Monday, October 1, 2012

Raw Results 10/01/12

Raw Results from Oklahoma City, OK:

The show opened with a review of footage from last week where Punk tried to attack a one-armed Cena in the ring, but Cena responded with a lead pipe.  Backstage Punk was still reeling from the attack but attacked Mick Foley.  However, the show closed with Punk turning around to find Ryback staring him down.

Punk and Heyman came out to the ring to complain about AJ's actions last week.  Heyman said that AJ violated a rule when she slapped him last week because she wasn't supposed to put her hands on any superstars or their managers.  Heyman suggests the Board get rid of AJ and that he should be new GM.  Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler came out to interject with Vickie saying she should be new GM.  Ziggler suggests VIckie and Heyman as co-GM's of Raw.  AJ eventually arrived out and told them she was on probation now, and will have a coach helping her to do better at her job.  That brought Daniel Bryan out who said it seems since they broke up, AJ's mental issues have become worse.  Kane comes out and says another thing to remember is how great a kisser AJ is.  He agrees with everything else that Bryan said, except for one part - "he's the tag team champions!"  They start arguing back and forth.  Ziggler and Punk raise up the MITB case and WWE title and then AJ screamed for everyone to stop.  She says its her show and books Punk and Ziggler will face Team Hell No for tonight's main event.  AJ skips away.

Antonio Cesaro defeated Brodus Clay via pinfall in a non-title match.  Brodus Clay seemed to have control after throwing Cesaro and hitting a big elbow on him.  He followed up with more offense including a headbutt.  Suddenly, Cesaro hits a big springboard uppercut out of nowhere to subdue Clay.  He followed up with the Neutralizer to get the pinfall win.

Backstage, AJ was with her job coach and had Kaitlyn there, saying Kaitlyn looks ready to return to action soon.  She told Kaitlyn why the guy was there to help her do a better job, then started talking about how their relationship went downhill after Daniel Bryan broke up with her.  She offered what sounded like a sincere apology, but before Kaitlyn could say she forgave her, AJ started laughing maniacally.  AJ skipped away and Kaitlyn looked at the coach guy saying "what do I do?"

The Miz defeated Zack Ryder via pinfall in a non-title match.  Late in this match, Ryder made a comeback with knees to Miz's face.  Ryder hits a dropkick from the corner, and then takes Miz down.  He hits the Broski Boot and gets a near fall.  Miz blocks the Ruff Ryder moments later, then power bombs Ryder into the turnbuckle.  He finishes with Skull Crushing Finale for the victory.

Ryback defeated Tensai via pinfall. Ryback took control early and kept it up.  He hit a huge clothesline to take down Tensai, then tried to pick him up on his shoulders for the finisher.  However, he couldn't get him up and Cole said Tensai blocked it.  Ryback tried again and failed, dropping Tensai to the mat.  He got him up and threw Tensai against the ropes then clotheslined him down hard to get the pinfall win.

Backstage, Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow were talking about how they have a great tag team name and didn't let the WWE Universe pick out Rhodes Scholars for them.  They brought up the debate with Sandow saying the WWE champion wasn't even wearing formal wear or pants for it.  He called him a "corn stalk neanderthal" and then he and Rhodes joked more about Sheamus.

Eve Torres defeated Beth Phoenix via pinfall in a non-title matchup.  Before the match, Cole and Ross looked at a pre-recorded video message from Eve about the divas division.  They showed what happened on Smackdown with her suspending Beth Phoenix over the Kaitlyn attack, and then Booker reversing things later.  In the match tonight, Eve got control and beat up Beth on the outside of the ring tossing her into the crowd barrier and hammering away on her.  Back in the ring, Beth got control of things and pounded away on Eve.  Eve ducked out through the ropes to get away, so the ref backed Beth off.  Eve quickly got back in and kicked Beth in the gut which allowed her to score the neck breaker finisher for the win.

Backstage, AJ was walking with the man evaluating her job performance and they came up to Wade Barrett.  Barrett talked about how he feels AJ's doing a terrible job and needs to stop letting her personal relationships interfere with how she does her job.  He complained about not being booked for a match tonight.  After Barrett left the scene, AJ looked at the guy with her and then said "I think you're intimidated."

They showed JBL after he climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro where he planted the WWE flag.  Cole and Ross talked about JBL's efforts to raise money for a kid's charity.  They showed JBL's Tout video he made from the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Santino Marella defeated Heath Slater due to disqualification.  Santino nearly had the win, but Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre rushed into the ring to attack him together.  All three men took Santino down, with Drew hitting the Future Shock DDT.  Slater went out of the ring and yanked a mic away to bring into the ring.  They each announced who they were with Slater going last and saying "and I'm the one man rock band…Wooo!"  They celebrated and raised arms in the ring to Slater's music.

Sheamus defeated Damien Sandow via pinfall in a non-title matchup.  Cody Rhodes was ringside and started out on commentary for the match talking about Sandow's intelligence and ring skills.  Sandow had an impressive match, having multiple chances to put away Sheamus, and a few spots where he kicked out of pinfalls from Sheamus.  At one point, Sheamus hit his battering ram off the corner ropes but Sandow still kicked out.  Sheamus went for White Noise, but Sandow elbowed out of that.  Sheamus went for a Brogue Kick but Sandow ducked it and tried to escape under the ropes.  That allowed Sheamus to do his pounding the chest move from the apron.  The close saw Cody Rhodes get involved in the ring, but Sheamus hit a double Brogue Kick on both guys then pinned Sandow for the big win.  Cole and Ross praised the champ's win but also Sandow's impressive performance tonight.

Michael Cole was in ring and introduced Jim Ross for his appreciation night in his home city of Oklahoma City.  Ross was about to speak about how it feels, but before he could get two words out, CM Punk's music hit, bringing the champion down to the ring with Paul Heyman.  Punk took the mic from Cole and told him he doesn't need it anymore and can go take his seat.  Cole back off and left the ring, then Punk started his talk as the crowd booed.  Punk said it's Jim Ross appreciation night and led a "J-R" chant.  Punk told Ross he's the best announcer WWE has and both he and the people respect the hell out of him.  

Punk told the people they don't know the first thing about respect, and said "I am the best in the world."  He accused the fans of twisting his words around week after week, but said he is a shining example of how you should treat someone with respect.  Punk put his arm around JR saying he's going to help him teach all of the people about respect, and he'll do it by telling them he's the best in the world.  JR said he's glad Punk didn't come out to embarrass him, because he's done a heck of a job making a jackass out of himself the past several weeks on TV.  Punk got upset and talked about he might just embarass JR now, and nobody can come out to save him, not even Jerry Lawler or Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Punk mentioned that now 316 isn't Stone Cold's catch phrase, but the number of days he's held the WWE title.  Punk told Jim Ross he's his best friend right now, so he better tell the people he's the best in the world.  Punk demanded he say it, screaming at JR and staring him down.  Ross said he is not going to say it, and he's been blessed to call some of the greatest matches ever involving the best in the world.  He listed off Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Triple H, The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austion.  He said none of them asked to be called "the best in the world," and if they had it was because they earned it.  

Ross told Punk if he wants to be called "best in the world," he needs to accept John Cena's Hell in a Cell challenge, and if he kicks his ass, Ross will be first in line to call him "best in the world."  Punk took off his hoodie and then removed JR's hat to toss on the mat.  He stomped on it, then brought up how the OKC Thunder couldn't get it done in the NBA Finals and they have to work their way back up to the best in the world.

Punk told JR he needs to either put his hands up and defend himself now, or leave.  Ross turned around with his head down to leave the ring.  Punk stopped him and told Ross he doesn't get to commentary anymore for the rest of the night.  He ordered him to walk up the ramp with his head down and leave for the night, and if he doesn't he'll put him in the dirt.  Ross started to leave the ring and Punk told him keep walking and enjoy it.  Punk kept taunting JR as he walked up the ramp calling him an embarassment and a joke.  As JR was about halfway up the ramp, Ryback's music hit and he emerged from backstage to start down the ramp.  He brought Ross into the ring with him, then began staring down CM Punk in the middle of the ring, huffing and puffing.  The crowd started up a huge "Feed Me More" chant, and eventually after several moments, Punk backed away.  He left the ring and backed up the ramp with Heyman before raising up his WWE championship belt.

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara defeated Epico and Primo via pinfall in the tag team contenders tournament to advance to the second round.  During this match, the Prime Time Players' music hit and they came out to watch the match from the top of the stage to scout their possible future opponents.  Late in the match, Rey and Primo made hot tags.  Rey took control hitting a head scissors and then kicking Primo in the face.  He later hit a senton move from the top rope for a near fall.  Cara and Epico get involved with Cara dropkicking Epico and taking him down.  Cara kicks Primo in the face, then Rey kicks Epico against the ropes to hit a double 619 on him and Primo.  Rey shoves Cara from the top to dive down onto Epico out on the floor.  Rey hits his splash move from the top rope to get the win.  Titus O'Neil and Darren Young applauded their possible future opponents.

Justin Roberts introduced Ricardo Rodriguez to do Alberto Del Rio's intro before Del Rio drove out in his fancy car.  They showed footage from Friday's Smackdown where Del Rio attacked Orton before his #1 contender's match against Big Show.  They showed exclusive footage from after Smackdown ended where Del Rio attacked Orton even more

They announced that WWE will make its debut in Brooklyn at the Barclay's Center for TLC in December.  Tickets go on sale Saturday at 10 AM EST.

Ricardo Rodriguez joined Cole and Ross on commentary, talking about how much he respects Michael Cole and is privileged to sit next to him.  Then he said "oh hi JR."  Cole kept asking Ricardo why he was out there with them.

Alberto Del Rio defeated Kofi Kingston via submission.  During the match, Del Rio had an abdominal stretch hold on Kofi and Ricardo started doing Spanish commentary.  Cole told him to speak English, so Ricardo said "he's hurting him" and talked about how it's 3-on-1 since it's Kofi, Truth and Lil Jimmy all there too.  Kofi went for Trouble in Paradise but Del Rio ducked it and shoved Kofi to the corner.  Kofi responded with a through the ropes pendulum kick.  Back in the ring, Del Rio managed to gain the upper hand and put on the Cross Arm Breaker.  Kofi tried to get to the bottom ropes but couldn't and was forced to tap out.  Truth rushed into the ring as Del Rio left and Ricardo went over to back up the ramp with him.

AJ was backstage with her coach giving her tips on how to do a better job.  She said he's right, maybe she should have a special referee for the match and suggested he should be it.  Then she went on a tirade and told him to get out of her office and her arena.  She said she doesn't need a coach, and especially an executive one.  The man looked horrified at AJ's change of attitude and left the office.

Daniel Bryan & Kane defeated Dolph Ziggler and CM Punk via pinfall in a non-title match.  As Bryan, Kane, Punk and Ziggler were all in the ring, Justin Roberts introduced the special guest referee.  AJ's music hit and she came skipping down the ramp in a mock referee costume.  The competitors looked bewildered, but started the match with AJ in center of the ring.  During the match, Ziggler had brief control over Kane and tried to rake Bryan in the eyes on the apron.  That upset Bryan and Ziggler turned to get punched by Kane.  Kane pounded away on Ziggler in the corner, and then tagged in Bryan to do some more damage.  During the match, Bryan got the No Lock on Punk, but Paul Heyman helped make sure AJ saw that Punk got his foot on the bottom rope to break it.  She broke off the hold, but then called Heyman up to the apron and threw him out of the match.  Heyman was livid as he stomped off, and then Vickie got on the apron to protest.  AJ smiled and then tossed her out of the match too.

The close saw Ziggler following Vickie up the ramp and leaving Punk behind to face Team Hell No on his own.  Kane tagged in and hit the big chokeslam to finish off Punk with the pinfall victory.  The show closed with Bryan and Kane engaging in their argument of "I'm the tag team champions" as each raised up their tag team belt.

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