Monday, September 17, 2012

Raw Results 09/17/12

Raw Results from Bridgeport, CT:

The show opened with Paul Heyman coming to the ring to CM Punk's music.  He talked about how Punk walked into Cena's hometown last night and retained the WWE title.  That brought John Cena out to confront him.  Cena said he agreed with the ref's decision but wants to see who last night's winner was.  Heyman called himself "The Voice of the Voice of the Voiceless" on behalf of Punk.  Alberto Del Rio came out with Ricardo Rodriguez to interrupt, complaining about last night's loss.  He said he deserves a rematch more because of Sheamus' main move getting reinstated.  As Del Rio kept arguing, AJ Lee's music hit and she skipped down the ramp and around the ring.  Once in the ring, she said she decided to make a super main event: Del Rio and CM Punk will team up against Sheamus and John Cena.  AJ said maybe the winners of the match might determine who gets a title rematch.  She skipped off with Paul Heyman leaving the ring and chasing after her up the ramp to talk about what just happened.

Cole was shown in a "Long Live the King" T-shirt and talked about Lawler's recovery.  After showing the Lawler Tout video, Cole reported that Jerry Lawler has finally left the hospital and is now watching the show from home.  Cole said later there will be exclusive footage of Lawler's arrival back in Memphis.  HBL was introduced as tonight's replacement for Lawler on commentary.  Jim Ross was also introduced as a guest commentator for Raw.

Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara defeated Primo & Epico via pinfall.  Late in the match, Mysterio hit a double 619 on Primo and Epico.  Primo fell out of the ring and Epico rolled towards the corner.  Sin Cara followed with his diving splash move for the big pinfall win.  Post-match, Cara and Rey celebrated in the corner area, until Prime Time Players hit the ring and attacked.  Young hit his finisher on Cara, then Titus shoved Rey hard to the corner and hit Clash of the Titus.  They got on the mic, Titus screamed they had their title shots taken away, so they're going to start doing all the taking now.  Young echoed the sentiments with JBL saying "that's how you make a name for yourself."

Eve Torres defeated Beth Phoenix via pinfall.  Layla joined the commentary team to watch the match.  JR said Kaitlyn has some torn tendons but will be good to go in a bit.  Layla talked about how suspicious what happened last night with Kaitlyn and Eve was.  JBL kept saying all these conspiracy theories are nonsense.  Layla say she made a simple mistake for one second last night with the handshake.  Late in the match, Eve shoved Beth Phoenix to the corner hard then got the quick rollup pinfall for the win.  Layla said "Eve manipulates everybody."  Eve went to ringside to hold her title up for the fans.  Layla stood up to stare at her for a brief face off.

Brodus Clay defeated Heath Slater via pinfall.  Clay built up late match momentum taking down Slater several times.  Antonio Cesaro was doing commentary and got up on the apron to distract Brodus.  That allowed Slater to go for the big pinfall win, but Clay kicked out.  Slater jumped off the corner but Brodus used his head to hit him down.  From there, he hit the diving splash for the pinfall win.  Cesaro yelled at Clay from the ramp as he celebrated in the ring.

The Miz came to the ring for his brand new talk show, Miz TV.  His first guest was Smackdown GM Booker T, who he complained to about the match last night he had to win against four opponents blindfolded.  Miz kept putting the mic up to Booker to ask a question but then would pull it away.  He accused Booker of wanting to stay in the spotlight so much that he was banning then reinstating the Brogue Kick, or putting Miz in a Fatal Fourway match to try to punish him.  Booker grew irritated and snatched the mic away from Miz saying he has another guest he might want to talk to.  Ryback's music hit and he came out to the stage.  After his pyro, Ryback stormed down the ramp and into the ring, making Miz flee.  Ryback started tossing the leather couches and other set pieces out of the ring towards Miz.  Cole called Ryback "the one man moving service."

Dolph Ziggler defeated Santino Marella via pinfall.  Vickie had the Cobra sock in hand causing Santino to get distracted and yell out at her.  Ziggler used that as his opportunity to hit the Zig Zag for the pinfall win.

They replayed Wade Barrett's promo on the mic from Smackdown saying next week "One lucky person will get to sample the product, and after that, business will be booming."

Wade Barrett defeated Justin Gabriel via pinfall.  Gabriel actually put up a good fight during this one.  During the match, "Bring Back Nexus" and "We Want Nexus" chants started up.  Gabriel countered late in the match to slam Barrett to the mat.  He followed with a springboard moonsault for a 2 count.  Moments later, Barrett tossed Gabriel up in the air letting him hit the mat face first.  He followed with a huge clothesline to KO Gabriel for the pinfall win.

Backstage, R-Truth was wearing a birthday party hat when Kofi came in. Truth wished him a happy birthday, but Kofi said it's not his birthday.  Jared from Subway was there with a big table full of subs, talking about a special deal for fans in Bridgeport, home of the original Subway.  He gave Truth and Kofi each a sub.  Truth asked for another for Lil Jimmy.  They left, and Damien Sandow showed up to give Jarred his own sub idea.  Jarred offered him a meatball marinara and Sandow said "you're welcome," before walking off.  Finally, Ryback entered the scene and said "Feed Me More" prompting Jarred to quickly hand over a sub. Ryback looked at the table and snatched another sub, then walked off.

Daniel Bryan was shown walking down the backstage hall yelling "I'm the tag team champions" to different people.  Kane was shown doing the same thing.

They showed footage from earlier today with Jerry "The King" Lawler arriving to Memphis, TN, where Dr. Michael Sampson greeted him on the runway as Lawler exited the plane.  Cole said Lawler will be on Raw next week for exclusive interview, via satellite.

Daniel Bryan and Kane defeated R-Truth and Kofi Kingston to retain the WWE Tag Team titles. On his way down the ramp, Bryan kept yelling "NO!" and even ripped up a fan's sign.  He stopped and yelled "NO" in several fans' faces.  Bryan got on the ring corner to say "I'm the tag team champion," right before Kane's pyro hit to bring him to the ring.  Bryan and Kane had their early issues again, but Bryan ended up getting double teamed and worn down by Truth/Kofi.  He managed to finally break away for a hot tag to Kane.  Kane came in and cleaned house but as he backed up to get ready for a chokeslam, Bryan looked like he was gonna slap tag him.  Kane turned and stared him down, then grabbed Bryan around the throat.  Bryan dropped off the apron causing Kane to hit the top rope neck-first.  Truth nearly got the pinfall win, but Bryan rushed in for the save.  The finish saw Kane hit his chokeslam on Truth, but as he fell down, Bryan slap tagged him.  Bryan put the No Lock on Truth to make him tap.

Post-match saw Bryan holding up both belts proclaiming himself the tag team champions.  Kane took them away and did the same thing.  Finally, Bryan suggested they hug it out with the fans behind the idea.  Kane finally did so, but Bryan yanked away his tag team belt and started up the "I'm the tag team champions" routine again.

They showed highlights from a B.A. be a STAR program held in Bridgeport once before which had Big Show, Stephanie McMahon and David Otunga speaking to kids at a school.  Back to the live arena, Justin Roberts introduced kids from the school seated in the audience who stood up to get cheered by fans.

Randy Orton defeated Tensai via pinfall.  Late in the match, Tensai used his claw grip on Orton's neck to keep him down on the mat for a while.  Orton fought to his feet, then hit a huge powerslam as Tensai rushed at him from the ropes.  Orton clutched his back, as he went to fight Tensai who was outside the ring.  Moments later, Tensai hit Orton and got on the apron, but Orton got a knee into his head, then hit the DDT through the ropes.  JBL noted Orton was hurting and didn't have the energy to make a cover.  Orton dropped to the mat to pound away ahead of his RKO.  Tensai shoved him away on the RKO attempt to the corner, but Orton stopped himself.  He avoided Tensai rushing him at the corner, then hit the quick RKO for the win.

Heyman and Punk were talking backstage when David Otunga came walking up with Alberto Del Rio.  Otunga said on behalf of Del Rio, Alberto is expecting him to follow his lead in the tag match tonight.  Heyman said on behalf of the WWE champion, he's been champ for 302 days and doesn't follow anyone's lead.

Damien Sandow came to the ring on the mic, asking his music to be cut so he could speak.  He started a vocab lesson since it's "Back to School" season.  He told JR that "slobberknocker" isn't in the dictionary, then offered new vocab words for the crowd: temerity, ignoramus, and miscreant.  He kept going but Zack Ryder's music hit to interrupt.

Damien Sandow defeated Zack Ryder via pinfall.  Late in the match, Ryder hit the Broski Boot on Sandow in the corner.  Sandow kicked out of the pinfall though.  Moments later, Sandow cut off Ryder on another of his moves to hit the neck breaker finisher for the win.  Post-match, Sandow did a cartwheel in the ring as JBL commended his victory.

World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus arrived out first for the main event, followed by John Cena who came out in the new pink and black ring gear.  Alberto Del Rio drove out in a fancy car and got introduced next by Ricardo Rodriguez, followed by WWE Champion CM Punk, who came out with Paul Heyman.

John Cena and Sheamus defeated Alberto Del Rio and CM Punk via pinfall.  Late in the match, Del Rio and Sheamus knocked one another down as Cena and Punk were on the apron wanting to tag in.  They ultimately got their wish and went at it again after last night's main event.  Cena gained control and went for the You Can't See Me, with Punk sticking his leg up to try to block.  Cena grabbed his leg and turned it into the STF.  Del Rio rushed over to make a save, but then Sheamus blasted him with a Brogue Kick to take him out of the ring.

The close saw Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment on Punk near the ropes where Heyman was on the outside.  Cena made the pinfall cover and Punk got his leg on the bottom rope at the last moment of the pin count.  Cena and Sheamus were declared winners as Paul Heyman and Punk tried to argue their case.  They kept arguing even after Cena and Sheamus left the scene.  The ref left the ring and Punk and Heyman chased after him.  Punk kept yelling at him as they went backstage and Raw ended.

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