Thursday, August 9, 2012

WWE Superstars Results 08/09/12

Here are the latest results for the August 9th, 2012 episode of WWE Superstars shown online.  Among the superstars in action were Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Santino Marella, Zack Ryder, and Tensai.

Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel defeated Tyler Reks & Curt Hawkins by pinfall.  Late in this one, Kidd broke away from Hawkins to make a hot tag to Gabriel.  Reks tagged in, but Gabriel hit a crossbody off the top for a near fall.  Later, Justin missed on a springboard moonsault and Reks nearly won with the pin.  However, Gabriel managed to counter Reks' suplex with a DDT for a pinfall.  Hawkins rushed in to break things up.  Kidd came in and connected on a kick to Hawkins, knocking him to the outside.  Gabriel then tagged in Kidd, held onto Reks, and Kidd hit a springboard elboard to take Reks down for the pin.

Santino Marella defeated Michael McGillicutty in a non-title match by pinfall.  Late in this match, Santino had multiple armdrags.  McGill pretended to offer a handshake then punched Santino in the face.  He followed with an elbow off the top for a 2 count.  McGill had a suplex as well for another 2 count.  In the end though, Santino avoided McGillicutty in the corner, before connecting on the Cobra for the win.

The Raw Rebound was shown.

Tensai defeated Zack Ryder by pinfall in the main event.  Early on Tensai threw Ryder out of the ring, but Zack ducked a clothesline on the outside, sending Tensai into the commentary table.  Back in the ring, Tensai regained control and put a vice grip on Ryder.  Later in the match, Sakamoto got involved and hit Ryder from the outside.  However, Zack retaliated and took him out, then hit a Broski Boot on Tensai for 2.  Later, Tensai caught Ryder from mid-air and then drops him to the mat, before hitting his finisher the Senton Splash for the pin.

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