp/step. Sheamus rushed in next and started to
beat on all the competitors, hitting an Irish Curse
backbreaker on Cena. Horney tried to mock Sheamus'
taunt, then got shoved down hard by the King of the
Ring. Horney got up in the corner and started up
the band, then hit Sweet Shin Music on him.
Sheamus sat Horney on the corner and moments later
hit the Brogh kick to eliminate Hornswoggle from
the match.
Dolph Ziggler was part of the match despite losing the World Heavyweight match earlier. He and Barrett tried to eliminate Cena but Mysterio made a save. Out at #32 was Diesel to the crowd's excitement. Nash took his time to get to the ring as he put on his gloves. He began to knock down multiple opponents in the ring. A huge "let's go Diesel" chant broke out in honor of Nash as he was being doubleteamed. Diesel was eventually eliminated by Barrett.
Alex Riley arrived out to The Miz's theme music. The Miz joined the commentators wearing a suit and carrying his WWE Championship belt. As Big Show came in at #35, he passed by Diesel who was heading up the ramp. They gave each other a bit of a stare before passing by. Big Show made 2 eliminations but was eliminated by Ezekiel Jackson, the Profit of Doom. Barrett joined Jackson center ring and held his arm up to celebrate.
Santino Marella arrived at #37 and surpassed his record of :01 second in the match, but was clobbered down by Sheamus' boot. #38 entrant was Alberto Del Rio who came driving out in a 2008 Bentley to the ramp side area.
Alberto Del Rio took so long to walk down the ramp, that the next competitor, Randy Orton arrived and took him down. In the ring, Orton hit multiple RKO's on guys in the ring, before tossing Kofi out. After tossing out Sheamus, Orton and Cena prepared to face off. At the final spot, came Kane for his record thirteenth Royal Rumble entry. No sign of Triple H in the match tonight.
The match was down to Rey Mysterio, John Cena, Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio, Wade Barrett and Kane. Mysterio managed to counter a Kane move and flipped Kane out of the ring by headscissors. Wade Barrett knocked Rey Mysterio out next to leave a Final Four: Cena, Barrett, Orton and Del Rio. Two from Raw, Two from Smackdown!
Cena and Orton eventually went at it with Del Rio and Barrett down in corners. Cena went for AA but Barrett was back up to break things up. Orton was able to fight off Barrett and Del Rio. Barrett tossed Orton out and then Del Rio rushed over to push Barrett out over the ropes.
Ricardo Rodriguez started up the announcement, but wait- Santino Marella was never eliminated officially. Santino staggered to his feet as Ricardo kept pointing to Del Rio to look behind him. Santino wound up the Cobra. Del Rio turned and was punched down. However, in the finish Santino tried to run and toss Del Rio out of the ring. Del Rio countered at the last moment to throw Mysterio out of the ring, getting the big win!
Winner: Alberto Del Rio wins the 2011 Royal Rumble after eliminating Santino Marella last.
See the complete order of 2011 Royal Rumble entries and eliminations.
Results will be updated above as matches have completed, with final results posted by 11PM EST. There's going to be plenty of excitement in Boston, MA for the 2011 WWE Royal Rumble results! Remember to watch WWE Raw on Monday evening for the follow-up to this entertaining Pay-Per-View!
Labels: Dolph Ziggler, Edge, John Cena, Layla El, Michelle McCool, Natalya Neidhart, PPV Matches, Randy Orton, Royal Rumble, The Miz, WWE PPV's, WWE Recaps
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