WWE NXT Results 01/04/11
WWE NXT Results from Tucson, AZ:
Tonight's NXT show opened with highlights of the various rookies in competitions, competing in the ring and interacting with their pro mentors. On tonight's episode the first elimination for NXT Season 4 will take place.Matt Striker had the NXT rookies up on the stage. He talked of the elimination and also what the winning rookie of NXT Season 4 gets. Striker said they will get a future championship match, and it will be for the WWE Tag Team titles. They'll challenge for those titles along with their pro mentor.
From there, Striker said the WWE Pros will compete tonight to start the show in an over-the-top battle royal. The winning pro gets the opportunity to trade away his rookie if he chooses. All the pros headed to the ring with Ricardo Rodriguez arriving out to stop Del Rio. Rodriguez begged to take Del Rio's place in the match to prove himself. Del Rio said sure.
WWE Pro's Over-The-Top-Rope Battle Royal
Winning pro gets the choice to trade away his NXT rookie if he wants. The first elimination was Ricardo Rodriguez in place of Del Rio. Daniel Bryan put him in a long airplane spin, then Truth tossed Rodriguez out. It was down to five pros.Dolph Ziggler managed to toss out Daniel Bryan, then yelled at him outside the ring. Chris Masters came over to chest chop Ziggler, then tossed him into the corner for more abuse. R-Truth was the next guy eliminated courtesy of Dibiase. Masters put the Masterlock on Ziggler, but Dibiase came over to break it up. Ziggler rolled out of the ring while Dibiase and Masters fought. Masters had Dibiase over the ropes. Ziggler rushed in and grabbed Masters from behind to toss him out of the ring.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler wins the over-the-top-rope battle royal.
Post-match, Ziggler got on the mic saying he won fair and square so he deserves a round of applause. He told Novak he never liked him at all, so he's trading him away. Ziggler said he wants Byron Saxton instead. Novak was upset and headed to the ring. Striker stopped him saying that Novak will be facing Saxton in the ring next.
Matthews and Grisham talked about the trade. Matthews said Ziggler is putting himself in the position to maybe win the tag titles. Grisham noted tonight will be the first elimination of NXT. Ziggler and the other pros may already know who's going home based on the trade.
Byron Saxton vs. Jacob Novak
Chris Masters was now with Novak to coach him in the match. Saxton was teamed up with Ziggler on the apron to coach him.Novak got some early offense in to knock down Saxton. Ziggler yelled "why didn't you do that when you were with me?" Novak continued to pound on Saxton as he whipped him to the corner and stomped on him. After an elbow drop he had a near fall. Novak put an arm lock headlock on to keep Saxton down.
Saxton started a comeback as he whipped Novak to the ropes and elbowed him down. Saxton had the near fall with Ziggler telling him "next time hook the leg like I would." Novak took the advantage again as he smashed Saxton face first into the corner. Novak continued to try to win with a near fall, then another submission hold before he tossed him to the mat. Novak missed on the elbow drop though.
In the final moments, Novak went for a suplex move but Saxton managed to use his weight to come down and counter. He hit a finisher to plant Novak into the mat for the pinfall. Ziggler was pleased with his rookie's victory.
Winner: Byron Saxton wins via pinfall over Jacob Novak.
Backstage, Johnny Curtis was telling R-Truth he was irked and upset last week and it was out of line. Truth said he doesn't have time for that and walked off. Curtis was left wondering what was up. Truth came back to shake his hand saying he was kidding. Truth talked about how Curtis can win NXT and Curtis made up some story of them being a two man wolfpack traveling the desert. Truth said he had no clue what Curtis is talking about. Curtis said he didn't either. Truth said "that's what's up!"
NXT returned to show the Raw Rebound. Highlights were shown from last night's big #1 Contender's Steel Cage Match. Sheamus, Randy Orton and Wade Barrett battled for the right to face The Miz for the WWE Title at 2011 Royal Rumble. They showed highlights of The Viper in a tough battle against his two opponents. Sheamus was shown nearly winning but Orton grabbed his leg near the door exit. Barrett managed to kick Orton and Sheamus down near the ropes then scaled the cage wall. CM Punk rushed down and climbed the other side of the wall. He offered Barrett his hand to help, then tore off Wade's Nexus arm band. Punk kicked Barrett down to the mat then left. The finale saw Randy Orton able to hit the RKO on Sheamus and leave the cage as the winner. Orton will face The Miz at 2011 Royal Rumble.
Josh Matthews said big stories from Raw last night: Barrett is out of Nexus and Orton will face Miz at the Rumble.
They showed footage from earlier today of Derrick Bateman and his pro mentor, Daniel Bryan. Bateman suggested that he help out Bryan with his love triangle problem with the Bellas. Bateman said he'll go on a date with them. Bryan said it was a bad idea, but Bateman said he'd pay. Bryan warmed up to it. Bateman said they're about wrestling, chicks and America!...he rolled an American flag down behind him to complete the segment.
Byron Saxton was backstage bragging about his first official win under his new pro. Ziggler said it's a big day. Saxton said the sound of Byron Saxton and Ziggler as tag champions sounds good. Ziggler said to remember that his last rookie didn't listen about staying away from his girlfriend. Saxton said no problem. He told Ziggler he'd have something special to say about Novak during the Battle of The Mic competition next. Saxton said he'll be 2-0.
Matt Striker had the rookies in the ring for the Battle of the Mic challenge. Tonight's winner gets 4 immunity points.
Brodus Clay went first and said how hilarious it was when he threw Curtis threw a table. The crowd booed him. Curtis got on the mic saying how funny it was when he punched him in the mouth. Clay said he never did, then Curtis punched him. They had to hold the two guys apart. Curtis won the crowd response on that first battle.
Derrick Bateman battled Byron Saxton. Bateman said his opponent was the love child of Carlton Banks and a shorter uglier Carlton Banks. Saxton said when Bateman looks in the mirror he realizes he's never going to be any better than Carlton Banks Byron Saxton. Bateman won that one due to crowd approval so Saxton went backstage.
Jacob Novak battled Conor O'Brian talking about how Conor thinks he's a rat. Novak said the bottom line is he makes this look good. O'Brian talked about how Novak needs two entrances, one for himself and one for his nose.
It came down to Curtis, Bateman and O'Brian. They now had 30 seconds to insult their 2 other opponents. Curtis spent too much time dissing Bateman, then said he really likes rats so he has nothing bad to say about Conor. Conor O'Brian did some insult jokes about your mama's so fat and you're so stupid. O'Brian won with his comedy routine to get 4 immunity points. Those were the first points scored by O'Brian in NXT Season 4.
Grisham said that Johnny Curtis has immunity for the first elimination with 5 total points. However, he can't rest easy as he'll go one-on-one with Brodus Clay next.
Johnny Curtis vs. Brodus Clay
Grisham and Matthews reviewed the earlier highlight when Curtis punched Clay in the mouth. Early on, Curtis managed to pound on Clay and caused him to go out over the ropes. Moments later, back in the ring, Clay had an impressive suplex slam on Curtis then a huge elbow drop. Dibiase cheered Brodus' aggression on. Maryse laughed from ringside. Truth was on the apron to coach Curtis.Clay used a submission pinch move on Curtis' shoulder muscles, but Curtis stood up and used forearm uppercuts on Clay. Curtis managed a comeback as he took down Clay with a spinning kick move then a flying bodypress from the corner. Curtis rushed over and took a swipe at Dibiase on the apron. When Curtis went back over he got slammed hard to the mat by Brodus Clay who got the pinfall win.
Post-match, Dibiase got in the ring and started yelling at the fallen Curtis. Truth came in to get involved on behalf of his rookie. Clay stared at Truth. Dibiase raised up Brodus' arm in victory. Maryse joined them in the ring. Striker interviewed Clay about what motivates him and he said all those years he was held back and pushed aside fuels his drive.
Winner: Brodus Clay wins via pinfall over Johnny Curtis.
Tonight's episode and past episodes of NXT are available on YouTube, Hulu and WWE.com.
Back for the grand finale, the first rookie elimination of NXT Season 4. Striker had all the rookies standing in front of the ring, bottom of the ramp. Johnny Curtis has immunity and can't be eliminated. Striker interviewed him about who should go home tonight. Curtis said that big bag of stink, Brodus Clay. He asked Clay how his jaw feels. Clay shot him a look.
Striker had them do the graphics on the Titantron flashing all of the rookie pictures. The first elimination was Jacob Novak who was the man traded earlier in the show. Novak said this was an opportunity to change his life, not just become the next WWE Superstar. Ziggler was rolling on the stage.
Striker said there will be another elimination in two weeks. He said the immunity points go back to 0 now. As Novak went backstage, Ziggler bragged on the mic telling Masters that he's a genius and his rookie sucks. Ziggler was laughing down the ramp so Masters went up and grabbed him, nearly getting the Masterlock on him. Ziggler ran backstage.
Meanwhile at ringside a fight nearly broke out between Brodus Clay and Johnny Curtis, with the other rookies intervening.
Labels: NXT Season 4, WWE NXT, WWE Recap, WWE Recaps
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