Friday, July 31, 2009

Smackdown Recap 07.31.09

Smackdown Recap from Baltimore, MD:

As Smackdown opened, highlight footage from Night of Champions replayed Jeff winning the World Heavyweight Title from CM Punk. Jeff Hardy was introduced to the crowd as the new champion, and came to the ring to speak. Jeff talked about this being a great moment for him, and thanked all those who supported him. He added that CM Punk was trying to force his lifestyle down everyone's throats, but they said no to him. Jeff said he was high on being the Champion for the fans. He also added that Punk would be using his rematch clause on whoever is the champion after tonight. Jeff then hyped his match with John Morrison for the title later on, and Cryme Tyme came to the ring for the first match of Smackdown.

Cryme Tyme vs. The Hart Dynasty

The winner of this match gets to faceChris Jericho & Big Show at SummerSlam 2009 for the Unified Tag Team Titles. Late in the match, JTG had control and hit a backbreaker on Kidd in the ring, but Smith rushed in to break up the pin attempt. Shad came in to take Smith to the outside, and jumped from the apron to clothesline Smith down. Back in the ring, JTG hit the Shoutout finisher to collect the win. Cryme Tyme started to celebrate, but it was interrupted when Jericho and Show made their way to the ramp.

Jericho told Cryme Tyme to enjoy their moment of victory because it would be all downhill from there. Cryme Tyme reminded them about what happened when Shaq was there on Raw. They also called Jericho "Christina" and said they'd be leaving Summerslam as the new champs. Jericho and Show told Cryme Tyme to enjoy their party with the criminals because at Summerslam the party will be over.

Winners: Cryme Tyme wins via pinfall over The Hart Dynasty

Melina & Eve vs. Michelle McCool & Layla

In this fast paced divas match, Eve managed to escape an early sleeper hold by Michelle McCool. They both made tags to their partners, and Melina came in to take control against Layla. Melina was about to use a reverse DDT on Layla, until Michelle rushed into the ring to boot her in the face. Eve rushed in to take Michelle outside to the floor. Out on the floor, Michelle kicked Eve in the face to knock her down. McCool got back to tag Layla and tried to put the Faithbreaker on Melina. Melina reversed it and hit her finisher for the win.

Winners: Melina & Eve win via pinfall over Michelle McCool & Layla.

Josh Matthews interviewed CM Punk backstage about losing his title to Jeff Hardy. Punk said he thought it was an upset, and that the better man didn't win the match. Punk said he wished more people were straight edge and told Jeff to enjoy his moment. Punk said he'd take on the winner of Jeff versus Morrison for the title.

Dolph Ziggler was shown backstage with Maria getting ready for his upcoming match.

Rey Mysterio & Finlay b. Dolph Ziggler & Mike Knox

After Mysterio went for a 619 in this match on Knox, Knox avoided it, but Rey kicked him and tagged in Finlay. Finlay came in with serious momentum as he took Knox down several times. Finlay was able to kick Knox when Knox charged at him in the corner. But moments later, Knox was able to boot kick Finlay down. Finlay had an apparent leg injury which Knox and Ziggler both began to target as they played "keep away" with Finlay.

Ziggler and Knox continually tagged in and out. The duo worked to prevent Finlay from a tag for a good bit of time, until Finlay escaped Ziggler to finally tag Rey in. Rey was able to use his fast pace offense to gain control against Ziggler, eventually hitting 619. Knox came in to break up Rey's pin after his splash move on Ziggler. Finlay rushed in to clothesline Knox out of the ring. Ziggler started to attack Finlay from behind, so Rey tried to roll up Ziggler for a pin. With Ziggler still on his feet, Finlay hit an elbow on him to take him down into Rey's rollup pin.

Winners: Rey Mysterio & Finlay win via pinfall over Dolph Ziggler & Mike Knox.

Josh Matthews interviewed a confident John Morrison backstage who vowed to win the World Heavyweight Title in his match tonight.

The Great Khali and Ranjin Singh were shown walking backstage on their way out for the next match.

The Great Khali vs. Charlie Haas

Early on, Charlie Haas gave his best attempt to strike away at his larger opponent. That's all there was for his offense though, as Khali started to pulverize Haas. Khali was ready to deliver his finisher, but all of a sudden Kane snuck into the ring. Khali turned around and Kane escaped out of the ring. Kane grabbed Ranjin Singh as his hostage and started to go up the aisle. Khali came out to chase Kane, causing Kane to drop Singh at the bottom of the ramp. Khali checked on Singh while Kane was up at the top of the ramp staring at Khali.

Winner: The match ended in a no contest/draw when Kane interfered.

Backstage, both John Morrison and Jeff Hardy were shown getting ready for their main event match.

Jeff Hardy vs. John Morrison
World Heavyweight Championship

Morrison and Hardy's battle for the World Heavyweight title lasted over 20 minutes in a free TV classic! The match included some great offensive strikes including a standing moonsault by Morrison onto Jeff for a pinfall attempt. As things wound down, Morrison shoved Jeff into the corner, and Jeff tried for Whisper in the Wind but missed it. Morrison managed to gain the advantage and tossed Jeff to the corner, to connect on a flying heel kick. After a failed pinfall, Morrison scored some more moves and went for Moonlight Drive. Jeff reversed it into a suplex and then connected on a Swanton Bomb off the corner. Morrison somehow kicked out of it. The two continued their battle, with Morrison eventually run at Jeff in the corner to try for Starship Pain. Jeff put his legs up to block it, then hit a Twist of Fate on Morrison. After a second Swanton Bomb, Jeff was finally able to score the winning pinfall.

After the match, CM Punk's music came on and Punk came to the ring to applaud Jeff's win. Punk raised up Jeff's hand, pretending to congratulate him. Punk got on the mic to start a promo, but was faking it and then punched Jeff in the face. From there, Punk continued to beat away on Jeff outside the ring, and threw him into the crowd barrier. CM Punk kept beating on Hardy near the announce table. Punk tore his shirt off and started walking away, but then came back to toss Jeff over the announcers table. Punk got on the mic to tell everyone to watch next week when he reclaims the World Heavyweight Title.

Winner: Jeff Hardy wins via pinfall over John Morrison to retain the World Heavyweight Title.

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Blogger Steve G. said...

Good recap man, do you think Morrison is ready for that push to the main event? Like an actual title run?

August 1, 2009 at 8:12 PM  
Blogger MC said...


I think so. He was really put into the spotlight the other night, much like he was when he first defeated CM Punk for the ECW title a few years back at the PPV. Which probably means Punk will win the title back from Hardy, and Morrison will become the new challenger. Morrison deserves a major title with the work he's put in and talent he's showing.. but as always the fans will need to really be behind him for WWE to put (& keep) a major title on him.

By the way if anyone missed that near classic Hardy vs Morrison fight from Smackdown, you can see the episode on

August 2, 2009 at 2:42 AM  
Blogger Steve G. said...

Sadly WWE has a business side to things and if Morrison isn't selling tickets and merchandise or anything like that he might not get a title run maybe they have enough faith in him to give him the belt and see what happens but i'm not too sure about that.

I really do think CM Punk will win his title back and don't be surprised if he does it in some vicious fashion like knocking Jeff out or using the anaconda vice i don't think his victory will be clean.

August 2, 2009 at 8:56 AM  

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