Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Main Event Results 12/12/12

WWE Main Event Results:

Michael Cole and The Miz started things off for commentary.  They talked up the upcoming TLC Pay-Per-View on Sunday and tonight's main event.

A Ryback video package was shown highlighting the recent incidents involving The Shield.  After that, Cole and Miz talked about CM Punk's injury a bit until Ricardo Rodriguez started talking on the mic.  He introduces a video package showing off Del Rio's background story.

Ryback defeated Alberto Del Rio via pinfall.  Late in the match, Ryback hit a running powerslam and set up for the Meathook clothesline but Ryback went to the outside.  Ryback went to suplex ADR back into the ring,  but ADR escaped and got an armbreaker.  Ryback goes to the corner, with ADR hitting his back of the head kick for near fall.  Moments later, ADR hit away on Ryback and went for the Cross Armbreaker.  Ryback picked up Del Rio and ran him into the corner, then hit the Meathook.  He followed up with Shellshocked for the win.

Post-match backstage in the locker room, Matt Striker talked to Ryback.  Ryback talked about survival and how he's top of the food chain.  He says he and Team Hell No need to breathe together and feed together at Sunday's PPV.  Striker asks if he can co-exist, and Ryback says "YES! YES! YES!"

3MB defeated Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd via pinfall in a 3-on-2 handicap match.  3MB agreed to only wrestle if it was all 3 of them, which Team International Airstrike agreed to.  Late in the match, Kidd had a near fall on Slater but Mahal and McIntyre broke it up.  From there, Gabriel took out Jinder and Drew with a crossbody from the top.  Gabriel then clotheslined Mahal to the outside.  Kidd hit a shoulder block and sunset flip on Slater for a near fall, but McIntyre hit a cheapshot to Kidd from the floor.  From there, Slater hit the Smash Hit finisher for the pin.  Post-match, the trio celebrated with some air guitar in the ring.

Next week's main event match features Kane vs. Cody Rhodes.

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