Monday, October 10, 2011

Raw Results 10/10/11

Raw Results from Oklahoma City, OK:

They showed a highlight video of last week's vote of no confidence and the WWE walkout by wrestlers, divas and personnel leaving Triple H alone in the ring. John Laurinaitis arrived out to the stage to shake his head at Triple H.

They showed the live audience and empty commentators seats. A camera was shown back in the parking garage area of the backstage moving down the hall to show Triple H arrive out of his office. He started his walk out towards the arena with fans applauding. Finally, Triple H's theme music and entrance video hit. Somehow someone was still working backstage. The COO arrived out to address the WWE Universe.

Triple H talked about how the superstars, divas and workers walking out. HHH said they're all outside having a solidarity rally wearing wrestling gear, but not one of them will come inside to perform tonight. HHH said they want him to resign but he's not a quitter and he won't be intimidated or coerced. HHH said he didn't care if he had to strip down to his tighty whities and wrestle a broomstick in the ring. He said "hell or high water" he's giving a show tonight.

John Cena's music hit to bring out the former WWE champion to the ring. Cena said the guys on the solidarity rally have asking him to join him, but HHH hasn't sent him as much as a text message. Cena said he's been through a lot of tough times at WWE, including the shortlived Mike Adamle era. Cena said with that in mind he won't give up, because of the word loyalty he lives by, he's staying. HHH shook his hand, right before Shreamus arrived out.

Sheamus talked about how he took out HHH with a lead pipe years ago. He said he didn't come to the WWE to be a part of all the losers outside, he came to be a part of Monday Night Raw. Next out was CM Punk. He said if anyone has a reason to leave the WWE it's him, due to microphone cutouts, Kevin Nash jumping him, and someone there trying to prevent him from being WWE Champion. Punk said the company is men solving their problems in between the ropes. Punk said this is professional wrestling not the ballet.

Punk asked what they do now. HHH said they do what they do on Monday Night Raw, they fight. HHH booked Sheamus to go 1-on-1 against John Cena and he'd serve as referee. He asked Punk to go do double duty by ringing the bell and providing commentary. Punk sat down alone to commentate on the match.

John Cena vs. Sheamus

The match got started with Punk on commentary and headed to a commercial while in progress. When Raw returned, the match was interrupted by Mr. McMahon's theme music. Vince came out to ask them to leave the ring so he could speak with his son-in-law. Vince thanked Cena, Punk and Sheamus for showing up tonight to stand up for what they believe in.

Winner: No contest, match was interrupted.

Vince told Triple H his services as the COO are no longer necessary. He said they've named an interim general manager until they can find a better choice. Vince said the interim GM will be VP of talent relations John Laurinaitis. Laurinaitis arrived out to the stage with the fans booing the news and arrival.

Raw returned with Laurinaitis welcoming back all the superstars as they arrived into the arena. Morrison stopped and told Laurinaitis he sucked. Ace told JMo sorry he feels that way but he can head out to the ring right now as he's dressed and fight. Christian came up next and told Laurinaitis this was the best decision ever made by the board. Laurinaitis asked him to go fight Morrison in street clothes, so Christian obliged. Swagger, Rhodes, and others were shown shaking Laurinaitis' hand.

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler got their theme music and entrances to the commentary position. Michael Cole came out to no music yelling this was all because of him.

John Morrison vs. Christian

Christian arrived out flanked by Ziggler, Swagger and Rhodes. They surrounded the ring for the match. Morrison got the early advantage. Cole noted a referee was back to work.

Early on, Morrison knocked Christian off the corner and set up for Starship Pain. Christian rolled out of the way. Ziggler and Swagger got on the ring apron to distract Morrison, allowing Christian to hit a running spear for the win.

Post-match, the heels all got in the ring and surrounded Morrison, then each hit their finisher on him.

Winner: Christian wins via pinfall over John Morrison.

Mark Henry arrived out to the ring for the next match.

Raw returned showing Laurinaitis on his cell phone asking "hope I wasn't too intimidating. I wasn't? Thanks." Triple H walked in and Laurinaitis hung up on his call. Laurinaitis said he knows what Hunter must be thinking but the board appointed him, and they know if there's an issue he'll step up to the challenge. He said it's in his blood, he loves the WWE. Triple H asked him if he ever tried to pick up his teeth with a bunch of broken fingers, then left the office.

Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry

Henry was on the mic in the ring saying he's the most dominant champion all time. They showed a video clip of the Mark Henry and Big Show saga from Smackdown. Henry refused to give a championship match to Henry, so Show came to the ring and attacked him.

Henry said on the mic "at Vengeance Big Show, Vengeance is mine." Randy Orton's voice came on and said "no you're wrong about that Mark, Vengeance is mine." Orton's theme music hit and he arrived out for the match.

Orton had control and got down to pound the mat, ready to strike. Suddenly, Cody Rhodes arrived to the ring and got on the apron. Orton was distracted and took a swing at him. Rhodes dropped off the apron, but Henry grabbed him to go for World's Strongest Slam. Orton jumped off and hit the RKO. He rolled over Henry for the pinfall and the ref started to count. Rhodes rushed back in to kick Orton breaking it up.

Post-match, Orton managed to fight off Rhodes and went for the RKO. Rhodes shoved him away to Mark Henry who had got back up. Henry hit World's Strongest Slam twice before leaving the ring. Rhodes snuck back in and hit Cross Rhodes on Orton, then called his bag guy down to give him a paper bag. Rhodes put the bag over Orton's head and did a promo on the mic about cutting the head off the Viper.

Winner: Randy Orton wins due to DQ over Mark Henry when Cody Rhodes interfered.

They showed highlights from last week when Kelly Kelly went psycho on Divas champion Beth Phoenix.

Eve Torres & Kelly Kelly vs. Rosa Mendes & Tamina

Kelly got the early control against Rosa, hitting moves on her in the corner, and then attacking Tamina as she tagged in. Tamina fought back to regain control though. Tamina missed on a big splash, so Kelly made the tag to Eve, who came in to take down Tamina. Eve had the pinfall on Tamina but Rosa came in to break it up. Kelly took Rosa to the outside. In the ring, Tamina backed Eve into a corner, but Eve fought back to kick her down, then did her moonsault from off the corner for the pinfall win.

Winners: Eve Torres & Kelly Kelly win via pinfall over Tamina & Rosa Mendes.

Beth Phoenix and Natalya were shown backstage watching Kelly and Eve celebrating. John Laurinaitis arrived out to the ring so Kelly and Eve left. Laurinaitis told them they might not like him but he's got a job to do. He announced that Alberto Del Rio has to defend the WWE Championship against John Cena at Vengeance 2011. Laurinaitis said he's here to do a job even if the fans don't like him. He said it's time to do the ethical thing, so he called Jim Ross into the ring.

Laurinaitis called JR out for walking out on Triple H last week, the guy that gave him his job back. Laurinaitis said that makes him a redneck ingrate. He told JR on behalf of the WWE, Jim Ross is fired. JR left the ringside area after shaking Lawler's hand. Cole called it "the greatest night in the history of Raw" as JR walked backstage.

Air Boom & Mason Ryan vs. David Otunga, Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler

Early on in the match, the action broke down outside with all of the wrestlers yelling at each other. Raw took a commercial break.

Raw returned with Swagger vs Kofi in the ring. Swagger took control after shoving Kofi on the corner. The heels started trying to wear down Kofi after that incident. Kofi managed to hit a flapjack on Swagger to try to escape and finally made a hot tag to Mason Ryan. Ryan rushed in to flatten Dolph Ziggler. He had a huge boot to take down Ziggler and went for the pinfall.

Otunga rushed in to break it up, causing everyone else to get involved. Swagger powerbombed Bourne down, but Ryan clotheslined him out of the ring. From there Ziggler tried to hit a move on Ryan, but Ryan grabbed him and hit his finisher to win it. Post-match, Kofi went to check on Evan Bourne on the apron. Ryan celebrated on the corner then went over to check on Bourne too.

Winners: Mason Ryan & Air Boom win via pinfall over Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler & David Otunga.

Cole and Lawler asked fans to head over to to vote on the name of the first show ever on WWE Network. It will be a retrospective show about Wrestlemania.

Raw returned with a video package on Brodus Clay and his monstrous ways in the ring so far.

Cole introduced a new preview trailer for the newest comedy film which has John Cena in it. It's called "The Reunion" and is about 3 brothers trying to operate a business together to claim their inheritance money. The movie hits select theters on October 21st.

Lawler talked about the match that has been booked for Vengeance PPV in 2 weeks. Alberto Del Rio will defend the WWE Championship against John Cena in San Antonio, TX.

Justin Roberts introduced Ricardo Rodriguez to introduced the WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio came out in a shiny maroon red convertible. Cole said it's a 2012 BMW convertible worth $100k in value.

CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio

These two fought in a non-title match on Raw. Punk got control early into the match after Del Rio had escaped the ring. Punk used a headlock and then tried a pinfall to no avail. Punk missed on his running knee on Del Rio in the corner, then Punk fell to the outside.

Suddenly, John Laurinaitis arrived out saying "stop this match!" He ordered the match to be stopped right now and said they'll have a tag team match instead. It'll be CM Punk and Alberto competing against two men he's re-instated. Laurinaitis introduced The Miz and R-Truth who both came out from backstage. They did their "You Suck" song on the way down the ramp.

Winner: No contest as John Laurinaitis ordered the match to be stopped.

CM Punk & Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth & The Miz

Raw returned with Del Rio kicking away on Truth, then hitting a big mule kick to knock Miz off the apron. He taunted Miz from the corner, so Truth used the opportunity to attack and gain the advantage. Miz tagged in to start working on Del Rio. Del Rio managed to tag in Punk who started taking it to Miz.

Punk and Del Rio worked a doubleteam move with Punk holding Truth for Del Rio to hit a missile dropkick into. Truth regained control to tag in Miz. Miz started to stomp away on Del Rio and kicked him in the face for a near fall. Del Rio left the ring holding his leg like he was hurt, so Ricardo Rodriguez tried to help him backstage up the ramp. Punk was left alone to face Miz and Truth.

Miz whipped Punk against the ropes with Truth kicking him in the back. Punk turned and kicked Truth down, but Miz grabbed Punk and hit a huge DDT. Truth tagged in and kept beating up on Punk.

Punk managed to fight off both guys from the corner. He knocked Truth from the apron, then hit his running knee into Miz in the corner. Punk did the running bulldog on Miz and clotheslined Truth who had got back on the apron. Punk hit the Macho Man elbow off the corner, then set up for GTS. R-Truth got in the ring and started to attack Punk. The two heels kept beating on Punk, so the ref called for the DQ and the bell.

As the heels kept attacking, the referee couldn't restore order. All of a sudden, Triple H rushed to the ring in street clothes and attacked both Truth and The Miz. HHH and Punk kept beating up Miz and Truth outside the ring. HHH tossed stairs up the ramp at Miz, while Punk tried tossed Truth over the commentators table. Truth hightailed it out through the audience. Punk and HHH got in the ring to pose for the fans after restoring order.

Backstage, David Otunga was with John Laurinaitis and said it was a good decision to bring back the Miz and R-Truth. Laurinaitis said he is going to make another decision and ask the board to put Triple H in a match as CM Punk's partner to face The Miz and R-Truth at Vengeance. In the ring, HHH went over and offered a handshake to Punk who looked at his hand, then shook. The two posed from the corners as Raw went off the air.

Winners: CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio win due to disqualification of The Miz and R-Truth when they refused to answer the ref's instructions.

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