Monday, January 3, 2011

Raw Results 01/03/11

Raw Results from Phoenix, AZ:

Raw opened with highlights from last week's close featuring the Nexus attack on Cena in the ring, followed by CM Punk's arrival to the ring. After hitting the GTS on Cena, Punk sat down in a steel chair, picked up a Nexus armband and put it on his arm. He saluted Nexus out on the ramp to close the show out.

Michael Cole was on camera saying that John Cena wouldn't be in action tonight due to last week's attack and the injury he sustained during a house show match against Wade Barrett. Cole said they expect to know more about Cena's condition later in the night. He added that they are excited for tonight's inaugural match of 2011: the WWE Championship Falls Count Anywhere match between John Morrison and The Miz.

John Morrison vs. The Miz
Falls Count Anywhere WWE Championship Match

Justin Roberts gave the rules of the match, no wins by countout or disqualification, only pinfall or submission anywhere in the arena. Michael Cole added that Jerry Lawler isn't there tonight due to what happened last week. He reviewed highlights of The Miz jumping out of the crowd to attack Lawler near the crowd barrier, slamming him into the steep steps and hitting a Skullcrushing Finale on him outside the ring. Cole was joined by Josh Matthews on commentary.

Miz tried to rush JMo on the ramp but Morrison caught him on the way up to get the advantage. Alex Riley tried to get involved several times with Morrison fighting him off. Early on, Morrison smashed Riley face first into a giant WWE logo on stage. Morrison clotheslined Miz down, then climbed up onto the big "WWE" to jump off onto Miz and Riley. Miz and Morrison traded momentum in the match, with Miz frustrated he couldn't capture a winning pinfall. He slammed Morrison onto a set up crowd barrier at one point out in the crowd. Morrison managed to hit Starship Pain at one point with The Miz able to barely kick out.

In the closing moments, Morrison set up The Miz on a wooden table outside the ring near the corner. He put Miz on top of it and went for Starship Pain. Miz moved away and Morrison crashed through the table. Miz took the pinfall and Morrison kicked out of it. Morrison was still laying on the ground, so Miz walked over got him up and hit Skullcrushing Finale on the outside floor. Miz finally got the winning pinfall.

WWE officials looked at Morrison as he was struggling on the bottom of the ramp. Miz went up the ramp with his belt and glared down at Morrison.

Winner: The Miz wins the Falls Count Anywhere match via pinfall over John Morrison to retain the WWE Championship.

Cole said later tonight there will be a WWE Championships #1 Contender's Steel Cage match

Scott Stanford was backstage to interview WWE Champion The Miz. He said what just happened proves he is still WWE Champion and that he's "awesome." The Miz said his reign will go down with him as the most technical wrestler, rugged brawler and best champion in the history of the company. Riley finished off the "Awesome" catch phrase.

Cole and Matthews talked about the current situation between Natalya and Melina. They showed Melina slapping her in the face weeks ago. Natalya returned the favor last week after Melina won a match.

Eve, Brie Bella & Natalya vs. Alicia Fox, Maryse & Melina

Closing moments of the six diavs tag match saw Melina get involved and yank Natalya down from the apron across the top rope. Natalya managed to clotheslined down Melina then crawled over for a tag to Eve Torres. Meanwhile, Melina tagged in as well. Eve got the advantage and after hitting a swinging neckbreaker, picked up the win.

Winners: Eve, Brie Bella & Natalya win via pinfall over Alicia Fox, Maryse & Melina.

Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Usos

Tamina accompanied Santino and Vladimir to the ring drawing mean looks from her former tag team, the Usos.

Towards the end of this one, Santino hit his diving punch bomb on one of The Usos. The other Uso rushed in to break up the pinfall, so Vlad Kozlov rushed in to fight too. Kozlov and the other Uso ended up falling outside the ring over the top rope, although Kozlov messed up on his fall over the top at first. Santino went for the cover on the legal Uso, but he ducked and then hit the Samoan drop to get the win.

Post-match, one of the Usos was yelling at Tamina who got in the ring to check on Santino. Kozlov got in and headbutted him down then shoved the other Uso off the apron to the crowd barrier. Santino and Tamina did a double Cobra punch on the Uso in the ring.

Winners: The Usos win via pinfall over Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov.

They showed a New York Times newspaper clipping noting that the former WWE reality series "Tough Enough" will return to USA this spring. Josh Matthews spoke about being on the first ever edition of the show. They showed CM Punk walking backstage wearing a Nexus armband. Cole said we may finally get some answers about Punk's move to Nexus leadership.

CM Punk arrived out from backstage wearing the Nexus armband with his theme music playing. Despite getting booed in the ring, Punk thanked everyone, then said he loves being in Phoenix. Punk said he spent most of the day looking for Cena backstage, but he couldn't "C John Cena," doing the hand taunt. Punk said that's because of him. Punk noted he's a man of his word and a 3-time World Heavyweight Champion which makes him a leader of men. Highlights were shown once again of the attack on Cena and close of last week's show.

Punk talked about how he lives "Hustle, Loyalty and Respect," and expects it from Nexus, but John Cena just uses it as a phony catch phrase. Punk said Cena's at home and he expects him to stay there. He added he's taking over Nexus and Monday Night Raw. The Nexus theme music hit and Wade Barrett arrived out from backstage.

Barrett started down the ramp with a mic, saying he was there to correct him on two things. Barrett told Punk that Cena's not there because he destroyed him last week at a match in Pennsylvania. Wade got in the ring and called Punk a hypocritical, manipulative waste of skin. He called Punk not a leader but a liar. Punk said they need to ask the members of Nexus about this. Barrett called Nexus to come down to the ring. Harris, Slater, Otunga, Gabriel and McGillicutty arrived out to the ramp then walked to the ring.

Otunga said both guys make good points. Just then, the lights flashed and email sound chimed. Cole got up to read the latest email from the Raw GM. The GM said there will be three participants in a steel cage #1 Contenders match later on, with the winner facing Miz at Royal Rumble for the title. It will be King Sheamus vs Randy Orton vs either CM Punk or Wade Barrett. Wade got on the mic saying as leader of Nexus he'll be taking the final spot in the match.

Punk told Barrett to go right ahead. He said he's defended him before so he's not going to brutalize him there. Punk said he can go ahead and prove himself by winning that cage match, but if he should lose he's out of The Nexus. Barrett thought it over then finally shook on it with Punk.

Raw returned with Cole and Matthews reviewing the Falls Count Anywhere match earlier in the night. Miz won after Morrison crashed through a table and then was hit with Skullcrushing Finale outside the ring. Justin Roberts introduced Alberto Del Rio's personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez. Del Rio arrived out in a fancy 1966 Ford Shelby Cobra roadster convertible.

Del Rio got on the mic near the crowd to deliver a promo speech. He said his destiny is to become World Heavyweight Champion based on his rich heritage. He said his destiny is to destroy every single person from Smackdown and Raw, so his name will be in the hearts and minds of the WWE Universe. Del Rio said his destiny is to win the Royal Rumble and main event Wrestlemania. He was still trying to talk but R-Truth's theme music started and Truth came out rapping to interrupt. In the ring, Truth told Del Rio that his destiny is to go back where he came from and he's the man to send him there.

R-Truth vs. Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio wisely worked on the left arm of Truth during the match. Truth mustered some momentum late in the match, but Del Rio yanked the hurt arm against the steel post. Del Rio rushed back into the ring and then locked the Cross Armbreaker onto Truth. Truth tried to resist from tapping but finally decided to do so.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio wins due to submission against R-Truth.

Wade Barrett was backstage talking to the Nexus guys about how he helped make them stars. He said he helped Slater and Gabriel become champions and can do the same for the rest of them. Otunga asked Wade if he could work things out with CM Punk. Wade told them that Punk is using them for his own gain. Punk walked in and said they're all pulling for him tonight, wishing him the best of luck. Barrett left the scene, so Punk shook hands with each of the Nexus guys.

Scott Stamford found Randy Orton backstage to interview about last year. Orton said last year means nothing to him now. He said the problem last year was he was too nice, and let his guard down by showing some compassion. Orton said it's a new year and he resolves the fact that "nice guys finish last."

Cole said it's now time for the big main event and showed the steel cage being lowered down around the ring. The first man to escape the cage gets to face The Miz for the WWE Title at the Royal Rumble.

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett vs Sheamus
#1 Contenders Steel Cage Match

The winner of this steel cage match goes on to challenge The Miz at Royal Rumble 2011 for the WWE Championship. Justin Roberts explained that the match can only be won by escaping the cage by climbing out and having both feet hit the floor or by leaving through the cage door. No pinfalls or submissions in this one.

King Sheamus was first to the ring for the match. As Wade Barrett arrived to the ring, Cole delivered breaking news from the Raw GM that John Cena may possibly return to Raw next week in Nashville, TN.

The first half of the match saw each of the competitors trying for escapes over the wall with the others pulling them back in. At one point, Orton went for the door but realized both Barrett and Sheamus were up so he stopped. Orton dropped to the mat in his typical pre-RKO pounding and stared at both guys as the door closed. Raw went to commercial.

Raw returned with Orton trying to escape over the wall and Sheamus retrieving him. Barrett eventually helped out. At one point, Orton nearly hit a double DDT through the ropes on his oppoents. Sheamus countered to knock Orton down and all three guys were down on the mat.

Barrett gained momentum at one point as he threw Sheamus face first into all the cage walls. Barrett hit an impressive slam move on Sheamus then fought with Orton, eventually hitting a side slam. Barrett started to climb the cage wall, but Sheamus got back up and went up the wall to get Barrett.

Orton and Sheamus were climbing on the cage wall, but Barrett rushed over to kick the rope. Both Orton and Sheamus became crotched on the top rope. Barrett started to climb up the side wall facing the ramp. As he got near the top he struggled to hold on. CM Punk rushed down the ramp and climbed up the wall, sitting on top, offering Wade his hand to help him up. Wade gave him his hand and Punk appeared to be helping out. Instead, Punk grabbed Barrett's Nexus band and tore it off his arm. Punk kicked Wade in the head, causing him to hit the mat.

The closing moments saw Sheamus deliver a running boot kick to Barrett to knock him down. Sheamus seemed to have the win, but suddenly Orton sprung up and delivered the RKO on him. Orton walked out through the cage door down the steps to get the victory.

Winner: Randy Orton wins the steel cage match to become #1 Contender for the WWE Championship. Orton will face The Miz at 2011 Royal Rumble for the WWE Title.

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